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Update: Username Policy


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will not be required to change them, although we would strongly recommend doing so, as continued use of non-alphanumeric symbology may adversely affect your ability to receive site Awards.


For those using characters of a different language, such as Chinese or Russian (poor HaloGeek)?


Also force number of name changes used to 0 when you do this, otherwise people can't changed because they're have to change to remove whatever annoying typography they're using to



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This is what I don't get. How is it hard? All you need to do is type in the part of the name that doesn't have the special characters. O.o


When handing out an award to multiple people, I use the 'bulk award' system so that I don't have to track them down individually and go through the single award process for each member: this takes about 2-3 minutes per member so it's not exactly long, but if I'm doing it for 15 people it can potentially add up to half an hour's worth of work. Now that's not a huge investment of time by any stretch, but it is time I could be using for other things like actually reading the forums, and since the member search function can potentially turn up thousands of members if all I can input is a fragment of a username (assuming I actually know their username and it hasn't changed) it can take a lot of time to find it that way. Incidentally, this is part of why whenever we hold a Community Event, we ask members to post in a sign-up thread with their GTs, because it gives us a nice convenient place where we can find members very quickly and match them to the GTs we saw in the lobby, and use the manual award system if the bulk award system doesn't like their name.


The way the bulk award system is configured is the other half of it, because characters in a username have to match up exactly with those of the member receiving the award - inputting even slightly wrong means the system just shows an error message and nobody receives any awards. What makes this even worse is that some special characters simply aren't recognised by the system, so even copying and pasting names doesn't work.

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It didn't occur to me back then, but where I come from, where I was trained to change my name, the limits are 1 name change per 3 months.


Oh, you think the rule is your ally, but you merely adopted the rule. I was born in it, molded by it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think your name should be your xbox gamertag. It is less confusing and changing names should be authorized through the site and only approved for good reasons... . Ladies an gents.. it gets very confusing to many when you change your names especially if you are on many posts and someone wants to look up and find a post from a previous message.. Be brave and stick to your name.. If you do not want your gamertag as your name then ask to change or alter your name so you are not looked up and found when you do not want it.. Not dissing name changes not calling out any names. It is just my experience in the past and I think you should use 1 name and only change it if you have changed your g/t on  xbox. I mean New here and it very confusing between threads seeing new names unless I have read that article looking for a change! Many gamertagss include the Clan/alliance in the name. I went from MacGrandma PMS to Macgrandma  and it was very confusing especially on forums! and I might say very HARD to change my name on most forums... Make a name you love and Keep it if especially if it can be your gamertag on Halo! :) It's a family! Live it! :)

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Not everybody has Gold, an active console playtime, or even an Xbox. We aren't a site dedicated to playing the Xbox together; we're a site dedicated to talking about a game franchise we know called Halo. The ability to change my name a billion times to reflect the things I love, the things I enjoy, the fads I jump on, the points I stand behind, only further enforces the feeling of community.


It has never, ever been hard for me to figure out where a person's post is, nor is it hard for me to figure out gamertags considering most people put it in their profile, which is visible just by hovering over a person's name or looking at their post itself. It certainly isn't hard to figure out who is who; all it takes is 2 buttons to be pressed.


I joined and made a name I loved.


Then switched to a name I loved.


Then switched to a name I loved.


Then switched to a name I loved.


And I love it.

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