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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Best I could do, really hard to find all the specs that you wanted. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/184/1/b/mecha_death_rhino_forum_sig_by_bronyswag-d6buuuq.png
  2. Hey guys I'm back now! I can start making stuff again. Complications at my job resulted in me losing that job. So now I have no job I'm gonna start on your sig, but mannnnnn this sentence is so unorganized... I can start it right now and try to decipher it while I go through it, but it would be oh sooo amazing if you could fill out the pre-made form for signatures. Thanks! EDIT: Also, could you send me links to the pictures of MekaGojira and Kiryu? I don't know which one is "modern" or not.
  3. This is more of an off topic thread but I like the first.
  4. You are a good friend Church, stay that way (:
  5. Crazy how fast this site grew and how many people have come and gone. I'm glad I've been here to see this place grow into such a nice community!
  6. Looks amazing! I'll definitely have to try it out!
  7. That's what I thought haha! But unfortunately no. ): You have to look really really hard to see it.
  8. Wut. I would like an explanation. I did figure it out while I looked at it in photoshop. I just wanna see if you guys can
  9. Welcome to the forums! A good strategy is to always be with a team mate and don't rush without somebody else. If you ever want to play online let me know!
  10. Happy Birthday!

  11. This promo is always on and off. They've been doing it for a couple months now.
  12. Welcome to the forums!!! Enjoy your stay here! Nice name by the way... ^.^
  13. The Universe Project ^Link Above^ The Universe Project is a simulation of humanity through time that plays like a video game. If you haven't seen the concept video yet, you'll want to check that out first! What are your views on a game like this?? Think it's possible? Would you buy it? What would you do in the game? I've watched the Q&A's and read as much as I can on it and from what the developer says, it seems highly possible! I am looking forward to it and it might be the next big thing!
  14. You are a beast!!! Do you have a deviantart?
  15. ^^ I was so upset that the arbiter wasn't in Halo 4, and I hope they put the elephant in it >.<
  16. Awesome art!!! When it comes to drawing, I get lucky to have a good stick figure...
  17. That final mission brought tears to my eyes.. Halo 4 had such an epic campaign, very deep.
  18. Well and this is what every interface is gonna look like soon. Everything is going touch screen so might as well get used to it haha
  19. I don't think she's against the UNSC, she just knows that she's smarter than everyone on there and that she knows stuff that they couldn't even comprehend. Although, she has gotta be pissed about them withholding info about Chief and keeping her prisoner.
  20. Try going to your Account Management and check your recent downloads. See if it's there and if it is, delete it and redownload it.
  21. I loved it a lot! It would be amazing if they would just hurry up and make a movie already! Talk about easy money for them!
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