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Halo Won't Always Star The chief


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(The following is an article completely written by myself with quotes from Kiki Wolfkill made in an interview by Polygon)



343 Industries have taken control of the Halo franchise over a year ago and have big plans for it. But those plans don't always involve the chief.



In an interview with Polygon Kiki Wolfkill stated



"He's always going to be a pretty critical component of Halo and the game experiences. I would hope that we could also build strength and investment into other characters, for no other reason than that's part of what makes the universe interesting"



This could possibly hint at a new protagonist for future Halo generations to play. Much like Sergeant John Forge from Halo Wars or the Rookie from Halo ODST. However, it also may hint at more then one game for each of these characters. Rumors have surfaced many times of a Halo Wars 2, and while it may not be confirmed, rumors this big usually come true.




Kiki went on to state:


"How we look at it is 'Where do we want Halo to be in ten years? What are the stories we want to tell? We have started to flesh out broad strokes of a few different archs that are interesting"



While this isn't conformation, we can perhaps be seeing another character, or character's that will be just as fleshed out as the Chief, and this is a welcome change in my opinion.



while the chief is iconic, we can't keep Halo alive on a single character. Fleshing out and exploring the exploits of different characters allows us all to experience the Halo universe in more depth, especially for those of us who do not read the books.



There are many stories to tell and places to explore, it's just up to 343 Industries to bring these idea's to life, and give us something to have fun with, something that tells a story, both full of action AND adventure.



"There could be opportunities where exploring a different genre makes sense or exploring a different linear format makes sense. If the medium fits what we want to do, then we'll definitely consider it. If there's a great idea we get energized around it"  Kiki stated.



Halo has mostly centered around FPS, and only briefly explored RTS in Halo Wars. This sort of branching out allows 343 to explore different possibilities, and as Kiki stated, they are considering different Genre's to see if they fit 343's vision for Halo.


We all know 343 want to make their mark on Halo and it's exhilarating universe, it's just how this comes into practice that have many people both excited and worried.


Some people prefer Halo to say safe within the realms of FPS, while others want it to flesh out, and explore more Genre's of interest.

In my own personal opinion, I'd love to see Halo branch out, Id love to explore the universe in more depth, not just in the books, but from something i can play and experience visually.




Halo has become more then JUST a game, it's a cultural phenomenon that has changed generations of games since its first release in 2001. The first ten years created the universe and the games standards, but it's these next ten years that will define Halo for future Generations.






What do you guys think?

Should Halo Branch out and explore more Genre's and characters?

Or stay as it currently is?


Discuss in the comments :)




Edited by SykoWolf
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Halo should absolutely branch out to more than just Chief I mean take Rookie and Noble Six. Two of the greatest characters in the Halo Universe not just because they're the main characters of their game but because you make them your own. You make them into you and so you are the Rookie and you are Noble Six. But along with this they keep their own identities as characters in the Halo Universe as well which makes them iconic.

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HALO: Reach was an outstanding game and I'm enjoying HALO 3: ODST.


HALO is a Universe, and spotlighting characters other than the Chief helps to expand the Universe. The Chief is the star and should continue to be the star of HALO as a whole, but I'd like to see games in the future exploring other areas of the HALO Universe, there's a lot room to explore.


I could easily see a game that takes place on some colony world during the events of the first HALO game, or other side stories like ODST.

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I need ODST/ Wars 2.


Though one centred around Sangheili would be brilliant.


I think free roam RPG like Fallout or TES would work, as with RTS (again)


My ideal one is a campaign length similar to Hakf-Life 2, with little or no multiplayer aside from co-op. the day multiplayer takes priority over campaign is the day I quit the franchise.


Side note, more SO, it was the best descisions they made for halo.

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I think new characters and types of games would be awesome. I've personally always wanted to control a UNSC destroyer or fleet. However the Chief is halo in my opinion so when he retires I think I'll retire and let the new gen have their Spartan IV's or V's whatever it is at the point. "If it aint broke dont fix it" lol

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