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King of Winter

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Everything posted by King of Winter

  1. Will you be my neighbor?

    1. Donut


      Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there!

    2. Maestro


      I don't have State Farm, but insurance, find me money!

  2. We still have Bungie making Halo, except under a different name, 343i. When Bungie parted from Microsoft most of the employees that worked on Halo stuck around and joined 343i. "Bungie" may seem like Bungie, but the real one is now called 343i.
  3. I would like to see a Halo 3 anniversary instead with a spin-off campaign and with the same exact Halo 3 multiplayer, of course remastered with the problems fixed, new armor unlocked with leveling/achivements/skulls and some remade maps from Halo 2 and Halo CE that haven't been remade created.
  4. In response to not liking Reaver from Fable 3: "I know right, his suit isn't even gucci."

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Reaver is baws


      His voice actor is baws

  5. IDK man but i just beat Fable 3 and I loved it haha. I already have Halo 3, but for the rest of the games, I don't care what they are, they're freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! haha
  6. Kingdom Hearts: I don't I tried it, but I could get into it, other people scream and shout over it when even just mentioned, I just don't get why.
  7. Microsoft has always been good to me too. Their customer service have treated me so well. And just like you "Xbox has always been my console and it always will be." I would have gotten the X1 regardless of the changes being made or not, cause what is life without Halo? lol. Besides that though, Microsoft has always given me a good experience when it came to either Xbox, Windows, their phones, etc.
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Azaxx


      I'm sticking with PC.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I don't care how the company thinks, basically all companies are greedy and corrupt. But our backlash towards their bullcrap resulted in them giving us a good console. Definitely buying Xbox One if Halo 5 is good.

    4. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      Every company's goal is to make money. As a hardcore Halo fan, I would get the X1 regardless of these changes happening or not.

  8. I'll stick with my original un-slim old beautiful #noredringsyet 60GB Xbox 360 <3
  9. I came here to see if it was the song or literally someone saying goodbye lol Welcome
  10. Looks like the PS4 is taking advantage of all the Xbox One controversy, lol
  11. Took the SAT today, feeling confident.

  12. Welcome to the inner workings of my mind.

  13. Haha, there was nothing to bump, I got rid of that Facebook Page a long time ago. But might as well post some memes here...
  14. We can all agree that animal abuse is wrong. So PETA is doing something good, stopping animal abuse, I support for what they stand for. The thing is, using Pokemon as an example or using it as a tool to get their point across, it's not very effective... (lol) Pokemon, I am not sure if this theme is displayed in Red/Green/Blue, Gen I in general, but in the very first episode of the show, and the Gen II games, show a strong theme of kindness and love towards the Pokemon. Going back to my first example, Ash, the first episode, Pikachu is all messed up from the Spearows, and Ash risks his life (if Spearows are capable of killing someone lol) to protect Pikachu, and I am pretty sure this is a reoccurring event in the rest of the show (I'm a bit behind lol). As for Gen II, when your rival pops up, I believe in victory road, and you beat him, he says something like "How could I lose?...What? You say I lost because I need to love my Pokemon?..." and so on. So pretty much the character you were playing as, became the trainer you made him/her become because you loved your Pokemon (I know I love my Totodile <3). PETA could have used something else, but Pokemon isn't the one.
  15. Glad to see this is still going on lol
  16. I swear if they call it xbox 720 ima facepalm so hard my nose will break. It's the dumbest name ever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Sucks for you guys, it's spring in the US WOO

    3. Azaxx


      Autumn here.

    4. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      Game of Thrones anyone?

  18. You guys might want to change the title to the right name.
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