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Everything posted by ItsMrDeath2You

  1. point 1 I only played for an hour, how many games can you play in an hour? not enough to get banned for! point 2, I ruined others experence, that bull shi*t because if they were not betraying i would not have quit!, also when you quit they get a new incoming player, so please tell me how it was their expereince that was ruined not and not mine. i would really like to know! also i would like anyone to find another mutiplayer online game that banns people for quitting. heres a list one that don't Cod, halo wars,Moh, left4dead. i litteraly can not think of any other franchise that punishes players without the boosting,hacking,using mod controler,modding, or actually verbaly harrassing other players. halo is the only one! and it not right! halo 3 really did have it right, if you quit you lost exp, not get banned.banning goes too far! what is the point when we now have incoming player system. lets go back to the H 3 way were players just lose exp. counter point 3, in halo wars when both of your teammates quit and your experience is then affected, you can quit too, and just start a new game.the only way that it becomes a bad thing is if you care about win loss record. h4 keep track of your wins but not losses or number of games played so that irrelevant. if their experence was so ruined then they could start a new game, where there experence was not affected, thats on them, thats their choise to stay in that game. I only leave when getting betrayed of a teammates is so bad he is going to have stats like 1 kill and 14 deaths at the end. also saying that quiting halo is like speeding on roads, thats vary extreme! no one gets physicaly hurt when people quit out of halo! but using that annlogy,1 i payed 343i for the game(like buying the vehical), 2 i pay microsoft to use xbox live (like taxes for road), 3 its more like being on a 50 mile an hour road then getting stuck behind someone doing 30, then get pulled over for passing while never exceeding 50 miles and hour. or like being on the road getting t-boned and then getting punished for the other driver hitting you. SO YOU ARE COMPLETELY WRONG!!!!!!! really can anyone name anyother game that banns for quitting. name 1!
  2. this dose not make sencse just cause the description of a perfections is: have 15 kills, 0 deaths, and WIN the game!
  3. your right in that h3 had as good of maps and playlists and ranking system as h2 in my opinoin thoses games are both fine. the hatred of reach for me comes from the contraditions to the other halos storylines, and contraditctions to the books which make the other games better. h4 did a wonderful job of have no contradictions and tying in with the new books. i did like reaches multiplayer except for the facts of, banning paying customers for quitting(that will always be BS in my mind, and sadly now h4 is doing that too).and armor lock. as far as banning people for quitting, no other game dose that! not cod, not halo wars, not left4dead, of MoH, i dare you to find one other game that punishes players for not wanting to play a specific match or play with specific teammates.
  4. there is a topic i replyed to earlier today that talks about how to get perfection. read that and others suggestions will help u up your game. da bears......in a van down by the river. lol try to join a clan, they will work with you if they are good, and help you up your game. i like this class DMR BR INVIS Firepower Ammo i have 3.0 k/d r. this class kicks but if you know how to use it. note use as mid to long range. invis is usless if they are close enough to see on radar.
  5. agree with you except that thing about sprint. sprint is the only thing i would keep as long as everyone got it. spartans were slow as h*ll in halo 3! play 1 game of reach then play halo3. you will see. i just want to through out there that halo 2 was the best shooter ever!!!!!!, and it had the best maps!!!!!! true statment! reach was the worst halo games ever! its story line completely contradictory to the other halos, and mutiplayer fun, but still some what disappointing that anyone could get inheritor. a true skill system is a must. why 343 made the same mistake as bungie boggles my mind! im not saying make the game for the pro's and not the majority, im just saying that dumbing down a game for the brand spanking new noobs, is not right! being competitve only makes a game better, why play if you don;t care about preformence.is it really fun to run at people shoot while missing die without getting a kill(unless their as bad as you) then rinse and repete. thats like saying i like being beat up everyday at school. people should want to get better and be incuraged to do so! no be happy with being mediocer or even dare i say it bad.
  6. i had 27 recorded prefections in reach on this tag before bungie stop recording stats because 343 took over. i had 32 on this tag, 8 on a different tag, and i have 5 in halo 4 so far. the trick is stay back help teammates win their fights. be a valutre or a kill stealer as people like to say. get the sniper as much as posible. the sniper and the dmr are your best friends when looking for perfections. also i dose not hurt to have a friend hang back with you and fight as a pair. im in a clan so teamwork is an automatic. others may not like you help, they may call you a kill stealer. but i say if you know where the line of fire is and your smart enough to stay out of it, and you help save a teammate while not putting your self at risk, then your the better player! even if you might not win an up close 1v1, don;t put your self in that situation! camp, and know the angles of the map. know where you are going to be seen from and camping spot and know what are your opponents most likly to be walking. if you are stationary with cover and they are walking out in the open you automaticly have an advantage. also use invisability! i did that in reach sometimes. ecspecialy when the perfection was in swat! have not needed to in 4. only if your dumb enough to use it in a high traffic area.lol. thats why camping on the sides in low traffic areas where the enemys are unlikly to go in the first place, they can't get behind you without you seeing them, and make them come at you with plenty of open space where they have no cover and you have cover is great. an expamly would be valhala or ragnorok. 2 of the five so far where on ranorok and i got snipe every time because i have sniper spawn times memorized, and was using invis. enemys never got closer then half a map a way. i killed them before they got close enough too see me on the radar regardless of if i was invis at the time or not. the point is if u use invis right next to some one then ya its stupid. but if u use it and don;t let them get that close in the first place its really useful. i have to double check but im pretty sure thats not true. because perfection has always (since reach) read have 15 kills and no deaths and be on the winning team in a slayer match. you could do it in h3 without it being slayer, but even then 15 kills 0 deaths and win. the and win is the hardest part!, at least if your team is bad! lol. that really su*ks, same thing happend to me today though. 18 kills no deaths and winning when host left and lagged me out. oops i ment know the maps angels not angles, lol. i know there were a few other typos too but i was in a hurry, and am to lazy to correct the others you guys know what i ment.
  7. im not going to quote any more to save space. so to vaulting frog first of all where did you read that spartans did not have sheilds until 2552, im not arguing i would just like to know. thanks second as far as healing one unit, why don't you just place the heal over the group. more than likly if one is hurt multipal are hurt. and thats a lot of effort for one hog. as far as the bases you have good points. but if you think about it 1 cobra could be equal to a gaurd tower in warcraft. personly i like both systems.1 being able to build whereever 2. being forced to use certain locations. they are just different i don't think one is nessicarily better than the other. as far the other game being a countrys game of choise, that game starcraft, is the newst versioin. that was not ture of the first two. the two that were out before this game. and yes in general pc rts are better just because you have more buttons, which means more commands. but for other rts out at the same time this game really did give them a run for their money, as far as tactics go! maybe not monitarily thanks for the debate. i am quite enjoying disscussing this game with you. thanks for not turning it in to an argument! also frog i like that your name has a heart in it. just thought i would through that out there. it adds a bit more character to the tag.
  8. thanks for the tips. basicly what happend is i played 10 games in 5 of them i got betrayed because i know the respon times of the snipers and get the sniper 90% of the time so teammates that wanted it but are not smart enough to learn spawn times would betray me. i should not have to deal with that. so i quit and find a lobby were kids are not that selfish. i (no one) should get penalized for not wanting to play with kids like that. by the way this has to be a new feature because last week i could quit out of 30 or fourty games in a day and never have a problem. and as i said before it is a really bad feature. it says please betray your teammates because you didn't get your way, and please don't think about improving yourself as a player because no matter how bad you are we will force someone else to carry you. like i said before in halo 3 when people quit on me because i was bad, that told me people don;t want to play with me. then i had to figure out why. because i caused them to lose by having 1 kill and 8 deaths. it made me analyze my game play and improve. what incentive do bad kid have now to get better? they don;t so instead of aspiering to get a 3.0 k/d like i am now capable of they stay at .8. bottom line you don;t prevent the people that payed for you to make this game from playing it unless they hack, use modded controlers, or hairass the other player or otherwise do somthing really uncalled for.without your customers you are nothing!!!! if you don;t make money you can't produce more games. why piss off the loyal customers. by loyal i mean i have bought every halo game ever, and gotten the top rank in each eventually. (like i said at first i really sucked at halo 3, but i didn;t go whineing to bungie becuase i was bad.) so if this is really the road you want to go down 343, you should take every gun out of the game except bolt shot, and the ones used for a noob combo, then we should add in armor lock and bubble sheild, and have a quit 1 game be banned for 60 min rule, put scorpions on every level give every one a rocket launcher for a primary all of the time if they want it. i mean if your really going to give in to every complaint a bad kid has. lets go ahead and just break the d*** game.
  9. really improtant. figure out the ranking structure before you have to many members other wise they might not respect you. My clan is called the Darkenforcers this is the structure that we used to use. we are currently trying out a new structure. each game we are in is called a division. at the top you have a division leader. he is responable for communicating with the clan president and council(council is made up of all divisoin leaders, president vice president and creator) under the divsion leader you have the branch directors. he communicates with divsion leader and branch leaders. asssist the branch leaders with any thing they might need help with. he is normally incharge of atleast two branch leaders. and sets up the agend and leads the weekly branch leader meeting branch leaders are responsible for making sure that any news from branch director gets to squad leaders and that squad leadres are doing thier job. squad leader is responsible for recruiting and making sure people stay active in the game. public relations officer falls out side of the ranking structure, he makes sure that any problems that squad leaders and branch leaders can't handel get resolved. he is also suppost to set up events, clan battles/ branch battles, so that members don't get board. a squad is made up of 9 people plus the squad leader. since a friends list has 100 spots a branch is made up of 10 squads. squad leaders in game clan tag read DE10,20,30 and so on up to 90. members would be DE11,12,13,14 or 21 22 and so on. reqular members don;t have to change their tag, but if the want to hold a leadership position they need to change it to show that they are more loyal. having this post is a good thing! but you will not get enough members doing this alone. so try mass messaging your recent players list every 3rd or 4th game. you might get some mean messages just ignore those, and keep up the good work. also when you send out your recruitment message make sure to include the requierments to be in message! example must have a mic, must be 15 years old, must have k/d ratio of 1.5 it dose not matter what your requerments are just make sure that people know before they join. when you get your clan set up message me if you want to do clan battles. events like that help both communities because the members will have an activity to participate in! thanks good luck!
  10. your right, but having the right to play and being a customer i should be able to play it how and when i want! they take away my right to play in the fassion i want (meaning not having to play with bad kids), even if only temperarily is just plain wrong! when i played halo 3 and people quit out on me all of the time, i was forced to up my game so that it would not happen anymore, and i did not even have other people join the game to replace the people that left. halo 3 had it right if they quit they lose exp and that their choise and they had a skill based ranking system. they did not bann players unless that player did somthing really really worng! and none of the garbage any one can get any rank providing their willing to be a no life. reach was garbage. and halo 4 is starting to turn into garbage. no mlg punish people for not wanting to play with bad kids and no skill recongnition why is halo chasing away the talent and intelegent people! and rewarding the noobs? this S^^^ makes no sence! the join game in progress is all the solutuion they should need. penelizing your loyal fans and customers for not wanting to play with certain people is just plain wrong! 343i remove this bann. and by that i don;t mean my specific bann, but the bann overall for every one if people are busy of quit to play with friends or just don't like their team they should not be forced to play with them!
  11. as far as selecting certain units out of a group that easy, one of the bumpers the right trigger! bumper selects all units or units on your screen the trigger allows you to scroll through the selected units and use just the ones you want. easy and quick! spartans being there dose make sence! did you look at the time line? the game is in 2531 reach is not until 2552 so at the point of halo wars there were lots of spartans doing lots of different missions! being forced to use certain spots for bases balances the game and forces you to use more stratigy! it took me a while to realize this having previously play games like warcraft and command and conqure where you can have any number of bases at any place on the map. using this system makes you need to learn how deploy your troops intelegently knowing when to defend and when to attack. if you could build a base anywhere the games would drag on forever trying to hunt them all down. this force you to have over all map control not just that 1 tiny choke point. but as for playing for a commuity palydate, thanks for being a good sport! at first to new players this game dose not seem to be as good as pc rts games but with a litte knowledge and experience it becomes a much better game because it has such great balance too it. it really dose requier much more stratigy than warcraft,starcraft,command and conqure or any other rts that was put out before or around the same time as this game!
  12. I was playing match making in halo4 today and after about 1 1/2 hour playing i got a message saying that i would be unable to play match making for the next 60 min because i left too many games.what the hell this is halo 4 not that garbage game reach. point/ arguments why this is complete bull @^#* 1. what is the point of having people join in to matchs that have already started if your going to have this stupid bann 2. why dose 343 want to stop their paying customers for using the product they payed for. bungie lost a lot for respect for doing this same garbage bann. if your team quits out on you its because you are bad. 3. No one should be penalized for not wanting to play with the bad kids. why am a basicly being forced to play the the betrayers and the kids who can't even manage a 0.5 kill/death ratio. i have 3.0 i should not have to play with that kind of garbage! 4.why is it 60 mins. that is so upserd even when that bad game reach did it it was only for 15 min. so what the H#LL. fact of the matter is i payed for halo 4 i should be able to play it how ever i want! if someone else is going to join that match anyway why are we penalizing people. why are we forcing people with talent and skill to play with kids that don't know the differece between the right trigger and the B button. i don't have to stand for that type of frustration. 343i don't ruin your game by copying bungies mistakes just because those kids that don't the difference between the trigger and the bumper are in the majority and complain too much. by giving in to their complaints you eliminate any incentive they had to get better! if they had skill of any kind of intelegence their team would not quit on them all of the time! I PAYED TOO PLAY THIS IS BULL S***!
  13. In the words of jim carry "I like it, I like it alot!" at first it seems to be of poor quality for an rts when compaired with command and conqer or warcraft or starcraft, but that is an opinion form the unexperienced and untrainded eye. this game is far more balanced than any of those games. maybe a bit more restrictive with the way you get resorces or the placment of bases, but that adds a whole new dynamic and balance to the game making as good or better than the other titles. also one should note that most rts are computer games not xbox games. for having a limited amount of controls/buttons, this games was awsome!
  14. not counting MC i just i one word, Johnson! Reach was completly contradictory to all of the other games and novels. reach's story line was garbage! but the multiplayer was good. at any rate, six should not have been able to get cortant to pillar of autum because in the book fall of reach (which came out first)pillar of autum was in space not in the planets atmosphere. and the book also states that pillar of autum was built in space and its not even knowen if it could handle atmospheric pressure from entering a planets atmosphere. so six should not have been able to/ did not really make that sacrifice. sorry to pop your bubble but...... same as above in regards to six. he may not have existed according to the time line and ghost of onyx, also for reasons i stated above he did not really do that mission because pillar of autum as actually in space. it is best to think of reach as a alternate halo universe, and not actually part of the rest of the story line. nice way to be original!
  15. Both the Karen Travers and Greg Bear's books are suppost to be trillogies if im not mistaken. both of them have done a wonderful job on the books that are out so far. they each have 1 left in thier trillogies right now and i do belive that Greg's last book should hit the book stores soon. don't know about the title or release date for Travers last book though. if anyone esle dose i would appreciate that info. thanks!
  16. correct me if im wrong. i thought that linda was mortaly injured, but before she died cheif put her in cryo with the hope that a med team could try to figure out how to save her. i don't think her actual death was ever actually stated. she almost died, then was frozen, where she reamins, and will probably die when thawed. am i wrong? with all due respect, reach dose not make sense, and there are several other topics most have been locked due to arguing that state this. 1 pillar of autum was in space in the book fall of reach, so why was it on planet in the game. 2 spartan 3 ages, the spartan three program started in 2531 i think, and the first two batches of spartan 3's all died during missions. oldest the could be is about 22 yet in the character bios of noble team it says they are all older. there are many other contradicition in reach as well. reach is contraditory to everthing else halo. but that is not the topic at hand i just wanted to clear up that the story line dose not make sense even given more time like you had suggested. as far as the OP, i think it would be awsome to see more spartan 2's! check out the spartanII's head count, or halo wiki spartan II's, because it gives a list of all known spatan 2's and their time of death if dead. i think that there are more than just kelly and fred left but i would have to double check. also has anyone played the original xbox title starwars republic commando? it had some really cool mechanincs in it. it was an fps where you only control one character, but as the leader of the group you could point at another member of your fireteam and then point to cover or a specific enemy and that squad member would the engage or provide cover fire. It would be cool to see halo try to use and improve on those mechanics(if not copywrited). first you get the old spartan 2's back then you get to control them from a squad leaders perspective. how awsome would that be? Mc points at kelly then tells her to get to cover at point A and provide cover fire, then tells fred to get to point B and do the same, enabling you to control the battlefield in a new tactical way. having none of that be cinamatic but actual in game play, where you as MC picked point A and B. that would be freaking epic!
  17. don't get me wrong because i am a huge halo fan! but i hope that there is no halo 9, i don't want to see this turn in to another money hungery franchies like final fantisy. i think there coming out with final fantisy 14 now. dear god will it ever end. what if there were 14 lord of the rings movies, or 14 starwars movies. i say let the series end on a good note rather than making too many sequals that just drag the original series plot lines and name through the mud. no need to tarnish the otherwise good track record that halo has, with exception to reach of corse. reach was a betrayal to all other halos! i love the multiplayer but the story had too many flaws and contriditions!
  18. i don't know about it being pointless he fixed so of your other spelling errors, but seeing as how this is not your actual book but just a post on a thread in a forum, its probably not a big deal. anyway i like your idea. there really has not been to much writen about the human civial war, so there is lots of room to expand that time period with fan fiction. i would be interested in reading it but please make sure you use the spell checker, judging by your op it will be a big help to you. any way good luck and keep up the good work!
  19. I like your ideas!, but i wonder how consistant it is with canon approved halo history. the biggest thing i can see right now though is that you should put it in actual paragraph form, rather than just stating one or two sentences and the puting a blank line inbetween them. keep up the good work though, and use spell check! also if you have not read the other halo books i would highly recomend it, because it would help to make sure that your story is consistant with canon.
  20. it seems that every one else has provided examples. i think that the link to catholic religion is far weaker than that of the norse or greek legends.in the halo games no one was killed then reserected, no one walked across water. i guess you could argue that the ark is a reference, and maybe the covenant wanting to cleanse the human race could be like the crusades or inqusition in a way. but it is far less concrete than using names straght from the greek and norse. i mean was there a character named noah or jesus that i missed? these other people worked hard to come up with a list of references so if you truly feel that there is a strong link between halo and christianity it would be nice if you did the homework and gave us a list too, rather than just making a vague statment.
  21. he is metioned in the thrusday war. halo 4 seems to do a much better job of staying true to the books then reach did, so i would think that there is a good possibility. maybe 5 will show some of the after math from the thursday war and we will be in the middle of the elite civil war. then again we could be fighting the flood again or some other unknown forrunners. no one really knows unless they work for 343i..... so until we get closer to the release date all we can do is make speculations.
  22. Me and My Friends define a rush in this game as an attack before the six min mark. i have a full pop cap at around 10 min mark. because i always build units first upgrade second, that way i can defend my self. in fact if you cant have a full army up by the 13 min mark i would go so far as to tell you that your are bad at the game. play around with different builds and always try for speed. if your not attacking until the 30 min mark you are giving the enemy team a huge advantage! regardless of my other point if most rushes are defendable without the help of your teammates unless your being attacked by multipal people. if attacked by the cheiftan or the profit before 5 min mark, five flamethrowers will win as long as they attack together. if rushed by infintry build flamethrowers. if by vehicals or air build turets on the far side of the base so that they don't see the turret but it can still shoot them. basicaly you need to be able to defend yourself, and you need to learn to make units quicker. there seems to be alot of room to up you game. good luck. best thing to do is watch any genreals on your team and try to learn from them.
  23. I knew about 90% of what has been stated in the topic so far. but this post about the scarabs being made for lekgolo is completly new news to me. seeing as how two diffrent people have posted it, i would be very interested to find out where you guys got this information from. what book, movie, or game did you see this info in?
  24. what get you more resorces quicker? build temple two ware house upgrade 1st ware house while second is building build 3rd while second is building. upgrade 2nd while 3rd is building. build 4th while 3rd is building. upgrade 3rd while 4th is building upgrad 4th or just build them all first and upgrade when you get the resorces. at first i thougt the top was faster, but now that i try both i seems hard to tell which is better.
  25. seems like a bad idea and a waste of resorces since 3 spartans is 900 resorces. i could do a lot with 900.
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