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Everything posted by Unseenz

  1. Thanks for posting. Halo 3 did have lag compensation but it was never this bad. Let's put it this way. Most modern games have lag compensation and it will never change, it cannot. It is not fair to people who may not be financially capable of purchasing better internet and it helps when people from other countries play with each other. Now, what you are experiencing could quite possibly be lag. I do not know your skill level, nor do I want to "guess" what skill level you are but for the purposes of this discussion and suggestion I will give some light to it, using myself as an example. For an example, I right now, have roughly a 2.0 KD (I think it is like 1.98) and I am a SR 42. I run into issues sporadically with the gameplay, namely when I play objective game types where a lot of things are going on. I notice, that sometimes when I am in games I am completely dominating people at a similar SR rank (I know SR rank does not = skill but w.e.) I then play games where it seems a little jittery and I am being out DMR'd by lower SR rank people. This is fine because some people have bad games, w.e. However, a trend arose from these types of games where I do statistically bad. The kill cam in these games are horrid. I watch myself get shot through walls, the guy/gal might be looking down on the ground and I just magically die, or it shows the person aiming up in the air and I just fall down on the ground. This ladies and gentlemen, is lag compensation kicking in. Most games, I have no problem with the kill cam (the games I do well in) and the games I do horrid in show a 1 to 2 second delay of DMR shooting or firing (this could be br, ar, etc.) I cannot express it enough that I am not whining or am displeased with the game. I love H4 but this is definitely game breaking. 1 to 2 seconds of lag compensation on someone with a good connection, means that someone with a bad connection is 1 or 2 seconds ahead of me, regardless of how I play I will die against any competent player. Hope that brought some light to your concerns, UnSeEnZ
  2. Okay, let me start out by saying that I love Halo and I love COD (on NO! he likes Call of Duty). I will tell you why. Background: Top page gamebattles COD MW2 team (Rank 5) and Cod MW1 Top page doubles (Rank 2) Halo - Semi - pro H3 (several rank 50s), Halo Reach (Onyx ranked), and H2 (rank 46) Call of Duty, is a fast paced game. The better shot will win. Plain and Simple. Run around shoot stuff, this is COD. Competitively Cod has fallen off the radar since MW1. That was an excellent, balanced Cod, anyone who disagrees is either biased or does not know what competitive play really is. Halo, shields and the better shot wins. Slower based competitive play that takes a degree of map knowledge. Team play is huge in H4 comparably to most halos. The better team will win, plain and simple. There is no more lone wolfing like there was in Halo 2 and 3. I like this. This creates better competitive play. Now, the issue with the weapons you mentioned. There are none. The weapons are balanced. the BR is good for mid to close range and the DMR is even mid and better at long range. The weapon loadouts offer a better sense of strategy. This creates a new feel for Halo and allows for different looks competitively. This is a good thing. Cod, as much of a good game BO1 was, was the same thing over and over and over again. This is boring for viewers and boring for competitive play (sometimes because Counterstrike is still pretty alive and it is practically the same thing). Now I will use big boy words now, modernization is the big one. When a gaming company modernizes a game, they take fan-loving formulas but add a degree of new-style gameplay. In alot of cases this works and sometimes it does not. H4 was a product of a successful transition to the modern gaming world. We loved h3 and h2 but at some point we need to put that in past memories and move on with the newer games, much like how we put behind mw1 when BO1 came out. This is normal and it will never stop. Right now the game could not be more balanced. There is very little degree of "luck" in this game, which separates it from Halo Reach, and adds the same competitive feel that h2 and h3 had in the matchmaking system. When creating forums posts, please, try and put fruitful and thoughtful explanations behind your reasoning and why something may be "broken" or needs fixing. Screaming "THIS GAME IS IMBA FIX NAW" is not helpful and only turns the community away from the proposed fix and definitely turns me away. -UnSeEnz
  3. I moved a poll for the damper addition of the lag compensation system to this http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/18057-petition-to-add-lag-compensation-damper-system/ it is extremely detailed and could give a better insight as to what I was talking about. Read with care Lol Happy Gaming and thanks for the support and replies, UnSeEnz
  4. Thank you, CounterStrike Source and GO have this option and look how successful those games are competitively. LAN games are done for tourneys but the online play is also dampered to fit the average gamer as well. This system also creates a sense of competitive play across all boards not just LAN matches, which also creates new pros
  5. Disclaimer: I am by no means discrediting what 343 has done, "crying", or stating "THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE OR I QUIT" I am only trying to add a suggestion and I put time and thought into this post so please, have the same courtesy when replying, voting, or giving your suggestions. Hello Community, I created a similar topic, in the general thread but feel that this thread for matchmaking is the better thread for a topic like this, seeing as this heavily involves the matchmaking system, etc. I want to first start out by saying that the lag compensation in the game right now is kind of game breaking. At times you feel like a boss out DMR-ing people, etc. and at other times you get the "WTF" just happened moment when the person out DMRs you and in the kill cam he is looking at the wall. I have an immense amount of experience in First Person Shooter games ranging from the (arguably most competititve) CounterStrike to the fun but still awesome BF3. I have been a fan of Halo for years and played at high levels in H2 (level 46 slayer legit) , H3 (multiple level 50s) and Reach (Onyx ranks). (The only reason I stated this was to give a foundation so that I do not get laughed out of the forum for being "bad" or "you just cannot aim", etc. Right now, we have something called lag compensation in the Halo 4 matchmaking system. This is a good mechanic. It needs to be in any modern game, it has been in games for years now and even other competititve shooters, such as, Counterstrike have come to develop the lag compensation system. Games that have succeeded in the implementation of this system allow for the user to "Damper" the lag compensation to meet the connection strength of the user. Games that have utterly failed in the lag compensation system are games, such as, MW3 that did not do this. A simple change is needed, and it would cost 343 next to nothing to implement. A damper system should be put in place for lag compensation. Why? It would give people who have good connections the ability to turn down the compensation and people with not so good internet connections the ability to turn it up. A system such as this would work: In the options menu, 343 could add something that deals with connection (duh). The menu would have three options: 1) Low (for higher connections) 2) Medium (For mid-grade connections) 3) High (for connection speeds that are considerably slower) Now I do not have numbers in front of me on connection speeds that would fit each category but for the purposes of this suggestion we could assume connections with a: 1) Low (connections with a rating of A to B ) 2) Medium (connections with a rating of C) 3 High (connections with a rating of D to F) These ratings could be obtained from speedtest.net and would allow 343 to implement a system that could suggest a damper for the user to select based on the following ratings or speeds. This would create a highly competitive and FAIR environment. The current lag compensation is not good, plain and simple. It catters to connections with lower connection speeds while punishing higher connection speeds. I am not the one to brag, but I have a B+ grade connection and I am lagging horribly during BR / DMR fights and this needs to stop. I have had instances where I get shot once, then the guy appears on my screen (well, lets do the math 1 second makes a difference in competitive play. You get one or two shotted before you can react you lose). I have read several posts that pertained to the kill cam showing people getting shot when they are not even being aimed at (this pertains to lag compensation). Community, let us vote on the ADDITION of a damper/buff system for lag compensation which would establish a fair and consistent environment for online competititve play. 343 has done many things right, and I feel that this is the big one they need to NAIL. Please keep the negative comments to the minimum and vote. We also do not need people crying out imbalances, flaming, or acting like a troll. Read this and understand this before you post to avoid negativity. We are all in this in the long run and 343 has had an extensive track record for listening to the community (i.e. Halo Anni. and Reach). If you think there could be a better way to add something like this to the game, please share your insight. Thank you community and happy gaming! -UnSeEnz EDIT: I forgot to add something, completely removing the lag compensation system is a NO. It needs to be in multiplayer gaming now to create more fair environments and having none is just... no. Plus it would be like reworking the ENTIRE network code and that is A)costly and like creating a whole new game. SO before you suggest "Remove l4g c0mpens4tion GRR" remember this. Plus, adding a dedicative server list is expensive, this is a less expensive awesome addition. EDIT EDIT: I just realized how innovative Halo online play actually is comparably to most games, would it not be absolutely electrifying if they were to develop a system for lag compensation settings for consoles? I shiver at how awesome this could be. The best way to get 343 to listen is to vote and keep this thread alive.
  6. leaderboards is a plus, but you can check your kills with weapons, etc. on waypoint
  7. Yeah, it happens to me kind of frequently not too bad but definitely a problem for competitive play. I will tell you 1 second difference is out BR / DMR time. I just wanted to make a doable suggestion for 343 to add and it would, hears the kicker, save money.
  8. Classification [signature, Avatar, Background] * : Signature Format [PNG (Static image), GIF (Animated)] : PNG Size [Default: 600x200]* : Default Style [if you want your image to have a particular distinctiveness, (ex. Noir, Simplistic, colorful, retro etc.)] : Something kind of like this http://www.mariashri...gifts-christmas (of course not as choppy ) Primary Colors [1, 2 or 3 separate colors you want] Blue (and maybe some tints of different blues but nothing red please ) Any other complimentary colors if necessary. IMAGE [1]* You choice, would like to have master chief IMAGE [2] Your choice if you feel it is necessary IMAGE [3] Your choice if you feel it is necessary Background: Something similar to the image I showed you, kind of like an eery feeling surrounding master chief Writing [What you want written on the image] : Just my name UnSeEnZ Font : Your choice Extras : Your choice Locations [The composition of the image] : Your choice Please consider making me a signature, have been wanting one for awhile and my photoshop skills are less than good. I used to create signatures, etc. but kind of fell out of doing it. Thanks Insignia, keep up the great work for the community.
  9. Hello community, I generally do not post on game forums unless there is something that seems to be giving me problems (duh). I want to start by saying that I am exceptionally satisfied with Halo 4. I think 343 did an excellent job in creating an opener for the new Halo Trilogy. Now, please read the following with an open mind, I would prefer people to not rage on this topic / take what you see and completely disagree with the avid-Halo fan attitude (we do not want to create issues that we saw in Halo Reach in the opening months). First, the campaign was brilliant. The story was engaging and I felt like I was in a movie. This is a good thing, and I think more games need to follow suite. Second, the multiplayer is exceptionally good. I am a SR - 42 and I will tell you at times you want to throw the game out the window. The playlists add a degree of competitiveness and innovative (or combined) styles of play, i.e. dominion. Dominion is by far one of the best playlists out. It is so freaking good. Now, (please read carefully and do not jump to conclusions), I have been playing competitive first person shooters since Halo CE. I absolutely love Counterstrike and I loooove Halo 3. The problem I am seeing with Halo 4, that can be fixed, is lag compensation and the style of matchmaking. Lag compensation is evident in the matchmaking system and glaringly obvious when you are DMRing people. I actually did not notice for awhile until today. Maybe it is because Counterstrike GO and Source were similar in the respect that the game would cater to bad connection players. This is fine because Valve made an option available to the players to TURN DOWN the lag compensation if the player had a good connection or TURN IT UP if the player had a bad connection. This NEEDS TO BE ADDED INTO HALO 4! You cannot have a competitive multiplayer game and expect it to survive when good connection players are being punished without an option to damper the lag compensation. At the very least they can add an option in the menu to turn it up or down with settings like: low, medium, or high and give the players the option to select one. The game can even tell you what would be prefered under your connection type and would not break the game but make it awesome! Now any other opinions or suggestions would be great to give to 343 . Matchmaking, is whole other story. (I am not crying about matchmaking and trying to flame, etc. just want to give my opinion.) I think in the next few weeks or even a month from now, Halo 4 should have separate matchmaking playlists for ranked and unranked. What made Halo 3 so successful was the fact I could choose when to play competitively or choose to play not competitively. Much like Counterstrike (which is arguably the most competitive shooter), there were unranked playlists and ranked playlists in GO (Global Offensive). I am not trying to say "MAKE THE GAME LIKE COUNTERSTIKE OR BLACK OPS OR I QUIT" but I would like to have the ability to select if I want to try or not. Personally, video games are for fun. I do not want to play Final Boss and company (lol) every single game. Side note, please fix the connection issues for coop and spartan ops please 343 (Not detrimental but would be nice). Now, Halo 4 community, let us try to come up with logical and DOABLE fixes for the game. Taking out lag compensation would mean recreating the game, so that is not an option but to add something like an option to select your degree of lag compensation would BE EXCELLENT AND IT WORKS! The playlist issues we might see change soon, as ranked playlists will be out, but I would like to KNOW that I am doing unranked or ranked and be able to adjust my play accordingly. Please listen and take this opinion, as an opinion and a suggestion. Thank you, Unseenz EDIT: I want to add that I am only trying to give a suggestion that could save 343 money rather than completely reworking the servers (making them dedicated, etc.) This way it saves them money and helps us as gamers! EDIT EDIT: This is a new game, so let us not talk about imbalance of weapons, gear, etc. The game is near perfect, just needs a few tweaks.
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