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Status Updates posted by Frankenzer

  1. Anyone else want to help me with a school project?It won't take longer than 5 minutes :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Hit me with el detailos.

    3. RedStarRocket91


      Sure, send me a message with what you need

    4. Delpen9


      PM me if you still need help.

  2. Guess who's celebrating his birthday today? :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melody


      Happy happy birthday!

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Who? If it's you then happy birthday buddy!

    4. Ardent Prayer
  3. I love Lex Luthor's theme song

  4. So Hyped up for Halo 5 :D

  5. My stag beetle died today :(

    1. Azaxx
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Aw. How long do those normally live?

    3. Wam


      Sucks, I know. :c

  6. Day 90: still not 17 yet :(

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      It'll come quickly :)

    2. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      lol It's going to happen eventually. :D

  7. Shaved my face for the first time today. I look like a totally different person

    1. Wam


      I know that feeling. But wait until it grows back.

  8. Terminator: Genisys was great. Seeing Arnold on screen felt nostalgic

  9. Finally got that blasted two for one achievement

  10. Found a baby stag beetle. Anyone here know what I can feed it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      The blood of the innocent.

    3. Yoshi1176


      You put in the garbage can, and throw the garbage can in a dumpster, dumnp the contents o f the dumpster into a garbage truck, light the truck on fire and park it at a gas station

    4. Yoshi1176


      But seriously, leaves, decaying wood, fruit, small insects (depending on how big the beetle i


  11. Jurassic World was great :)

  12. Betcha didn't see that coming.......

  13. Just finished the Last of Us. What an ending.....

  14. Well, my family went to Japan for a vacation and I volunteered to stay home and watch the house. What a bad decision

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace



      Don't do that again.

    2. Composite Armour
    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Now you can reenact Risky Business

  15. Aw crap my gold membership expired

    1. ShadowFiend216


      For only the low price of $59.99, or whatever currency you use, you can get a One Year Gold Membership!

  16. My birthday was cool. It started with Ledgend and I playing Halo Wars against campers for 2 hours and we won. I slept afterwards and had a good day :D

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Birthday Birthday Happy to you :D

    2. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Hope you had a great day.

    3. Ranger Intel
  17. That was a fun April fool's day :D

    1. ShadowFiend216


      Other than the false claim for Reach on XB1.

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I thought that was funny too, actually.

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