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What is your first reaction to someone T-Bagging you?


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I bag them back the first chance I get, and make sure to piss them off as much as possible for the rest of the match. If I'm crushing them and they get a lucky kill and bag, I'll send them a message <3

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It really depends on the game, in my opinion.


If someone T-Bags me in Co-Op Campaign or Firefight, it's just stupid. If it happens in a deathmatch of some kind, I see it as childish (because they could be doing other things, like hunting other players) and I generally see it as being a poor sport.


However, if it's that Living Dead game, I think it's like a tradition where all the zombies t-bag the last man standing. So in that case, I think it's totally acceptable xD

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I don't to people in game. I tbag my friends irl if they do that to me ingame.


But, when I get messages from high pitched kids who tell me I suck (And they're the tbagger), I do my best to get their parents on and try to get the kid banned not from Live, but from even touching their Xbox. I don't know how many death threats I've already told parents their child sent me, but it's fun to hear the child scream in misery when their parents kick them off of Xbox.


I know, I'm a horrible person, but kids under 13 shouldn't be allowed to play a game meant for a mature audience or an audience over 17.

1) I'm 13 and I wouldn't do something like that(send you a message that you suck)

2) Most high-pitched people(including me) are only high-pitched because of our nationality(eg. Australian)

3) I usually just say something like "good game" because it doesn't really matter who wins

4) That's just stupid in my opinion (considering my I.Q. 140+)

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My first reaction to tea bagging well i was at my friends house playing halo 2 for like the first time i got COMPLETELY **** on then the tea bagging happened and the only thing i remember going through my head was..I ******* LOVE THIS GAME! now im a professional tea bagger so watch out! 8)

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I remember the first time it happened to me in halo 2 i wasnt sure what the other player was doing at first til i asked a friend and he told me, i found it absolutely hilarious so i felt inclined to tea bag everyone else lol

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