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King of Winter

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Everything posted by King of Winter

  1. Picking SWAT Stockpile in SWAT just to credit boost... -

  2. I have a good feeling about Hunters, but not so much brutes since the Elites are against us again. I'm sure sometime in the trilogy though. They can't just disappear.
  3. Off to play SWAT like I do everyday

  4. Frank did say that if Spartan Ops is a success, they'll continue on to Elite Ops. If my memory doesn't fail.
  5. You can do much more with a PC than an xbox. But it is kind of an unfair comparison since they are 2 different things that may serve for the same thing but also for things that don't relate to the other at all. Like, writing essays and doing other school work? Video editing...just a couple of examples off the top of my head.
  6. "Um, not very likely." - Twilight Sparkle
  7. "Winning isn't everything...It's the only thing!" -Vince Lombardi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      "All I do is win" -Charlie Sheen

    3. SatanicBagels


      "Once upon a time, some weak pathetic [insert bad word starting with P] coined the phrase winning isn't everything."

    4. Minuette


      Mine is different

      "Winning isn't everything, Surviving is."

  8. "If you are epileptic, do not go to a Skrillex concert"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      "If you are epileptic, do not go to a Deadmau5? concert"

    3. Ardent Prayer
    4. SuperIntendant


      Skrillex is disgusting, the first half of his levels remix is good, but the rest is crap.

  9. Welcome back Twilight! You were greatly missed!
  10. Personally I hate you and I don't want you- haha just kidding I'm messing with you. I haven't talked to you much but from the times I've seen you around, you've been a really good member. No one wants you to leave, at least not me.
  11. Dammit Bullet, I gave in haha (Wait hold my request..) 343i Username: King Brony II GT: laSOAD4life Desired Team: 4 player (doesn't matter if I get on Team 1 or start off a Team 2) Will you have time to 1v1 today? EDIT: I can play 8:00pm-11:00pm PST
  12. I kinda appreciate my best friend setting himself to appear offline cause if he doesn't a bunch of stupid people will join our party and yell unnecessarily curses fight will each other and won't shut up haha.
  13. I've been noticing a lot of clans using the Squad structure...including the one I have planned...and that's if I don't get lazy to put it together haha
  14. My reasoning on why I don't think he should tell the girl he isn't interested. He might end up looking dumb.
  15. Don't have any info on the issue but I do wish a quick recovery for Halo Council. Good luck.
  16. Those things block my crosshair even when I'm playing with myself! It's annoying.
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