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  1. >I find it rare extremely rare for a whole team to camp in the rocket spawn, I barely see top players and beginners do that and ive seen a lot of full game videos,even so it would be easy to fix with a few nades, the weapon indicators ruin responsibility and exploration for the power weapons. >i think halo 4s AR is also effective midrange as well, but ill still grant you that its just close range. I doubt that "getting a little distance" because for both players will have the same movement speed (most of the time) and the time it takes to "get a little distance" wont be enough to save you from the easy spray of the AR. >unless they spam X after they die which would most likely happen. >me un-raging wont reduce the amount of 1 hit weapons in the game > since the whole load out thing and the "own playstyle" sounds a bit like COD, ill say this in a cod way. I am not gonna be a "camper/nooobtuber" just because i might not be able defeat them and If a lot of people DID do that and took your advice, the game would be a muddy(noobtube) and boring (camping). The idea of you mentioning "your own playstyle" is in contradiction to "just do what they do".
  2. The AR is easy to use but i because of its ease of use should be weak, putting it on par with DMR or BR is like 343 telling me " yeah stuff your years of practice with pacing/leading your shots and strafing, this guy with the AR can just run at you", I think that the balance should be AR= easy to use, weaker whilst DMR/BR harder to use, stronger. yes nothing is perfect i guess every halo except halo 4 had its minor issues but still felt like halo, 343 steered so far away from the bungie halos an AR is good close to mid range, its also good for beginners before they progress to precision weapons and figure out how to move right and how to shoot DMRs and BRs. Again its easy to use but the drawback must be its weak dmg i have never been this upset about a halo game, ive played 1 , 3 (the reason i bought a 360) and Reach. I actually sold the game for 9 dollars below the bought price a few days after the game's release
  3. alright youve adressed my last point ill grant that, but even so, i live in australia and everytime i go on slayer pro i get paired up with americans causing lag and black screens. Also the other 4 major points and maybe some other little points that i havent mentioned, still are existent and problematic in slayer pro. well i cant really complain about the minor things like glitches and lag which are very much not intended ( yet i complained about getting lag in my previous reply ) but im nerdraging about the things that are set and much intended like the weapons indicator or the many effortless guns.
  4. agreed, i atleast want a matchmaking game thats built from the ground up.
  5. (moving this thread to a more appropriate category) Posted 08 November 2012 - 12:33 PM reasons why i think halo 4 multiplayer sucks > no power weapon timing/control since its just pointed out in the map or ordinance, there is no insentive to explore, there is no responsibilty. >all the precision weapon practice from halo 2 to reach gets shut down EASY with an AR,(this is kinda like 343 telling me, "screw your years of trying to master your shot pacing/strafing/reticule leading, ill give this AR to this beginner") >T-bagging is pretty much gone which was a tactic in itself as well as a notorius yet traditional part of the halos >very less work is needed to kill because of many 1 hit kill weapons >how is it an even playing field when 1 person can have faster reload/weapon change and somone else scavenge many nades which can give a great edge to a team depending on the map. yes i am butthurt/nerdraging, but i feel pretty strong about this, i wanna get peoples thoughts on this coz i feel pretty alone with lotta people saying halo 4 multi is the best thing yet.
  6. why should it deserve balls when its so easy to use? i think its lack of balls was the trade off for making it easy to use, and the difficulty of pulling off great shots whilst moving correctly on dmr/br was made up for its balls.
  7. oh yeah and i hope they bring the "good connection" option coz here in australia, id rather wait a while for a solid fair game than an immediate sloppy connection game, and ive found that when playing slayer pro i get paired with american people
  8. no way the halo 3 AR is like the AR in 4, beating an AR with a BR in halo 3 was soooooo easy, but in 4 they made the up to par with the precision rifles which makes the efforts of pacing ur shots/aiming for the head at the last shot/ strafing kind of useless if the other person has a halo 4 AR well i heard 343 was gonna bring team doubles with an update of some sort so i think ull get back ur objective big team and other gametypes, and yeah i do agree with the whole not exploring as much for the power weapons and this really bugs me. I also definitely agree with the bring back default map weapons and i do like the balance of vehicle placements. and i guess the radar thing is maybe compensated by the Promethean vision. I think im complaining more on the removal of some of the competitive aspects soooo im not really sure about the " remove long range weaponry " coz i think on a competetive level thats how u distinguish between a good and bad player
  9. reasons why i think halo 4 multiplayer sucks > no power weapon timing/control since its just pointed out in the map or ordinance >all the precision weapon practice from halo 2 to reach gets shut down EASY with an AR >T-bagging is pretty much gone which was a tactic in itself as well as a notorius yet traditional part of the halos >very less work is needed to kill because of many 1 hit kill weapons >how is it an even playing field when 1 person can have faster reload/weapon change and somone else scavenge many nades which can give a great edge to a team depending on the map. yes i am butthurt/nerdraging, but i feel pretty strong about this, i wanna get peoples thoughts on this coz i feel pretty alone with lotta people saying halo 4 multi is the best thing yet.
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