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Fast Unfrigginbelievable - 51-0 Pathways Gameplay

Jon Giovanni Quezada

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i just wanna ask how did you play that bad of people? ar jetpacks on ragnorak? one big joke LOL in a acutal map versus any type of players you would have died to team shot. but 51 and 0 is nice but manageable with the people you fought good video. very cool to see 51 and 0. your team and you are running all over there landing My god I wanna play those people. your teamate is running across there side on instant respawn with a chain turret LOL you must have died since you didn't show the rest of the video xD

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i just wanna ask how did you play that bad of people? ar jetpacks on ragnorak? one big joke LOL in a acutal map versus any type of players you would have died to team shot. but 51 and 0 is nice but manageable with the people you fought good video. very cool to see 51 and 0. your team and you are running all over there landing My god I wanna play those people. your teamate is running across there side on instant respawn with a chain turret LOL you must have died since you didn't show the rest of the video xD


Jealous much? I'm sure you'd fail against people half as good. Way to go troll. I'm noticing a pattern of inane BS from you.


I mean who makes light of 51 and 0? And how do you make up those lightning fast reaction times? He finds targets one after another boom boom boom. Almost every round he fires is killing something. His ordinance strikes for each situation perfectly... He is a strategist and his target acquisition is on point. For you to even suggest it was because he was playing noobs is the most asinine thing I've ever heard.


Do you think before speaking or do you just spout off with whatever floods the old noodle? Do you analyze it and get filled with jealousy? There are other videos half this good that get more credit than you give this guy. Lol. I hate to say it but if this is crap according to you, I'd LOVE to see some of YOUR WORK.


I'm sure it's just as INVIGORATING. Pfft. Fail.


There is no friendly fire on also. Have you played Halo before?


And the video wasn't called perfection. Maybe you missed that. It's okay... Who cares if he died!?

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jealous much?

Jealous much? I'm sure you'd fail against people half as good. Way to go troll. I'm noticing a pattern of inane BS from you.


I mean who makes light of 51 and 0? And how do you make up those lightning fast reaction times? He finds targets one after another boom boom boom. Almost every round he fires is killing something. His ordinance strikes for each situation perfectly... He is a strategist and his target acquisition is on point. For you to even suggest it was because he was playing noobs is the most asinine thing I've ever heard.


Do you think before speaking or do you just spout off with whatever floods the old noodle? Do you analyze it and get filled with jealousy? There are other videos half this good that get more credit than you give this guy. Lol. I hate to say it but if this is crap according to you, I'd LOVE to see some of YOUR WORK.


I'm sure it's just as INVIGORATING. Pfft. Fail.


There is no friendly fire on also. Have you played Halo before?


And the video wasn't called perfection. Maybe you missed that. It's okay... Who cares if he died!?

ok fan boy its ok don't be upset because i said something i told him it was good but any person could have gotten that or remotely close to that. the best i've done is 33 and 0 but i didn't plan to make a video out of it because the people didn't even know how to pick up there weapons and that 33 and 0 was on slayer pro not big team power weapon city.

I know your upset i am just speaking my mind about your game It's ok i get that But i mean no need to cry about it this is just a forum were we all state are opionons :)


The only real good thing about this was he didn't play like a b**** he stayed top mid most of the time Which was the best part.

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jealous much?


ok fan boy its ok don't be upset because i said something i told him it was good but any person could have gotten that or remotely close to that. the best i've done is 33 and 0 but i didn't plan to make a video out of it because the people didn't even know how to pick up there weapons and that 33 and 0 was on slayer pro not big team power weapon city.

I know your upset i am just speaking my mind about your game It's ok i get that But i mean no need to cry about it this is just a forum were we all state are opionons :)


The only real good thing about this was he didn't play like a b**** he stayed top mid most of the time Which was the best part.


I still don't know man. This video rocks my socks. I still haven't seen anyone this good at a Halo game in a long time. Let alone Halo 4 where it's just so much easier to die.


Best I ever did was 35 and 4 in abandon. Still pretty good to me, but 51 and 0 takes a perfect combination of skill, luck, and just overall perfect conditions. I still disagree that ANYONE could do that.

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Well played. As Baez already said it was a game with skill, luck and the right conditions. I mean he took initiative in taking the laser himself and killing all their vehicles. I bet he would have died before his team had blown them up. He used all the weapons at his disposal and controlled the middle of the map. Good work.

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jealous much?


ok fan boy its ok don't be upset because i said something i told him it was good but any person could have gotten that or remotely close to that. the best i've done is 33 and 0 but i didn't plan to make a video out of it because the people didn't even know how to pick up there weapons and that 33 and 0 was on slayer pro not big team power weapon city.

I know your upset i am just speaking my mind about your game It's ok i get that But i mean no need to cry about it this is just a forum were we all state are opionons :)


The only real good thing about this was he didn't play like a b**** he stayed top mid most of the time Which was the best part.


He destroyed three vehicles and racked up a sniper rifle triple kill within the first 45 seconds of the match. Nobody can possibly look at that an bash it...

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I don't feel the need to bash this one as much as I did that tank vid, but you can see why/how someone would/could. His enemies are very clearly awful at the game, but he pushes and tries for the kills instead of taking it easy, which at least puts some risk into his performance.


When you're obviously way better than your enemy there are two ways you can play: You can phone it in and just let your natural ability and circumstances take you to the top, or you can put in the work to make a movie. This guy is the latter.


Games like this one are the reason so many people kept making new accounts in Halo 3 and kept going into playlists like multi-team, they wanted to just relax and not work very hard for their wins. Occasionally when they felt like it they could open up a can and really cut loose on people. It's not so nice for the people on the receiving end though, which is why I opposed it so hard in Halo 3. Without visible Trueskill though I don't think we've seen a lot of new accounts since then.


The only concern I would have is the circumstances by which the OP got such garbage enemies to reap on like that. This close after Christmas I'd guess his tag hadn't dipped into BTB much so his Trueskill was low, or this was a video of a custom ("Pathways?"). Either way it's at least an entertaining video.


Too bad my friggen brother wanted to play Halo 4's campaign when he got it this Christmas, otherwise I'd be on there annihilating newcomers too. I was really looking forward to it actually, I remember thinking "after christmas there will be a lot of new Halo 4 players who don't know how the game plays yet. Ripe for the reaping!" sadly my bro wanted to waste time on the terrible campaign, I got in a car accident, and now I have to work.

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Very cool, and very well done the highest I have had is like 24 kills then died. This is really a good performance, that being said however. literally everyone on the enemy team was using and AR, and had the recruit helmet on, either you were playing with all your co-workers who had never played Halo before or you got paired up with some mega noobs. If I was the only one with a long distance gun im sure I could crush like this too. However I am not going to take going 51-0 away from you, it was a great performance and gets my seal of approval.



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Jealous much? I'm sure you'd fail against people half as good. Way to go troll. I'm noticing a pattern of inane BS from you.


I mean who makes light of 51 and 0? And how do you make up those lightning fast reaction times? He finds targets one after another boom boom boom. Almost every round he fires is killing something. His ordinance strikes for each situation perfectly... He is a strategist and his target acquisition is on point. For you to even suggest it was because he was playing noobs is the most asinine thing I've ever heard.


Do you think before speaking or do you just spout off with whatever floods the old noodle? Do you analyze it and get filled with jealousy? There are other videos half this good that get more credit than you give this guy. Lol. I hate to say it but if this is crap according to you, I'd LOVE to see some of YOUR WORK.


I'm sure it's just as INVIGORATING. Pfft. Fail.


There is no friendly fire on also. Have you played Halo before?


And the video wasn't called perfection. Maybe you missed that. It's okay... Who cares if he died!?


Dude, did you even watch the video? This guy is good, but only that, not great, not amazing. The people he was playing against were absolute retards. Either he has a really, really low TS rating or this is one of his first games in this hopper (both are basically the same thing). The enemies were so so so terribad. (1) None of them rushed the laser, he was able to get it while making a pit stop at the sniper AND while not sprinting. (2) After very obviously giving away his position with both the sniper and laser, they still just ran into the middle without trying to suppress him first. (3) countless other things.


This video is impressive if only for the fact that I have never seen a group of worse players together than the enemy team

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Dude, did you even watch the video? This guy is good, but only that, not great, not amazing. The people he was playing against were absolute retards. Either he has a really, really low TS rating or this is one of his first games in this hopper (both are basically the same thing). The enemies were so so so terribad. (1) None of them rushed the laser, he was able to get it while making a pit stop at the sniper AND while not sprinting. (2) After very obviously giving away his position with both the sniper and laser, they still just ran into the middle without trying to suppress him first. (3) countless other things.


This video is impressive if only for the fact that I have never seen a group of worse players together than the enemy team


1. Lets see some of your videos.


2. Bad team aside you can't blame any of his reaction times or speed on the enemy team. That was all him.


3. Well... I wasn't really prepared to make a third point but it looks good in threes. Yep. Lol.

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1. Lets see some of your videos.


2. Bad team aside you can't blame any of his reaction times or speed on the enemy team. That was all him.


3. Well... I wasn't really prepared to make a third point but it looks good in threes. Yep. Lol.


I would make a video of me owning people who have never played a video game before if I ever got a game like that.


I don't see anything special about his reaction times or speed. He is good, but only just that.


Watch the video again. Almost all of his encounters, his enemies wait FOREVER before responding. They are really, really bad.

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I would make a video of me owning people who have never played a video game before if I ever got a game like that.


I don't see anything special about his reaction times or speed. He is good, but only just that.


Watch the video again. Almost all of his encounters, his enemies wait FOREVER before responding. They are really, really bad.


I don't know. Maybe you're just better than I am at Halo 4. I still thought it was incredible.

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