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Everything posted by Cortar

  1. Not only are there problems with the spawns like you mentioned.... but an asymeterical map should NEVER be in a 2 flag ctf playlist (looking at you complex and abandon!)
  2. But this is supposed to be a weekly challenge and it basically says "play one non BTB game." This is easier than every single daily challenge that they have had since this games release! They need a new challenge maker or at least givebthe current one a copy of the game!
  3. But the "exterminate" thing in this game is realllllly easy to get. The commendation is the first one I finished. I mean, the weekly challenges have always been a joke that you cab do in a day. but this one takes the kicker. If you DON'T get this in one or two games then somethings wrong.
  4. I agree. This is one of those game breaking perks because you can never know who has it or who doesn't. In previous Halo games you were able to make skillful decisions about what to do in certain situations and you would know that if you were better, you would win. Now many of these encounters are gone and replaced with, "whoever is luckier wins!"
  5. Cortar

    3rd person gametype

    "more tactically" How so? You see a lot more so its less tactically because its very easy to camp and to spot people.
  6. The BS is pretty BS. I wish they would nerf it, but with how much they buffed the AR from previous games, it might be a necessary evil.
  7. It wasn't that hard, I did it over a couple of days by myself. The hardest part I found was the last level on that bridge with infinite enemies... It took me forever to make it past that part.
  8. Maybe because you didn't SPAWN with the mauler or dual mauler? The sword in H4 is basically worthless because of PV, BS, and sprint.
  9. Cortar


    I agree, its really annoying killing a few people and THEY ALL HAVE BRs and so you can't reload your DMR because THERE ARE NO WEAPONS ON THE MAP.
  10. How about the fact that Halo actually takes strategy and skill to play while COD is just for 12 year olds with 5 second attention spans.
  11. Yes, great idea, lets take the ********* two Halo games and put them together because then it will be the ultimate ****storm game of all time!
  12. The AR is purely a training weapon until someone gets famaliar and skilled enough with the game to use the real weapons. In previous games the power ratio of the weapons were good (except Reach), but they increased it because some people never left that stage and never took of their training wheels and complained that they can't do all the cool tricks like the guys with real bikes could. Dear God no. the AR would be completely OP then. They already buffed the range and damage a ton. Just take the bones they throw you and don't ask for retarded crap like that. Why? Its a retarded idea and has no place in the Halo series.
  13. Its too random. Like all of the other guns 343 introduced into this game. Its also too powerful.
  14. Cortar

    PV Is OP

    Iv made about 1 or 2. Thats it. That doesn't really mean much considering the state of balance in this game.
  15. But they did. You can't turn instant respawn off...
  16. What time and playlist are you trying to play. Do either of you have a lot of games played? Do both of you have xbox live accounts that you use to play H4 or is she playing as a guest?
  17. Cortar

    PV Is OP

    It gives you wayyyyy too much information. On top of that, the developers basically agree with me because there is a perk that counters it already in the game! A perk that only counters a single AA?!?!?! Thats just not right nor is it good balance.
  18. Regicide is a FFA playlist, to boost in it people would get two xboxes, sign in a bunch of guests and join games until they are in the same game then kill the guests over and over. Its doable, but considering these guys were trolling around in SO they were probably just boosters.
  19. What? You just said they had < 1 kd, that doesn't really help your argument. Im glad to hear that Halo 1,2, and 3 were all trash that average people didn't like, because their gameplay was much closer to MLG than this current game. The purpose of all of these complaints are to FIX problems within the game. If you don't raise your voice, then business as usual will continue and NOBODY likes the BS and NOBODY likes that the DMR is strictly better than the BR and very few people like Weapon Timing and Instant Respawns. You can't seriously play professionally in this game with "just a few tweaks" It has a long ways to go before it can be taken seriously like a game like CS, SC, or any of the MOBAs.
  20. No, the game needs LESS randomness and luck based gameplay, NOT more!
  21. No, sorry those were two different sentiments about two different subject, not related. I don't think the 4v4 is tied to technology, but rather the style of game. Adding more players into a game does not necessarily make it better. Four is a good number because it allows team play, but it also allows an individual to make a difference on the outcome of a game. The more people there are, the less one's actions means. Also, More people means the maps have to be bigger which changes the gameplay. A 4v4 plays much differently than an 8v8.
  22. If you would take the time to actually read my posts, especially this one, you would see that my opinions are neither ignorant nor stupid. You were the one defending the this game because "omg ign gave it a 9!1!1" so I suggest you take a long hard look at your own logic and worldview before criticizing others.
  23. http://halocharts.com/2012/chart/dailypeakpopulation/all dat replay value Hmmm maybe you are new to the internet but all of those "game reviewers" (1) suck at video games and rarely play more than a few hours of multiplayer, (2) get paid by the big name companies to continue giving their games top reviews (think when is the last time you have seen ANYONE give a top name game a crap rating), (3) and their scale is stupid, it should be 9-10, instead of 1-10 because they rarely if ever give ratings below 9 and then usually to companies that don't pay them off. What? This is nonsense, Halo never had instant respawn and removing it would NOT be "like playing as Cortanan during the campaign" this is just stupid. No, that is pretty much a perfect example. You are expecting Monopoly but you get Mouse Trap. I expected Halo and got COD.
  24. No, its not the console, multiplayer for pretty much everyone causes slow down, especially on certain maps.
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