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Status Updates posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. I just found out The hard way that if you dont have any spawns on The map PARALLAX and die you will never spawns again ans do The map is broken and you can not forge , not even if you end and start it again ... so dont forget The spawns

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Same thing is happening to me on mi map on the Breakout Arena. I'm not quitting though

  2. how can my brother rank Diamond and i gold when i have better win /loose ratio and better K/D in SWAT

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skummgummigubbe


      Thats sucks i think i lost one or two games and got gold

    3. RedStarRocket91


      I've played about 20 games now, I've gone positive in every one but still stuck in plat because of awful teammates

    4. skummgummigubbe


      I got up to plat 1 from gold 1 in about a day or so

  3. im soon gona go pick up my HALO needler replica 1:1 scale (29 inch long and 21 inch high ) its huge and its with working lights sounds and movement

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Take a picture of it and post it in the yearbook!

    3. skummgummigubbe


      Ill post a pick in The yearbook for sure

    4. Onsokumaru


      You could make a 1:1 prop replica. :3

  4. I Will Come back after HALO 5 releses to start playing games with all of you but i stay away to avoid any halo 5 content before it relese

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      We have a Halo 5 leak blanket ban until November 6th. You should be fine. Good to have you back skumm!

  5. Have any one started a hub so those who looking for fireteam for TTK when its relesed 15th or even for raids and other high lvl activities?

    1. Akali


      Me if you're on before me :P

    2. skummgummigubbe


      I wont be on till friday sadly

    3. Azaxx



  6. any one still playing destiny looking for raid party and other lvl32^ activity

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. skummgummigubbe


      Sounds good maybe talk to The event planers

    3. Spyro


      I'll help, and I have a friend who would help out too. So that would make two more. :3

    4. skummgummigubbe


      Yay, im anevailble any time

  7. Halo 3 ODST is out on xbone, download now

  8. i have bought myself a lovely new car an Oldsmobile Toronado 79 so beutiful

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skummgummigubbe


      i will, they´ll be in my folder

    3. skummgummigubbe


      i set it as my profile pic as i cant upload it to fileshare

    4. Ranger Intel
  9. If you thinking to subscribe to lootcrate talk to me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      I've thought about it. Stuff doesn't look worth what you pay for though

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i had it for a few months but cancelled it, i was disappointed by it

    4. skummgummigubbe


      i come by once in a while


  10. if it was this easy to get a jobb why didn,t i get it two years ago....

  11. yesterday my childhood home burned to the ground after struck by the lightning, but the worst was that i was 900 kilometers from there and could not be with the rest of the family

    1. skummgummigubbe


      Every one was safe and still are

    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      :( Man, that sure sucks. I hope your family stays safe and gets everything worked out. You all are in my prayers.
    3. skummgummigubbe


      Tacks so much Mayh3m

  12. if you want to see more of my work head over to my instagram @andreas_dahlin http://imgur.com/2PJyPCB

  13. is there an existing ESO clan here on 343i?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      When PS4 version comes out I will make one.

    3. skummgummigubbe


      Indeed fishy, a bummer caboose i belive i wont get a ps4. Bigger chanse i get an xbone

    4. Coldfreeze


      Still I got it for pc, love it, just love it

  14. is there an ESO existing clan here on 343i

  15. congrats to the 3 years of a great comunity, and the two years i have been here has ben amazing

  16. Merry Christmas to one and all

  17. i have a huge drive tomorrow on roughly 12 hours, about 800 kilometers to get home for christmas

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      Be safe and enjoy Christmas with your family

    2. Ranger Intel
    3. skummgummigubbe


      Thank you both, hopefully there won't be any complication

  18. i have a huge drive tomorrow on roughly 12 hours, about 800 kilometers to get home for christmas

  19. this did not make my day, i had appointed time at a tattoo artist today and 20 minutes before appointed time he calls to cancel it because he feel sick...... damn ........

    1. Guts
    2. TDM


      You should use your Modly powers and ban him from his business. :P

  20. this did not make my day, i had appointed time at a tattoo artist today and 20 minutes before appointed time he calls to cancel it because he feel sick...... damn ........

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Hope it didn't spoil your day. Try book for another day. ;)

    2. skummgummigubbe


      it did less spoil my day when the tattoo artist booked thursday this week :)

    3. BeckoningZebra1


      Hope today can still be a Happy Birthday! :)

  21. i have finally got an internet i can connect my xbox to, LIVE for the win :D

  22. someone have any experience with boxing PM me

  23. i'm going to Barcelona next next weekend with my class, and i who never been outside my own country

    1. Cooliest


      Whoot that should be fun. :)

  24. this F-ing sux, left my old life to start new, 2 weeks after i entered school i hevely crach my beloved car and sach a school window

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tommy


      Telling a mod what to do lol..


      I'm sorry to hear that though, it sounds awful!

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Skumm that's terrible news dude I'm sorry. PM me my friend if you wanna talk.

    4. Church


      Didn't mean to be a downer. We're here for you Skumm. That's what friends are for.

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