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Everything posted by Cortar

  1. Im trying to say that K/D matters... a little, in Objective games. This isn't about "rewarding" players. It is about determining skill. The player who gets a few kills with a sniper then sits in the back of the map until the game over and goes 5-0 is not more skillful than someone who goes around the map fighting and goes 20-15. Its about how players play. Antisocial behavior is encouraged in this game. Your team is doing bad? Just leave, theres no penalty or W/L ratio. Want to have a "good record" just get a few kills then play around until the game ends. Don't rush the enemy to try and take a point of secure a weapon, that would lead to your death! Its kinda necessary. All players want at least something and most want more than the bare minimum. What does this have to do with anything? It will be the average. Which is "the norm." But this is off topic.
  2. Maybe, thats always possible. Or you just had a hot streak.
  3. I would make a video of me owning people who have never played a video game before if I ever got a game like that. I don't see anything special about his reaction times or speed. He is good, but only just that. Watch the video again. Almost all of his encounters, his enemies wait FOREVER before responding. They are really, really bad.
  4. One of the things from previous games that 343 did not like and attempted to eliminate was extreme 'judgemental-ness' of its players. In past Halo games, everyone was judged by the ranked number that appeared on your player card in game. Also, in Halo 3, there was the added Win/Loss ratio (although this wasn't perfect since you could get an artificially high from from playing lots of double exp games). So what did they do? They got rid of ranked playlists (if they come back you won't be able to see them in game). They made it really hard to see player's medals and score in the postgame screen. They removed kills and instead put "score." And lastly, the worst change of all, they put a straight k/d/a on the players "service record." (they weren't really given a choice on this since w/l is meaningless in H4) Players being people of course flock to the only thing they have left to judge their fellow players by: their k/d. For whatever reason, 343 made all gametypes contribute to this though. That is why in objective gametypes, you have people ignoring the objective and going straight for kills. K/D can be a decent measure of skill... Except there is already an invisible ranking system in place. So ideally, players would all migrate close a 1.0 the longer they play to ensure balanced gameplay. So this measure is ultimately worthless since that guy running around with a 2.0 with 300 games is probably good, while the person with 5,000 games played and a 1.2 *might* either be really good, or just average (depending on this invisible rank). Also, K/D is only an *okay* indicator for skilled play in Objective matches. While it is important not to go 10-20, getting a score like 15-10 might be worlds better than the player who went 10-0. Another problem is that a W/L stat encourages teamplay and effort, while a k/d/a only encourages selfishness and a lone wolf style of play. Solutions: Only "slayer" based games contribute to your k/d, i.e. BTS, Infinity, Regicide, SWAT, Snipers. Of course, this leaves out Objective players... You could implement a W/L stat to the Service Record. But since leaving is free and almost encouraged, this is meaningless too. Also JIP kills this. Implement a true ranked playlist with in-game visible ranks. This is probably the easiest and most desirable solution. But 343 really, really doesn't want to do this... So we we shall see what happens.
  5. Don't worry, they will probably bring them back... But only if you buy the future DLC map packs....
  6. I was expecting an interesting video but this failed to deliver. It didn't test the kill range of the grenades (because that is what is affected in the plasma/pulse grenades). And it didn't account for the damage dropoff in the "resistance" test.
  7. Yup, but then people who lose a lot would cry that its too hard to level and so we are stuck with the current system.
  8. Did you not play Halo 1,2, or 3? The AR is probably the strongest it has ever been.
  9. And your point is??? You are obviously not a typical gamer. Therefore you don't fit in when I say "most"
  10. Halo 1 had a good campaign. But it was just that, good. Everyone has memories of playing multiplayer with their friends. So many more hours of Halo MP have been played and enjoyed than the campaign that its just silly to compare them too. Everyone buys Halo for the MP experience, the campaign is just a side benefit.
  11. With as little teamwork as I see in MM nowadays, I don't think this would work. In a group of players who are organized and have mics? Yes. In MM where many times Dominion ends in a few minutes because one team derped? No.
  12. Assault in Halo 2 was different from the Assault in Halo 3.
  13. It sickens me how popular Haven is. I have never played on a worse map. Its a giant circle- spawning kill map. Maybe everyone likes it because it feels like how COD maps are designed...
  14. Cortar


    No. On so many levels, No.
  15. Halo definitely has some useful sounds. I would never play without the sound, its doable, but it definitely puts you at an disadvantage, however small that is.
  16. Dude, did you even watch the video? This guy is good, but only that, not great, not amazing. The people he was playing against were absolute retards. Either he has a really, really low TS rating or this is one of his first games in this hopper (both are basically the same thing). The enemies were so so so terribad. (1) None of them rushed the laser, he was able to get it while making a pit stop at the sniper AND while not sprinting. (2) After very obviously giving away his position with both the sniper and laser, they still just ran into the middle without trying to suppress him first. (3) countless other things. This video is impressive if only for the fact that I have never seen a group of worse players together than the enemy team
  17. I play it, but I don't like it sometimes because some of the maps don't work well with the number of players/gametypes that are in this hopper. For example, having 6 players on each team on the desert-like map (cant remember the name) is way too much.
  18. Halo has always let guests in matchmaking. And since we aren't getting ranked playlists, this will always be something you have to deal with. Well we don't have nor will we ever have ranked playlists... So ya, theres that.
  19. Cortar

    Grenade Pick Up

    Halo's grenades have gotten out of control. We always spawn with stickies now, we have a freaking grenade indicator (what are we, like 5?), and you have to have a perk to make grenades efficient or pick them up. If they could only get rid of one thing it would have to be the grenade radius increase/dmg intake decrease, this perk alone really screws up the game too much. All of the other perks influence the game in more subtle ways while this one is way too obvious and game changing.
  20. Its almost as if not having a leaving penalty was hurting this game! Halo has always been about "carbine-oriented" gameplay, if you want to use your full auto machine gun go back to COD. For someone who hates leaver penalties and thinks you should be able to drop out of any game at any time, you really can't complain. This problem lies at the feet of people like you. It does but it sucks and breaks very easily. Ya, I agree with that guy you are quoting, using white font is pretty dumb especially since the mobile version of the website has a white background (its not an 'iOS app')
  21. (1) The lag you are getting in War Games and SO isn't from "servers overflowing" (2) They wouldn't make any money off of that
  22. Except this ISNT an official forum so even if they did something it wouldnt be this place.
  23. Bc complaining serves a purpose. Complaining about problems raises awareness about them while just ignoring them and talking how great everything is, is kinda pointless since we all enioy this game. If more people complained about this games problems then they will be fixed sooner and the game will be better.
  24. I like it but graphics and polygons counts probably wouldnt allow it
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