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Everything posted by taylordtaylord

  1. I've never played a game where it was all people shooting shot guns. I wish that would happen to me cause i'd love nothing more then to take two steps back while they try to shoot me long range with a shotty and i put one in the dome.
  2. Awesome that helps a lot. I guess i'll have to do some serious thinking on which i want.
  3. Ok, this has probably been asked a lot but i'm clueless so i will go ahead and ask. I was told since i'm a 50 i can have a specialization. I don't really know much about it, but just curious what people's opinions on them are and what exactly the deal is. Is there one that most people choose that seems to be the better smarter option and am i allowed to change it if i don't like it?
  4. Doubles is coming back yet still no snipers. They are even adding a brand new playlist but still leaving out a playlist (snipers) that has already proved itself. Ridiculous.
  5. .........Still no snipers. Losing hope in this game day after day.
  6. I really hope that they come out and say something about snipers. Because halo just isn't the same with out being able to get a snipes game in.
  7. Played griffball a few times today, first time i've ever played it. Why was this being worked on before team snipers? From what i gather you just run around, it's pretty much a skill-less game. I mean i guess i could see how some people find it some what fun, myself not included but i don't get how snipers, an extremely popular game time from past games isn't even mentioned by 343. And hasn't been since it was taken out of match making.
  8. So still no team snipers? Why is that getting no attention? I've seen so many posts about snipers and maybe 1 about grifball.
  9. I'm right there with you. Team snipers was the main game type i played on halo reach. Bought halo 4, can't find a game type i really enjoy besides flag. Nothing i'd love more than for snipers to be brought back.
  10. It just doesn't make sense that they don't attempt to let the players know what playlist's they plan on putting in, even if its not for a few weeks. Team snipers on halo reach has almost double the players as oddball does on halo 4 yet halo 4 doesn't have team snipers.
  11. The game is an attempt to win, how would anyone get enjoyment out of being put in a game that you lose within two minutes and no thats not an exaggeration. It's not over reacting it's just simply annoying which i know i'm not alone in. And the snipers thing is definitely a huge disappointment when game types like oddball have a main stay which is such a specific game type, i think it would be smarter to have a team skirmish type game type be permanent over odd ball.
  12. I'd absolutely hope there is a way to stop from being tossed into games that end within two minutes not to mention always being put on a losing team. And i really would hope they bring back snipers, they leave other game types that have such a small amount of people in them yet they take away a game type that always thrived.
  13. Ok, first off i'm not one to complain about a video game because i rarely play them but halo was always my go to game when i was in the mood to play. Turned on halo 4 and turned it off after two tries in matchmaking. Both games of slayer i was put into a game on a team that had under 150 and the other team had over 400. What is the point? That is already a loss and absolutely no fun. Another complaint i have is why is there no team snipers? No, its not everyones favorite game time but i know it was very popular on halo reach so why isn't it on halo 4? Seems like 343 dropped the ball on a few things.
  14. He coulda recently bought the game ever think of that one. And I completely agree. Team snipers is up there with slayer in popularity yet it gets the boot and hasn't been seen or even mentioned for over a month. I miss bungie.
  15. Strictly made this account for this. Ok, i for one rarely play video games. When i do i'll only play halo. Only game i have interest for. I literally would play 90% snipers. I know some people are saying "why would you only play one game tight" for those of you saying that, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. I don't understand how a game type almost as popular as team slayer isn't here permanently. How could you leave odd ball but take out snipers? Not picking on oddball but its no where near as popular. Or how hard would it have been to just leave it and add whatever game type it was replaced with? Of course instead of working on game types like snipers they are worrying about making money selling maps.
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