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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Scary monsters and nice sprites-skryllix
  2. Leave, reach is an amazing game apart from the colours', Y U NO LET ME BE PROPER BLACK SPARTAN BUNGIE/343
  3. 1.5 weeks until year 11, SO much homework, so little time

    1. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      so you are 10 years old?

    2. Azaxx


      School year eleven meaning im 16

  4. If i have sniper i camp but change my position but i like wraiths
  5. Armour could non offensive so instead of killing vehicles just bounce back or something funny, oh and active camo make it better
  6. Hopefully halo4 will be halos 2,3 and a little of reach, oh and CE ofcourse
  7. Both have their uses so ilove both Pretty carbine has pretty green colours
  8. Meh, i just play the game and see how i go l8r
  9. I did like it cause when u pulled one off i was all like yeah but it wasnt necessary in a way
  10. Snipers i agree have no love
  11. WHAT,, i never get to see good ol' blood gultch....the best best cause it lets snipers actually play, as well as the spire, but i quit BTB after the community maps were added, but i guess its not as bad as living dead's terrible custom maps
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