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Kiing 0f Coffe

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Everything posted by Kiing 0f Coffe

  1. I like the story of the campaign. But I'm just sad that it was too easy on legendary.
  2. I don't even know why there is an argument about this. If it pleases the fans and doesn't make a difference to others, then why appose showing rankings in game?
  3. Welcome to the community of Halo nerds and geeks.
  4. Why can't they just tell me what they're nerfing/buffing. The anxiety is killing me.
  5. I like it, but I would like more playlist options in action sack. Right now there is only 3.
  6. The thread's argument is that it should be shown on your service record. Not on Waypoint only.
  7. Welcome, we could use some cheery folk around these forums.
  8. What's the harm of adding halo 2 multiplayer. Oh yah, Making tons of MONEY!
  9. It aches my heart to see you go twin. Good luck in all of your endeavors.
  10. It's annoying, but beatable.
  11. halo 1 pistol, halo 2 smg, halo 2 carbine, halo 2 needlerS, halo 3 sentinal beam, halo reach plasma launcher, halo 3 energy sword, and of course. The INCINERATOR CANNON!
  12. I don't see how the flood couldn't re appear if Halo 5 will involve the Precursors.
  13. Damage boost assault rifle= RAGE BOMB!
  14. Wasn't surprised at all when I saw it. You definitely deserved this, Congrats Church.
  15. Good for you, however, most people can't do this well vs. the DMR. If you buff the BR and the Carbine, the DMR will still have it's place at long range. If you can do extremely well with the BR, I'm sure some people can do extremely well with the DMR post balance patch.
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