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Everything posted by FleshBack

  1. I don't like it. It is a dirty, vile, and deceitful tactic that violates my frail sensibilities.
  2. He needs to be a stone cold, board certified bad***.
  3. I'll tell you what specialization not to pick: pioneer. The armor is terrible and the fast track perk is absolutely useless gameplay wise. Yeah, it is like 500 xp a match, but they basically throw XP at you in this game so you won't be missing it. Especially at the expense of another perk. Do yourself a favor and don't go pioneer first.
  4. What's your GT? I'll add you as I'm am always looking to 1v1 competitive players. Also I like that guide you have been posting everywhere. You plan on expanding in it? Edit: Nevermind, don't know how I missed your GT in the post
  5. If some guy decided to put in the time and effort to learn maps like the back of your hand and time weapons/power-ups spawns, and learned the best ways to flank enemies and find angles on maps while you don't, who do you honestly think should win?
  6. FleshBack

    Stealth Camo

    imagine if they made that a perk with new specializations.
  7. It could use/lose some levels in the level rotation though, I'd agree with that. Shotty Snipers on Abandoned shouldn't even be called Snipers. I've played a few games of that already and 6-7 players' tool of destruction is the shotgun.
  8. I like Shotty Snipers too. Not everybody is a "ZOMGSNAPHOTFROM2FTAWAY" expert and need something for defense at those ranges.
  9. No, it wasn't. I didn't single any specific users out, so if anybody found that bit offensive then odds are they are too sensitive about this game and my point was made valid in the first place. Secondly, it gets to the point when you don't even want to say something negative about the game unless you want 20 people jumping on you defending the game by the sword like we're in Medieval Times or something. Not everybody cares about the other side's counter argument. They just know they don't like this Halo and that is it. Same thing with people that like the game, they don't want to hear all the negativity about it all the time. They just know they like it and that is it. I'm sorry my metaphor wasn't politically correct if that is what you'd like to hear, but the sentiment is true. You gotta walk on eggshells when discussing an opinion on this game, good or bad because people here easily take offense for some reason, as if they were personally being attacked which isn't the case at all. I'm not arguing with you Frog, as I respect you and you are a good user, but I am standing by what I said. People get too defensive about this game. On both sides, it just happened to be the "I like Halo 4 a lot camp" this time because it was coinciding with the OP.
  10. No, he is American. He has posted a comprehensive guide covering competitive Halo playing for Halo 4 here and in many other sites and posts quite a bit on the MLG forums (the real MLG forums, not these). He definitely knows his competitive Halo, which is why this doesn't surprise me.
  11. Well, I sort of figured it was self-explanatory. Basically a Samurai that is American. I'd be chopping off Zombie heads with my high-carbonized steel Katana in very cool slo-mo action sequences. It would make them think twice before attacking wherever we'd be held up. Zombie Steve: Hey, there are some humans in that grocery store. Let's get 'em! Zombie Fred: No wait! They've got an American Samurai in there. Don't go in there fool! Zombie Steve: American what? Zombie Fred: You know, American samurai. Cold, hardened warrior of the west that follows the code of bushido. We're as good as dead if we limp in there. Zombie Steve: Good thinking. *Zombies split*
  12. I tend to agree with this sentiment. I would have liked to have had Halo 3: Part 2 come out rather than this game, but this game bridges the gap between casuals and those who have played better Halos. And the bridge is on fire and those that are staying on are realizing, "Hey man, fire sucks!". But the damage has already done. Best thing to do now is to jump off the bridge before you invest any more time in it or just get burned some more, you know what I mean? I'll still be playing this game now and then, but that is really how it happens. Just now and then. BTW, you're gonna get a lot of hate for this. People tend to get sensitive when you insult Halo 4 like you have disgraced their girlfriend's honor or something. *opens umbrella*
  13. Most games with Star Wars in the title. Total fanboy here. Burnout: Paradise. Beautiful game, great gameplay. Halo 2 and 3, of course. 4 hasn't grown on me like the others.
  14. I don't think you realize how many bills 343 has do you? The lights don't just stay on. Somebody has to pay the electricity. Then there are the groceries. They gotta eat while they are slaving away making improvements for our game, right. Then of course the landlord is always hounding them the first of the month, and nobody like to deal with him because he has a short temper and a lazy eye. And I am sure the health insurance premiums are through the roof with all the damage they are doing to their eyes looking at them computers all day. Then there are the liquor expenses for when they actually decide to read what's posted on Waypoint. I am sure by the end of the day that $220 Million+ they made off this game is already owed to somebody and their mother.
  15. Well, the power of the PK would also depend on the will, concentration, and discipline of the user. Do you think you have what it takes to collapse hyperspace in on itself? I can barely imagine multi-dimensional space let alone imagine ripping it apart, lol.
  16. Well, Really advanced PK gives you any power. I know this. I was just trying to avoid listing every single thing you could do with it... Cuz it would be a loooooooong list.
  17. PK can be very "cheap" if you consider manipulation on the sub-atomic scale. Imagine splitting atoms with a thought? Almost too much power. That's why I like macroscopic PK. Gives you a good deal of power without making you "God", so to speak.
  18. I am surprised you played so many in the MLG playlist of Halo 3. I honestly well, never believed they played with us mortals. What are the odds we would see them in the Competitive Playlist coming out on Halo 4 soon? I'd like my shot at one of these guys.
  19. I realize this is an old thread but is Str8 still active anymore? If so I'd like some... well... info or streams.
  20. Classic question. What superpower would you like to have if you had your pick of one? Me? At first I thought I would really want Psychokinesis cuz it has always been my favorite, but then I thought about Sylar from Heroes and how awesome it would be to have his ability. He had the ability of Intuitive Aptitude, which allowed him to understand things very easily. This could be applied to gain a lot of knowledge very fast, such as devouring medical text books like candy and absorbing all the material he read, to being able to figure out how other superhumans' powers worked so he could replicate them himself. Often times, he was able to use the power better than the original user just because he was able to undertand how to wield it in-depth. Of course, his power came with a "hunger", of sorts that turned him into a serial killer as he would always hunger for more understanding and power. However, he was able to control it at some point. But yeah, the ability to understand all the variables at work would be mine.. How about YOU?
  21. People take it real personal when you steal their assassinations. I did to one dude on my team one game. I was in a tunnel on Adrift with a BoltShot and a guy was trying to challenge me from outside the tunnel. By the time I came out with my BoltShot charged my teammate already had him mid-assassination. Needless to say the BoltShot trumped his assassination. The dude actually stopped playing to send me the message, "$&?@ You!" It wasn't on purpose like, "Oh so you think you are gonna get an assassination, not on my watch!" It just happened I was all ready with my BoltShot.
  22. If you had an American Samurai it would have lasted at least a month. *winks*
  23. That's what everybody loves about the Jetpack. But it won't help you in Team Snipers/SWAT/Slayer Pro. Now, I realize that isn't a huge part of the game for some people, but I would rather not get used to the Jetpack as a crutch when I do jump in these playlists.
  24. I never played that stuff too much. I play a lot of splitscreen with friends and the forge maps ALWAYS lag without exception.
  25. Nah, man. I need teammates to back me up when some one sneaks up on and goes for the assassination rather than the beat down. Teammates have saved my life countless times like that.
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