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  1. According to and (unable to find official sources at the moment)Halo fans have the chance to become an official part of the Halo universe as they are given the chance for their voice to be included in Halo 5's Hunt the Truth. Fans and followers of Benjamin Giraud's investigation into the Master Chief can be part of the series as it appears 343 Industries are giving people a change to submit an audio clip of their voice to Hunt the Truth's Tumblr page. Those who get accepted will have their voice heard in a future episode. The announcement came earlier today. "We know that you're a huge Halo fan- and we love it! For this part, though, you'll need to put yourself in the mindset of an ordinary UEG citizen. That means you're as in the dark as Ben is about the truth behind the Master Chief and his origins." Three choices on what participants can theme their recording around was also given out. THE PART YOU'LL PLAY There are three character types that these messages will roughly fit into: 1- People who support Ben in his hunt They also have questions about the Master Chief, ONI, and what the government is trying to hide. Don't forget, though, that because these people live in the Halo universe, they've never played a Halo game or read a Halo book; so they can really only be curious and guess what Ben has mentioned. 2- People who LOVE the Master Chief and don't appreciate Ben poking around The Halo universe can be a scary place - and the MC has been the only thing keeping us safe on more than one occasion. Fear can be a powerful motivator. It can make us blind to the truth; to curiously. These people don't appreciate Ben poking around and angrily perceive his inquiries as disrespectful. The MC is a hero and it doesn't matter where he came from. 3- People reveling in the anarchy Whether it's because they don't trust the government, they're fatalistic, or they think Ben and his investigation is a joke- these people aren't impressed by Ben or curious about the Chief. They are interested, however, in pushing Ben's buttons and yanking his crank. They leave pranks, taunts, and mocking messages. Voice recordings must be 15 - 20 seconds long. You can upload it as a Youtube video but make sure it is uploaded as "Unlisted", you can also upload it to SoundCloud but make sure to make it private. Once you've recorded your voice provide a link to ir in the submission box on the Tumblr site (linked above) so it can be downloaded, also make sure to leave a message saying "Greenskull sent sent" or "Halo Follow sent me". Submissions close at 11:59pm Pacific Time on April 27th. There is no script so try and think something creative to say. Again I just want to point out there is no official announcement from 343 Industries or Microsoft regarding this, so it seems they have contacted the likes of RUL and Halo Follower for them to announce it to the community. Will you be making a submission? If so good luck. View full article
  2. Halo: Escalation Issue #9's cover art has been revealed, showcasing the Didact landing a deft punch to Master Chief's visor, confirming his return and hinting at Master Chief's cracked helmet from trailers and promotional art and how it came to be. Halo: Escalation has done it's fair share of teasing and confirming new things in the Halo lore and hinting at future events in the newly announced Halo 5: Guardians. This post comes from Dark Horse's publishing website, ComicBookResources.com as today we received another tease as Halo: Escalation #9's cover was released, showcasing the Didact landing a hard blow to Master Chief's helmet and possibly his body armour before or after. The description reads, “In the days following the events of Halo 4, the Master Chief faced one of his greatest challenges . . . the Master Chief from the fires of Halo 4 to the pages of Escalation in “The Next 72 Hours” Part 2!” The price of Escalation #9 is $3.99 USD, launching August 27th with 32 available pages. View attachment: HaloEscalation-9.jpg Do you want the Didact to return; what are your theories on this fight between Chief and the Didact and his resurrection? Let me know below, I'll see you next time, thanks for reading! Credits to RC-1262 Scorch for Private Messaging me this article!
  3. Hey guys, excitingly IGN revealed some armour permutations you can unlock in Halo 5 by simply playing the Master Chief Collection! Halo 5: Guardians is on the horizon and details are beginning to be revealed to us in tiny bits, this being a prime example. IGN.com showed off some Halo armour available in Guardians. The first, is two variations of Mark IV, one scarred and one not. The second, ODST armour now labelled 'Nightfall'. And finally a new helmet called HELIOSKRILL resembling Hayabusa. Each of these will be unlock-able through separate achievements in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. For example, the ODST or 'Nightfall' Armour is unlocked by watching all episodes of Halo: Nightfall. View attachment: nightfallpng-8e9ac1_610w.png Are you excited to play in the original armours included like ODST and Mark IV? Let me know down below! Thanks a ton for reading!
  4. According to IGN Microsoft announced that they will be revealing a Halo 5 live action trailer this Sunday, the trailer can be watched on xbox.com. A number of weeks ago, a leaked image that appeared to be from a Halo live action trailer surfaced showing a battered Chief laying at the foot of a war monument with what appears to be Agent Locke standing in front of him. That leaked imaged raised speculation that it could be part of a possible upcoming live action trailer, and the live action trailer that will show at the end of this week could be it. Although 343 Industries and Microsoft didn't make comment on the image and it could be a scrapped scene from the trailer for all we know. Apparently the trailer is set to add more elements to the Hunt The Truth marketing campaign for Halo 5. Last night when the countdown hit zero on the teaser site viewers were introduced to audio clips from a war journalist called "Benjamin Giraud" from within the Halo Universe. Benjamin is investigating the origins of the Master Chief and his involvement in the wars saving humanity. Followers of the site will be getting an audio clip from the journalist every week, as revealed on the teaser site, and it will last up until E3 according to IGN. These audio clips will follow Benjamin's investigation and will delve deeper into his investigation each week. What are your thoughts on the trailer coming this Sunday? How will it relate to the teaser site? Leave a comment on your thoughts below.
  5. On HaloWaypoint, Josh Holmes posted a list of changes to Halo 5 based on the feedback they received during it's run. The changes, and tweaks listed below aren't all of them, and he states that a more "extensive list" will be posted later. Changes: Statistics In addition to the changes list Josh Holmes also posted some information relating to the statistics from the Beta: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: Gamespot, HaloWaypoint https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/how-fans-helped-shape-the-multiplayer-of-halo-5-guardians http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-5-undergoing-major-changes-after-beta-feedbac/1100-6425109/
  6. According to IGN Microsoft announced that they will be revealing a Halo 5 live action trailer this Sunday, the trailer can be watched on xbox.com. A number of weeks ago, a leaked image that appeared to be from a Halo live action trailer surfaced showing a battered Chief laying at the foot of a war monument with what appears to be Agent Locke standing in front of him. That leaked imaged raised speculation that it could be part of a possible upcoming live action trailer, and the live action trailer that will show at the end of this week could be it. Although 343 Industries and Microsoft didn't make comment on the image and it could be a scrapped scene from the trailer for all we know. Apparently the trailer is set to add more elements to the Hunt The Truth marketing campaign for Halo 5. Last night when the countdown hit zero on the teaser site viewers were introduced to audio clips from a war journalist called "Benjamin Giraud" from within the Halo Universe. Benjamin is investigating the origins of the Master Chief and his involvement in the wars saving humanity. Followers of the site will be getting an audio clip from the journalist every week, as revealed on the teaser site, and it will last up until E3 according to IGN. These audio clips will follow Benjamin's investigation and will delve deeper into his investigation each week. What are your thoughts on the trailer coming this Sunday? How will it relate to the teaser site? Leave a comment on your thoughts below. View full article
  7. A colossal amount of information was just revealed for the Halo 5 Beta at HaloFest this year (I'm talking ALLOT of info). The whole video is at the bottom of this article. Oh, and I'm sure I got some of the information wrong, so feel free to correct me if you see any errors. Here's the gist: Everyone starts the same. Every Spartan Ability (I'll detail those later on in this article), and Weapon (starter primary, secondary, and grenades) is given to the player at the beginning. No Loadouts. Like how Halos 1-3 were played. All weapons contain a zoom feature, with some akin to ADS (Aim Down Sights). Not all weapons have this, like the DMR (the DMR is nearly the same as it's H4 counterpart Scope wise, and aesthetically). There seems to be a before, and after game animation for each Player Team that shows their aesthetics. The winning team taunts the other team in bravado. Everything listed in this article is based off of work-in-progress material in the Beta. So it's not final. The time the Beta releases makes it the earliest public Halo Beta ever released. There are a total of 7 maps that will be able to be played on in the Beta. There are now Weapons on map as in previous Halo games. NO MORE ORDINANCE. There will be three game modes in the Beta. What they exactly are is not clear, but it's certain Multiplayer is one of them. Power Weapons run on static timers. So a weapon like the Prophet's Bane comes around every 4 minutes. There's a Shield Bar, and Health Bar, but I'm not quite sure how they work. Random information from HaloFest: 343i has an internal Pro team they use to test the game. What's pretty funny is that they have Pros vs. Devs... and the Devs get completely destroyed in Halo 5 MP lol. One match was 50-4. Most of the play-testers (like Josh Holmes, some Pro players, and a few other devs) will be online playing with the community when the Beta launches. A couple celebrities came to HaloFest... like: Wayne Brady from "Let's Make A Deal" (that dude is hilarious), Joel Mchale from "Community", and Ben Schwartz from "House of Lies". Spartan Abilities / Movement & Scoping mechanics: Weapons: Maps: Allot of new armor was shown at HaloFest, but unfortunately I won't be able to detail them right now due to me already spending more than an hour on this article. The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta begins on December 29th, and runs for 3 weeks until January 18th, 2015. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: YouTube
  8. Greetings fellow members, welcome to another of Agent York's (EK) Analysis, if you remember a while back I analyzed a piece of Halo 5 concept art that was revealed, citing how it could hint at a Halo Wars 2. With Microsoft being very open to the idea, while the concept art itself isn't for Halo Wars 2, I still believe we will get some form of an announcement. Anyways, to the real stuff! An image leaked over on r/Halo today that appears to be from a Live-Action Halo 5 commercial, possibly intended for E3 2015 reveal this year. The image, shown below, features a very damaged and desolate area in the high mountain ranges that holds a battered monument with the words 'Duty and Honor Above All' on it. This is some great irony seeing as Chief has gone AWOL and deserted the UNSC and ONI, leading to the fact that he holds Duty and Honor below his current goals. Chief is not in good shape in this photo as his bruised armour shows him huddled against this monument, possibly critically injured or unconscious. Next to him is Agent Locke, strangely without his helmet, staring over at the Chief in awe. He also seems to have his pistol at his side if my eyes don't deceive me. Locke however doesn't seem to be primed to kill Chief, nor does it seem he inflicted any damage on Chief or the area. My guess is that this is mid-game where Locke finds a battered and hurt Chief, possibly leading to a bit of screen-time together before Chief slips out of Locke's clutches. My opinion on what this scene is intending to show is Chief trying to tackle a challenge on his own, possibly tackle finding Halsey, and heading back to either Earth or Reach, as this seems like a very damaged human world. He ends up pulling a Halo 3 and landing on something, and I quote Johnson, "As stubborn as you are". This may be where Locke comes in, Chief still blind to the fact that Locke can help him, only chasing for a way to get Cortana back, chasing a shadow. If this is Reach, that brings up an excellent way to show the Arbiter just what destruction his forces caused, and possibly help strengthen the bond between him and Locke, showing how they've both suffered loss due to their mission. Anyway, I'll add more speculation whenever I can, since Yoshi is pulling me away to go play Halo: TMCC, but for now, that's it. Leave your thoughts below lads and ladies, I'll see ya next time! EDIT: I'd like to remind everyone that NOTHING has been confirmed, this is all speculation and could just be a mass rumor, be advised. Also, it is okay in the site policy to post leaks, I checked.
  9. RedStarRocket91 Owns the official speculation thread!! Links at the bottom of the post. Alright everyone, So Halo 5: Guardians has been announced to arrive in Fall of 2015. All we know so far is that there is a spartan in silver armor, that is not female. Which eliminates Palmer and Cortana from this equation. What I can say though, is that this spartan's helmet heavily resembles the Mark V variant from Halo: Reach - The main protagonists helmet, Noble Six. We notice that his armor has an ONI symbol on the chest plate, Meaning that he is either hunting for John, or he is out on a mission much like John. What I have noticed so far, in a good view of the photo is this - As you can see, where John is standing is practically a reflection of where the silver spartan is. Now, this can lead to many speculations. But with this here, I now get the feeling the silver spartan is hunting for John. A reflection of something can be seen as a flashback, or maybe just reflection of where they may be. But if they are both going to the same places - It is no doubt this spartan wants something to do with John. This spartan may be hunting John for the reason that he has left the crew of the Infinity - Gone rogue. In the Halo 5 E3 2013 trailer, We can see his visor is cracked and he has a robe in place of his armor. His fore arm pieces are still present as well as his helmet. But his leg and foot pieces are gone, the chest plate is gone, and so on. Frank O' Connor did say that John WAS indeed hiding himself from something - On purpose. When he found the "War Sphinx" which is the huge forerunner bird rising from the sand, He pulls out Cortana's chip and clutches it. Either this can mean that he is going to use the A.I most likely running the War Sphinx as a possible companion, Or he is looking for Mendicant Bias. Although that rumor is in the sand - As everyone speculates they are both in the planet Sangheilios. Which has been described as what we've seen in the trailer. Also, in the concept art we can see two moons up in the sky - With all this new information on Halo 5, What do you all think is really coming together here? Leave any speculations/theories below. Pictures - http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/05/16/halo-5-guardians-receives-first-piece-of-concept-art http://www.cnet.com/news/halo-5-guardians-release-date-set-for-fall-of-2015/ THANKS TO REDSTARROCKET91 AND THE NEWS CREW FOR GETTING OUT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Skummigummigubbe's Article - http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/34943-next-halo-anounced-as-halo-5-guardians/?do=findComment&comment=317414 Adam91's Article - http://www.343industries.org/news/_/343-industries-news/a-piece-of-halo-5-concept-art-r969 RedStarRocket91's Speculation Thread - http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/34949-halo-5-guardians-teaser-image-speculation-thread/
  10. On HaloWaypoint, Josh Holmes posted a list of changes to Halo 5 based on the feedback they received during it's run. The changes, and tweaks listed below aren't all of them, and he states that a more "extensive list" will be posted later. Changes: Sprint, Spartan Abilities, and Mobility & Movement: Sprint, and other Spartan Abilities can be toggled off in Custom Games. Increase base speed (faster base movement) Increase strafe acceleration (faster, more responsive strafing) Reduce top sprint speed (narrow the delta between base movement and sprint) Modify Ground Pound controls to prevent conflicts w/ crouch jumping General tuning & bug fixes for all Spartan Abilities (Thrusters, Clamber, Ground Pound, etc.) Weapons: Sniper Rifle: improve scope experience to making it less “clunky” and faster to scope DMR: adjust position of the scope to improve visibility Bring back the SPNKr Rocket Launcher as a legendary version of the weapon Reduce bonuses for automatic weapons in Smart-Link & w/ headshots Remove grenade detonation in mid-air based on weapon fire Ability to turn on/off vibration feedback for weapons General tuning and bug fixing for all weapons Presentation: "Duebro" Spartan animations at the start, and end of matches will be turned down Post-death replay: this will become an opt-in feature. After death, players will see a traditional follow-cam and have the option to view a replay of their death from the killer’s perspective (as long as the feature is enabled within the playlist) Medals: decrease frequency and number of medals displayed in the medal feed Spartan chatter: players will have the option to turn this on or off in the settings menu Adding highlights to placed/dropped weapons to make them easier to see General tuning for announcer and Spartan chatter to reduce the frequency of events and focus on the information that matters most to players Ranking, and CSR: Improved skill detection during placement phase Improved skill matching Improved team balancing Prevent skill boosting General bug fixing & tuning Matchmaking: Much faster matches Better skill matching Better feedback to players in the lobby and matchmaking experiences Allow players to set desired datacenter for matchmaking (may impact matchmaking speed and skill balance) Improved party vs party matchmaking Hide CSR ranks until in match to de-incentivize quitting Punish quitters with CSR penalties and matchmaking bans Other changes: "Better Weapon placements on maps, to lighting improvements, to rule tweaks in game modes and modifications to the motion tracker to encourage more movement at higher levels of play. Our team constantly looks for ways to improve the game and we’ll continue to do so until launch later this year and beyond." Statistics In addition to the changes list Josh Holmes also posted some information relating to the statistics from the Beta: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: Gamespot, HaloWaypoint https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/how-fans-helped-shape-the-multiplayer-of-halo-5-guardians http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-5-undergoing-major-changes-after-beta-feedbac/1100-6425109/ This post has been promoted to an article This post has been promoted to an article
  11. Pre-order details for Halo 5: Guardians have surfaced as Microsoft reveals three deals for the autumn launch for the Xbox One exclusive. Details on Halo 5: Guardians reveal that fans have a choice of three deals to chose from when purchasing the game. Microsoft announced that Halo 5: Guardians will come in the Standard Edition, Limited Edition and Limited Collectors Edition. Here are the details on what they include, how much and where to buy them. Standard Edition $59.99: Includes a copy of Halo 5: Guardians plus an exclusive poster, only available to those who pre-order. This item can be pre-ordered from the Microsoft Store, Gamestop, Walmart, Target, Best Buy and Amazon. Limited Edition $99.99: Includes everything in the Standard Edition along with digital content to enhance your Spartan combat and comes in a steel book. This item can be pre-ordered from the Microsoft Store, Gamestop and Best Buy. Limited Collectors Edition $249.99: Includes everything in the Limited Edition and additional content that includes a commemorative, numbered statue designed by 343 Industries (statue not yet revealed). This item can be pre-ordered at the Microsoft Store and Gamestop. So there you have it, those are the pre-order details for Halo 5: Guardians. Thinking of picking one up? Let us know which one you'd like to get in the comments. Source: xbox.com
  12. Halo's official channel on YouTube posted all 6 episodes of "The Sprint": An in depth look into the development of Halo 5: Guardians. All 6 episodes are below. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: YouTube (Halo)
  13. On HaloWaypoint, Josh Holmes posted a list of changes to Halo 5 based on the feedback they received during it's run. The changes, and tweaks listed below aren't all of them, and he states that a more "extensive list" will be posted later. Changes: Statistics In addition to the changes list Josh Holmes also posted some information relating to the statistics from the Beta: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: Gamespot, HaloWaypoint https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/how-fans-helped-shape-the-multiplayer-of-halo-5-guardians http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-5-undergoing-major-changes-after-beta-feedbac/1100-6425109/ View full article
  14. This is pretty much a page of everything we'll see in the Halo 5 Beta. Everything listed in this article is based off of work-in-progress material in the Beta. So it's not final. Halo 5 Beta General Information: Spartan Abilities / Scoping & Shield mechanics: Weapons: Maps: Brief Ranking System Information Menu, and Service Record screenshots: Controller Schemes: The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta begins on December 29th 10am PST, and runs for 3 weeks until January 18th 11:59pm PST, 2015. The Beta is available to those who have purchased the physical disc, or digital copy of Halo: The Master Chief Collection. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: YouTube, Gamespot, TeamBeyond, Ready Up Live, Halo4Nation http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-5-multiplayer-beta-is-720p/1100-6423506/ http://teambeyond.net/halo-5-ranking-system-details/ http://halo4nation.com/halo-5-2/halo-5-beta-menu-screenshots/ This post has been promoted to an article
  15. Pre-order details for Halo 5: Guardians have surfaced as Microsoft reveals three deals for the autumn launch for the Xbox One exclusive. Details on Halo 5: Guardians reveal that fans have a choice of three deals to chose from when purchasing the game. Microsoft announced that Halo 5: Guardians will come in the Standard Edition, Limited Edition and Limited Collectors Edition. Here are the details on what they include, how much and where to buy them. Standard Edition $59.99: Includes a copy of Halo 5: Guardians plus an exclusive poster, only available to those who pre-order. This item can be pre-ordered from the Microsoft Store, Gamestop, Walmart, Target, Best Buy and Amazon. Limited Edition $99.99: Includes everything in the Standard Edition along with digital content to enhance your Spartan combat and comes in a steel book. This item can be pre-ordered from the Microsoft Store, Gamestop and Best Buy. Limited Collectors Edition $249.99: Includes everything in the Limited Edition and additional content that includes a commemorative, numbered statue designed by 343 Industries (statue not yet revealed). This item can be pre-ordered at the Microsoft Store and Gamestop. So there you have it, those are the pre-order details for Halo 5: Guardians. Thinking of picking one up? Let us know which one you'd like to get in the comments. Source: xbox.com View full article
  16. Please, with all of my heart and nostalgia. I am begging for a way to join user-created Custom Game lobbies in Halo: TMCC and Halo 5. A list of open and available lobbies for user-created game types would be at the top of my list of wishes. Please 343i, say it will be so! I want to join private super bouncing lobbies, hide n seek, cat n mouse, Trash Compactor & other creative user-created game types! I don't want matchmaking to be the only way to join a public game. And trying to find friends/friends of friends to invite to a private custom game is a huge pain when all it takes is a custom game 'server list' of available user created lobbies. There are so many fun game variants created by users! Please give us a way to host custom games and have them available to the public for people to join. It would be an identical feeling of a big LAN party... Well, one with voice chat only xD - Lou This is what someone said in the Halo Waypoint forums. I couldn't have said it better so I copied and pasted it. Here's the original forum post: https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst249152_Suggestion--Halo2-MCC-NEEDS-custom-lobby-list.aspx
  17. Now look, before I start this, I'd like to point out a lot of this is educated opinion I've done viewing countless threads and playing countless hours of Halo, as well as interacting with you guys. I cannot say how the final product will be as I have not play it, and neither can anyone else, which is what this thread is about. So this is a sort-of-kind-of rant about Halo 5: Guardians, and how the rage is unnecessary. This is bound to ruffle a few feathers, but taking what you've seen above, take what I say with a grain of salt. Enjoy! I'll admit, I haven't been a fan of Halo or Bungie since the beginning, I hopped on the bandwagon when Halo 3 released, and from then, I was enthralled with this strange and unique series that seemed to hit all the right points. And, I won't lie, Halo 4 was disappointing to me and a lot of other people, but, it wasn't at all a bad game. As a starter game, it had a lot to it, good and bad, and balanced it out so well that the community was split right in the middle, which caused the great collapse of Halo in what many people considered was the death of a franchise. That's right, Halo 4 didn't kill the franchise, the fans did, even though they thought they were helping their favorite series, the constant bickering in the end caused such a rift that most just up and quit. That was, until the Master Chief Collection, and the promise of a better Halo 5. And, in a lot of ways, the hype to the Master Chief Collection played a large part in why people are disappointed with Halo 5: Guardians already, a game that has barely seen any limelight. I for one was excited as well to play The Master Chief Collection, but I had something most didn't, excitement for Halo 5: Guardians. From what I'd seen in the cinematic, the game was going to have a stellar multiplayer that added unto the experience rather than keeping it the same. When the gameplay premiered, I was very excited to play, but, quite a bit of the community again disagreed, and went straight to forums to rant about how 343i was 'ruining' Halo, making all these changes. But, people moaning about Halo 5's changes are the reason Halo 5 WILL be rated poorly. Halo fans are afraid of change, at least the majority are. People cry for a return to Halo 2's style of gameplay, yet also cry when things are too similar, I don't understand it all that well. 343i is trying to evolve the core gameplay, not change it, and they added a decent amount of things that I quite like that add to the already fun and familiar experience. People cry of Halo copying other franchises, yet at the time of conception, the game was already very similar in base plot and gameplay to other games like DOOM. Why didn't people complain during those times? Quite a bit of the community is scared that 343i is changing the game and are boycotting it because of it without even trying it. And even if they did, they would yell the same tired lines, ''Too much like CoD!'' or ''Titanfall clone!'' It baffles my mind, and makes me sad for the future of gaming. What I'm trying to say is, before you start writing petitions to get Bungie back or change the game or close 343i, think about how the game is evolving, and think about the actual 'changes' being done. 343i is making Halo 5 closer to classic games while evolving how you move around to make it more fluid and ergo more competitive, and they're trying something new. Halo 4 wasn't a mediocre game because it changed things, but because it didn't keep the same competitive feel, the feel that Halo 5 seems to possess. I'm not saying that the game is going to be the best thing ever, don't misinterpret my words, the game isn't even out yet. What I say is that to judge the game NOW solely on new additions is purely inane. Think about it a bit and play for yourself. If you are an angry Bungie elitist, I hope I've gotten through a bit to you to at least give Halo 5 a chance when the beta releases, and not judge purely on footage. I also hope you no longer doubt 343i for no real reason purely because they aren't entirely Bungie, you must remember these are still talented people who know how to listen to a community, and just because you want every Halo to be Halo 2 doesn't mean everyone else does, maybe adding to a franchise can add to an experience? I'm EK, signing off! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz53wLZtwQU
  18. A colossal amount of information was just revealed for the Halo 5 Beta at HaloFest this year (I'm talking ALLOT of info). The whole video is at the bottom of this article. Oh, and I'm sure I got some of the information wrong, so feel free to correct me if you see any errors. Here's the gist: Everyone starts the same. Every Spartan Ability (I'll detail those later on in this article), and Weapon (starter primary, secondary, and grenades) is given to the player at the beginning. No Loadouts. Like how Halos 1-3 were played. All weapons contain a zoom feature, with some akin to ADS (Aim Down Sights). Not all weapons have this, like the DMR (the DMR is nearly the same as it's H4 counterpart Scope wise, and aesthetically). There seems to be a before, and after game animation for each Player Team that shows their aesthetics. The winning team taunts the other team in bravado. Everything listed in this article is based off of work-in-progress material in the Beta. So it's not final. The time the Beta releases makes it the earliest public Halo Beta ever released. There are a total of 7 maps that will be able to be played on in the Beta. There are now Weapons on map as in previous Halo games. NO MORE ORDINANCE. There will be three game modes in the Beta. What they exactly are is not clear, but it's certain Multiplayer is one of them. Power Weapons run on static timers. So a weapon like the Prophet's Bane comes around every 4 minutes. There's a Shield Bar, and Health Bar, but I'm not quite sure how they work. Random information from HaloFest: 343i has an internal Pro team they use to test the game. What's pretty funny is that they have Pros vs. Devs... and the Devs get completely destroyed in Halo 5 MP lol. One match was 50-4. Most of the play-testers (like Josh Holmes, some Pro players, and a few other devs) will be online playing with the community when the Beta launches. A couple celebrities came to HaloFest... like: Wayne Brady from "Let's Make A Deal" (that dude is hilarious), Joel Mchale from "Community", and Ben Schwartz from "House of Lies". Spartan Abilities / Movement & Scoping mechanics: Weapons: Maps: Allot of new armor was shown at HaloFest, but unfortunately I won't be able to detail them right now due to me already spending more than an hour on this article. The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta begins on December 29th, and runs for 3 weeks until January 18th, 2015. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts? Source: YouTube View full article
  19. Hey guys, excitingly IGN revealed some armour permutations you can unlock in Halo 5 by simply playing the Master Chief Collection! Halo 5: Guardians is on the horizon and details are beginning to be revealed to us in tiny bits, this being a prime example. IGN.com showed off some Halo armour available in Guardians. The first, is two variations of Mark IV, one scarred and one not. The second, ODST armour now labelled 'Nightfall'. And finally a new helmet called HELIOSKRILL resembling Hayabusa. Each of these will be unlock-able through separate achievements in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. For example, the ODST or 'Nightfall' Armour is unlocked by watching all episodes of Halo: Nightfall. View attachment: nightfallpng-8e9ac1_610w.png Are you excited to play in the original armours included like ODST and Mark IV? Let me know down below! Thanks a ton for reading! View full article
  20. The Halo Channel announced At Gamescom, 343i announced that they will release a central hub called The Halo Channel. From this hub you'll have acces to all halo games and content that will be available on the Xbox One. The Master Chief Collection will of course be integrated in this hub and from within this channel you'll also be able to stream your gameplay to Twitch and show of your l33t skills. They also made a small announcement regarding The Master Chief Collection. They've now shed some light upon the ranking system which will be similair to the one in Halo 2. Halo 5: Guardians beta date Along with The Halo Channel announcement 343i gave us the time period in which we can play the Beta. The Beta will be playable from the 29th of december untill the 18th of January. Which is 3 weeks playing time! (Talk about a Happy New Year) The Beta is focussed on 4v4 combat on 7 maps and 3 gametypes. You'll also be able to play around with 11 different weapons and a few armour skins. Along with all that you will be able to unlock items that will carry over to the full game. Loadouts will not be in this beta so every Spartan starts out equally. In the press conference 343i revealed some screenshots as well which can be viewed down here: How hyped are you now? Let me know down below! Thank you for reading! Source Source Source Source
  21. Studio head of 343 Industries, Bonnie Ross, sat down with IGN for a quick interview to talk about Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Nightfall, Halo 5: Guardians and more. In the Interview Bonnie confirms that unlocks from the Halo 5: Guardians beta will carry over to the final game, this will obviously include things such as armor, skins etc. Bonnie also spoke about DLC for Halo 2: Anniversary "As for the DLC question - right now we don't have any plans for DLC but we've been asked this a lot. As soon as you guys find out what the last two maps are, let us know what you think and we'll see what we can do." Despite having no plans for DLC for Halo 2: Anniversary it is very clear their doors are open to it and we could be seeing more remastered maps. So for those who thought six remastered maps wasn't quite enough there is now hope more will arrive in the future. To watch the full interview click on the video below. Are you happy to hear that content from the Halo 5: Guardians beta will carry over to the actual game? If 343 Industries does release DLC for Halo 2 what maps would you like to be included?
  22. Studio head of 343 Industries, Bonnie Ross, sat down with IGN for a quick interview to talk about Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Nightfall, Halo 5: Guardians and more. In the Interview Bonnie confirms that unlocks from the Halo 5: Guardians beta will carry over to the final game, this will obviously include things such as armor, skins etc. Bonnie also spoke about DLC for Halo 2: Anniversary "As for the DLC question - right now we don't have any plans for DLC but we've been asked this a lot. As soon as you guys find out what the last two maps are, let us know what you think and we'll see what we can do." Despite having no plans for DLC for Halo 2: Anniversary it is very clear their doors are open to it and we could be seeing more remastered maps. So for those who thought six remastered maps wasn't quite enough there is now hope more will arrive in the future. To watch the full interview click on the video below. Are you happy to hear that content from the Halo 5: Guardians beta will carry over to the actual game? If 343 Industries does release DLC for Halo 2 what maps would you like to be included? View full article
  23. The Halo Channel announced At Gamescom, 343i announced that they will release a central hub called The Halo Channel. From this hub you'll have acces to all halo games and content that will be available on the Xbox One. The Master Chief Collection will of course be integrated in this hub and from within this channel you'll also be able to stream your gameplay to Twitch and show of your l33t skills. They also made a small announcement regarding The Master Chief Collection. They've now shed some light upon the ranking system which will be similair to the one in Halo 2. Halo 5: Guardians beta date Along with The Halo Channel announcement 343i gave us the time period in which we can play the Beta. The Beta will be playable from the 29th of december untill the 18th of January. Which is 3 weeks playing time! (Talk about a Happy New Year) The Beta is focussed on 4v4 combat on 7 maps and 3 gametypes. You'll also be able to play around with 11 different weapons and a few armour skins. Along with all that you will be able to unlock items that will carry over to the full game. Loadouts will not be in this beta so every Spartan starts out equally. In the press conference 343i revealed some screenshots as well which can be viewed down here: How hyped are you now? Let me know down below! Thank you for reading! Source Source Source Source View full article
  24. I_Make_Big_Boom


    From the album: Tacos and what not

    Agent Locke drawing progress. That @joe_winfree thing is there because I'm too lazy to take a picture without it. Original Instagram post on my account @joe_winfree: http://instagram.com/joe_winfree

    © @joe_winfree on Instagram, Self Destruct

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