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Everything posted by DerpWithAGun

  1. I would love Halo to incorporate weapon model changers. Like, In Halo 5, the BR is a new model that is Halo 5 BR. When you do a special challenge you unlock the Halo 4 version of the BR, and another challenge you can get the Halo 3 battle rifle. All battle rifles would shoot the exact same and have the same ammo clip ect, except the weapon model is different. This would be for every gun. So it's pretty much personal prefference.
  2. Hi, Play Team slayer Pro. Set loadouts, no perks, no armor abilities.
  3. Don't swear. I don't think it's gone anyway dude. Does it matter lol? 5k XP is nothing. Cang et that in 2 games.
  4. I just created the best KOTH loadout for Halo 4. Now I have a KDR of 3.22 for KOTH. Secret loadout is secret.

  5. Isn't it illegal to be sexist, racist or abusive? Correct me if wrong. In America, you have freedom of speech, but some things are offensive to others and will get you into trouble. I can't go up to my teacher and tell her to "get back in the kitchen" for example. That's freedom of speech isn't it? But it's also sexist, offensive and would probably get me a suspension. Hence, I'm not silly enough to be sexist to anybody.
  6. I agree with you on the Regicide thing. I'm playing now and I ALWAYS get either 1st or 2nd place because of what you just said. It's annoying. I also agree that they should have had more classic playlists like doubles and SWAT at launch but I heard they will be implemented in the next update probably in December. Seriously, I don't know why everyone is complaining. Halo 4 is great. The only disappointment for me is the Forge world maps. (too small)
  7. It's called Team Slayer Pro and it's in Halo 4. It has pre set loadouts, insta spawn and sprint, but no armor abilities or perks or killstreaks.
  8. Damn, already reached the maximum online XP for today. I'm SR24 and got Halo 4 about 20 hours ago.

  9. Halo 4 is awesome! I'd only give it a 9.5 out of 10 though. The forge maps are way too small. Gameplay is very fun and addictive. But I don't like the player count. Instead of 70k, it should be 1 million! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      little over an hour in California, plus not everyone is gonna play it tonight, wait till tomorrow and the player count will jump up

    3. DerpWithAGun
    4. skummgummigubbe


      not everyone goes on night release

  10. My mates are sleeping over so, multiplayer War Games. When they leave, Legendary Campaign.
  11. This is a better video of that map. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f7uv1CyT7M&feature=g-all-u
  12. Hey guys, I got bored and I'm trying to pass time before I go to midnight launch tomorrow, so I made this topic. I came up with an idea for a ranking system that could work in Halo 5, or even Halo 4 with a Title Update (unlikely). This idea I came up with is just one ranking system that is both skill based and progression at the same time, which means it would cater to both casual and competitive players. Firstly, ranks would be divided into Divisions. Each Division would contain 15 ranks. There are 7 divisions, S,A,B,C,D,E and F. F being the lowest/most unskilled players and S being the best of the best. Every time you rank up, you will get 1 Spartan point. You can spend these points on tactical packages, support upgrades and Armor Abilities ONLY. But, say you are rank F-15, and then you rank up again, you will go to E-1. When you reach the next division more weapons and armor will unlock without need to purchase them. At F rank, you will only have an Assault Rifle, Magnum, Frag grenades. Armor abilities can only be purchased upon reaching E rank, support upgrades/ tactical packages at D rank, and Armor Specialization can be used at B rank. Every time you hit a new division, weapons and armor will unlock for you automatically. E rank gets you BR and DMR, D rank gets you Carbine, Storm Rifle and Plasma grenades, and C gets you forerunner weapons. This is the important part, to ensure balanced and fair gameplay, so that everyone has the same weapons ect, when you play War Games you cannot be matched with anyone who is NOT in your division. If you are in A division, you will only play against Division A players. XP gaining works the same as Halo 4. 10 points for kill, 15 for headshot, Snapshot 20, ect. The only difference is that, if you get 10 points for a killing someone, and then you die straight after, you will lose 10 points. Death = -10 points, Kill = +10 points. Most things will have a counter. Also, if your team wins the match, you get a match bonus of 100 points. If you lose, you get no points added or deducted. This XP system will stop people who AFK in games and do nothing, like the people in Halo 3. If you just sit there do nothing, and get no kills, you will lose XP, because people will kill you. If you are AFK and your team wins, you will get 100 points, but if you have 0 kills and 10 deaths, no XP for you. You will gain XP for doing many other things than just getting Kills and Winning. You can get bonus XP for Flag captures, Flag Capture assists, wheelman assists, ect. Also, to stop players boosting other players, example I am Division A-5 and I want to boost my friend and help him win easier because he is only a Division D-8, I can't because the game will not allow a party-up between two players who are in different divisions. I can party up with him only if we are both in the same division, or we are playing in Social Playlists. Social Playlists do no grant you XP. Social Playlists will be playlists with set loadouts i.e SWAT, Snipers, MLG, Slayer Pro. These gametypes may be played competitively and may or may not have their own separate rank system, like a 1-50. That's my idea of a ranking system that is both casual and competitive, and does not have flaws and ways to cheat the system/rank up faster.
  13. just built a new target. my new compound bow has never been more enjoyable to shoot!

  14. Halo 4 does not have bloom for precision weapons, except for the DMR. There is also bloom for the AR, Storm Rifle and Magnum. That's all. BR, Carbine and LR don't have bloom at all. Also, there is a ranking system. And get your facts right before you post because Reach also had a ranking system but it wasn't an in-game UI like Halo3. If you go on waypoint you can see your ranking under "BPR". Halo 4 should also be using the BPR skill system, which is ultimately better than Halo 2 and 3 system.
  15. my mate is preordering Halo 4 standard from a different shop from me and is giving me the preorder bonus for 1600ms point! now I get 2 preorder bonus!

  16. Nice, very informative information. Although most of our members know this already, it's good to have all these confirmed details in 1 post. Thanks. I would also like to point out, a while ago when 343i announced FUD would be in the LE, they said the LE get exclusive bonus 1 or 2 episodes. I'm sure I heard this somewhere. Someone please confirm.
  17. That was funny that day. I laughed so very hard. If i was the guy who stole the truck, I would have uploaded a Youtube video of me burning the truck, with all the games inside.
  18. That's called map control, and it's the main objective to do in a 1v1 match so ensure a win. But you wouldn't be able to do that in Halo 4 because of the random drop locations.
  19. What do you mean? You can just make the max party size 1. Can't boost now.
  20. I believe there should be a 1v1 playlist in Halo 4. It would be very fun. I love to 1v1 people but I can never find anyone on forums or friend lists to come and 1v1 me, if they do accept they are either better than me by a lot, or they suck bad. I thought it would be pretty cool to be able to 1v1 any random who I've never met. There wouldn't be any lag as the War Games always searches for people with a good connection. What are your thoughts?
    1. Fire


      I'm glad you are able to shell out $200+ at will

    2. DerpWithAGun


      Yeah I've been saving money from birthdays and christmas. I actually just spent 300 alone on a compound bow and I am also selling a lego star wars ship that's worth 700 +

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