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Everything posted by Jam

  1. Jam

    Halo RPG

    I have ideas but I am way to lazy to post them so I will say that this game would (if done right) could bring the halo universe back to life. (Not that it is dead, it's just...sick...) I like the ideas but it would need to be indirectly associated with MC. I will say one idea. Scene: space The carrier the protagonists are on pass by a piece of another UNSC ship.. Marine 1: (looking at the ship through a window.) Hey do ya reckon there is anyone still on that half of ship? (Takes a drink of coffee) Marine 2: Nah it's just space junk. (Turns to walk away, stops.) Ya comin? Marine 1: yeah but what if there IS somebody or something on it? Marine 2: it would be dead. Unless it was in a cryochamber. Marine 1: yeah it is odd to think something or someone is in THAT.( walks away) Ship rolls over it says Forward Unto Dawn... END SCENE............. Do you like it?
  2. At the beach...

    1. Azaxx


      Ew, outside.

    2. Jam


      Not I am Baja racing my friends.

  3. Well I don't get scarred that easily but I have to say Zombieland is my favorite. The show pilot is awesome.
  4. The first grunt you kill in campaign on C.E.. Because it would be awesome to be the first enemy killed by the chief. It is almost an honor to die from the butt of chiefs pistol. I don't know. I guess that is who I'd be.
  5. the suit i have in mind isnt realy that hard to make. i will make a thread with the description in it for the suit.
  6. i had an idea... how about a brute chopper with three wheels just a differing design no other changes. except maybe it is slower. yay or nay?
  7. cortana!?! ask me out!?! and if Twam did take down this site i'd die... literally... if batman killed Cortana he would face an enemy ten times ten times ten times ten times... oh heck 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times as crazy as the Joker and all his crazy freinds combined. Plus Cheif...
  8. a part of the first chapter of a comic i am making. it is very basic because i am doing this thread in ten minutes. critique it please. and i know it is missing a lot of things but i am going to post the comic in a latter date and i want it to be a big topic. so here is part two of chapter one. "Ma' am we're landing in thirty seconds prepare your team" "Thank you Private," Tara 1332 says only half listening. "Okay team lets go! Move,Move,Move!" The fire team lands and regroups about a mile south of the desert where they landed. they are at a bunker. the teams' tactical operator pulls up a projector. Then puts an A.I. in. "Hello Sean" Tara says to the A.I. "Hello Tara, you need assistance i see. what do you need me to do?" "Sean can you locate where the hostages are?" Sean looks confused then amused then confused again. "Ma' am it looks like they are under us but i dont see any tunnels as of now." "keep looking sean this bunker isnt as basic as it seems." she looks around and realizes this building is forunner. "ah here it is" Sean replies after a few seconds. "this back wall is actually a door. " "You mean that this is the entrance to a under ground base?" a spartan asks. "More like a base turned into city" Sean answers intelligently. the team finds controls and opens the door. Tara takes Sean and puts him into her helmet.they enter the building and take hold in a small building where they can plan the attack for the next day...
  9. or maybe a recording of Halsey asking Cheif what happened to Cortana.
  10. I mean in general, @frogger24.
  11. infection, or other way that a person would with out proper treatment anyone will die if not by infection then blood loss maybe. I don't know it was just an idea. and remember she joined the storm, so why would the UNSC help her? all im trying to say is that we need to have a character that has a strong emotional bond to John like the way that cortana was.(but halsey is chiefs mother figure and cortana could have kept him going as a mother until he sees Halsey again.)
  12. None other than the spartan one... Sergeant Avery Johnson. best character of that game.
  13. nothing is worse than a rushed game i agree
  14. especially her favorite 'son'(she refers to the spartan 2's as her children) . and i think she is smart enough to trick Jul into getting what she wants. then when she does that she will kill him and hitch a ride with the Cheif to get another copy of Cortana made. The Cortana will be different but it will settle John somewhat. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!¡!¡!¡!¡!!!!! (DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU HAVE FINISHED SPARTAN OPS) but then she will die because of her missing an arm. and set cheif into a deeper depression.and then Didact will reapear.
  15. I dont care what they do they just need to add the cyclops in maybe in campaign it would be in one mission to defend a base against a scarab tank. OR if the covys are attacking a factory to get an artifact which is being installed into the Cyclops cheif deffends the base with the only one of the cyclops that has the in it.
  16. good ideas and they are well balanced. here is one of my ideas, not a gun but ammo. incinerating bullets for the shotgun. it does significantly less damage than any regular bullet but once fired ignites and does damage over time. the shot wont be very effective but causes the enemy to have an almost black, red tone in it. making it hard for the opposition to see. the only way to stop it would be to find water or another inflamable liquid. this would be a very scarce munitions source. and with less ammo capacity. but it would also set a good flare for a rally point in multiplayer.
  17. i collect them too. I have a 11"x11" battlescape. So no I dont think it's childish. just freaking out when i get the ultra rare one's is.
  18. thank you my friend Haloman two I could rhyme until the end i do more than just this simple one.(that wasn't a part of a poem) why must i always run a way's long torturous beaten path for us i don't know where to go so i run its no fun into the sun The End my freind
  19. roses are red, violets are blue and if I cant be an elite i will be too. So three fourty three here's a question from me. in halo five, as elites, will we be alive? owning the 'other' with another controller? or am i just crazy? I know I'm not lazy when i ask if it will be the way it was in H3. If this makes no since and if this dents a portion of your mind im sorry, i meant to be kind, to the fellow members of this site who remembers... ...when there was a simpler Halo. and when you got a a splater you yelled 'Hello!' when the game was a game with no books to name. It was called Halo Combat Evolved. some might say 'oh alas!' why a deeper story has came to pass. But if you realize it would come to your surprise without that cliff the game leaves you on it would be no fun and you might call halo a none to yourself and leave it on the shelf. i must quit this rhyme because it is time to see if anyone else has a poem to make for himself ( or herself for that matter) and see if they can make one about the Mad Hatter. but if you cant then i will write a rant. now i will say the opposite of 'hi' goodbye
  20. for some odd reason I read this thread and I look at what all has been said. I realize that this is a thread for a poem. then try to think up one with a good rhythm. I realize this one doesn't rhyme that well but if you wouldn't criticize me that'd be swell. and for my last rhyme I will say this poem has quite made my day. ... I know I lied, I'm a liar I am but this has been a random poem by Jam...
  21. I love the idea. it should also be able to tell you the stats of your and the opposing teams and how to use strategy on the field so you can execute the enemy, rather than you just yelling or being yelled orders over mic. you like?
  22. Why would we call spartans Halo's ? Think about the idea of grunts on grunts. they are weak and can only weild a few of the weapons. the only benifits would be you are small and fast. But some of the ideas are good. they arent thought out very well is all i'm saying.
  23. i dont think that would be good. it would just be a robotic Halsey. and she would be less as useful as she isnt able to get inside enemy tech. and that would make the game awkward if cheif and her would still have feelings for one another. wasnt she already a robot in the terms that she wasnt human just a copy of Halsey as an A.I.? it is a good idea but not very well planed out. as for her as a playable character...no...just no... i'm not trying to be negitive its just that we need to let her go.
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