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The Tired Elephant?

Fail Master

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Soooo, we havn't heared much about this vehicle but we know it is uber huge and that vehicles come out of it ( cargo bay with a warthog on the ramp. Sooo, what do you guys think it is ('cause its not an Elephant, Elephants have tracks) but it cirtainly does the same job as one, Possible an Elephant V2.0?


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Imagine it in Matchmaking.


They could make a whole game type around controlling the thing.


i had always wanted to do something like that. You would have two teams and they would have to destroy the other elephant/mamoth by using their own.


How does it fit into the world though?

I mean obviously it is a mobile base, but i thought the Infinity was on a mission of peace?

Probably just over thinking XD


if its on a mission of peace and it stopped on a planet, the ship wouldnt land on the surface. UNSC ships are build in the atmoshpere and arent even designed to land. So the troops that send to the surface would need these mobile bases to use as shelters and rally points

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