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Everything posted by Seigrain

  1. If you're interested in a meh FPS with absolutely no story, then go for it. End game content is the only thing really worth playing on destiny.
  2. Sema is best spell

  3. 1. Halo 2 2. TitanFall 3. Kingdom Hearts 1&2 4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 5. Skyrim Not in any particular order
  4. 99% sure I'll be on GT: Seigraine
  5. GTA V Heists, work pls

    1. AnimeAddict


      two words....ITS ROCKSTAR


    2. AnimeAddict


      Trust me i wish they did too


    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      They work for me fine...

  6. It was kinda fun, but it's the equivalent of MW3 to MW2.. It's a BF4 DLC at best.. I wouldn't pay 80$ for it.
  7. Favorite gun in Destiny? Dare
  8. @Melody u(>.

    1. Melody


      Quiet Japanese Hello Kitty. >.<

    2. Seigrain


      (ভ_ ভ) ރ // ┊ \\

  9. My 1st dare of the new year... Come at me bros Dare!
  10. Dat forge tho.. I think I'd prefer Orion. Now i'm more excited for this game.. That's 11 months.. Away... :'(
  11. It's nice not going back to school :D

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Ah but the stinging feeling of being back! :D

  12. For dexter grif, who is your favorite villain of all time? I'll take a dare
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