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King of Winter

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Everything posted by King of Winter

  1. The picture of the "360 portable" was extremely misleading.
  2. This is what happens when more and more members join, I remember celebrating 20k members, it feels like it was just yesterday. Now it is about 55k. I started becoming less and less inactive on this site when I sensed the negative energy grow, I don't remember how long ago was that, prolly long enough for me to be forgotten, but the community feel was just lost for me. As I stated in my, I believe, 500th post, I wasn't much for online communities. When I came here (august 2011) the feeling of a community was strong and very pleasing and I eventually stuck around and began to meet people. Lately I've just been lurking, and I don't see much of this anymore. Sadly.
  3. I'm enjoying it, I'm enjoying it good...real good...
  4. are we human? or are we dancer?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Me thinks human. Do you not have to be human to dance?

    3. Spyro


      I'm a dragon. and I can dance. *starts to dance*

    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Ummm, I'm a pony....

  5. The most attractive QB is Tom Brady, NOT Tebow >:o

  6. I'm so stupid, and I'm ugly. I'm a horrible human. (Go)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      For the last time Darkest, cookies are too mainstream, you can have a cheesecake, no more, no less. lol


    3. Minuette


      whom may I ask is Darkest?

    4. Azaxx
  7. One of the best parts of a birthday is getting facebook spam :3

  8. Happy Birthday Lionel

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azaxx


      It is in Australia, so Happy Birthday!

    3. Cooliest


      Happy Birthday. Herp de Derp.

    4. Spyro


      Happy B-day Brony, hope you have a fantastic day.

  9. You've been - THUNDERSTRUCK!

  10. While i was writing this I wasn't really basing him off anyone but after revising & reading the first chapter multiple times, I like to think that I based him off myself at a sub-conscious level. According to my closest friends, they see this character as a part of me that is kind of hidden to most people.
  11. So I have been writing this story called Royal Blood. I kinda gave up on it but decided to continue writing it in my writing elective at school. I am supposed to share a piece of my writing to the class some time in the future and the criticism is going to be brutal. As an attempt to not look like the worst writer from the 25 in the class, I would love feedback on the story as I am going. Currently I have chapter 1 done and will be continuing to chapter 2 once I change all of chapter 1 to 3rd person. But it's still here for you to read it. Not much is going to change from it. .ROYAL BLOOD. Chapter 1: http://www.writersca...Lionel/1007887/ (Not Final) Chapter 2: (Will be started once I finalize Chapter 1)
  12. Tom Brady, intercepted? *mind blown*

  13. Jon said that season 7 might be the last of arby n chief. ....might though
  14. There's no hating on the list, just opinions being stated... Respect the opinions of others.
  15. New profile picture comes a new signature...hopefully. I still like the one I have :3

    1. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      Judging by your profile pic, it'll be great, I'm sure of it.

    2. Azaxx
  16. I concur with Smokin and Brute, but congrats to the 15 anyways.
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