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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. I'm Banning you because this thread started me a page earlier than the latest post. So Banned because of the sheer stupidity of how long this thread has lasted. I literally have no idea who I am banning.
  2. Those Poor A.I! Beautiful Work there. I can tell the utmost heart was put into that. Never stop breaking the boundaries of Halo.
  3. *Destroys Self* Was it ever implied that the Flood were not going to be in the game? There are these things called surprises you know? ala Halo CE. Pessimistically optimistically wrong I always am. Story wise I can wait though. The payoff's gonna be big when we see them again... I'm hoping this at least.
  4. This makes me wonder how 343 will Handle the Warden Eternal. He can't be too weak because no matter what there will always be four people up against him at once. He may operate similar to Warzone Bosses but I doubt it. Difficulty moving forward I hope Halo 5 is somewhere in between Halo 2 and Halo 4.
  5. I really couldn't care less. Not a fan of telltale's type of games, and haven't been much of a Minecraft player in recent years so, I don't really care to much.
  6. Halo CE is hardest for me because of the last 3 levels. Coming off of The Library is bad enough. But when your next three levels lined up are Two Betrayals, Keyes, and the Maw. The Maw giving the most relief out of the three. When using speedrunning tactics, there aren't a lot of de spawns and a whole lot of RNG to kill you with Rocket Flood. Halo CE has the Most Tenacious enemies, and that's only on par with Halo 4 believe it or not. To me at least. Halo 2 is most likely second, but what keeps it from getting first is the amount of shortcuts you can take. You can beat the level Uprising in 2 minutes flat which helps a lot because that level Vanilla tactics a pain. "Off the Rock, Through the Bush, Nothing but Jackal" Is one of the hardest sections to ever solo legendary... Vanilla. Once again there's a skip to De-spawn that whole area and cut the level in half. So if I was playing Headstrong/Vanilla and taking on everything Halo CE and Halo 2 would be reversed. But using Smart/Coward/Speedrunning Tricks makes Halo 2 the easier game. Depends on the way you play it. Halo 4 is next. The Vehicles being made out of Paper Mache really doesn't help in any vehicle based part, minus the Mantis area on Infinity. Midnight, The Marine Achievement Hill on Infinity, Forerunner, and Not Skipping Shutdown can make this a pretty difficult game. Not to mention the Bullet Sponge Prometheans, Who I still personally like just for the Purpose of Punching right in the mouth and their Crispy fried deaths. Moderately tough game. Not as easy as people think. Especially By Yourself. Halo 3 is what I said was easiest. Granted there are some pretty difficult parts near the end of the game. I have played the game enough though to get past these parts pretty fast. There is also a reasonable number of shortcuts like Killing the Scarab on the Ark the Moment it drops off the Structure. Killing the Scarab on The Storm the Moment it drops with a gravity lift. Ecetera Ecetera. These Coupled with the Crumbly Nature of the Flood in this game, comparatively speaking to it's predecessors, makes Combat Forms a Joke. The Tank forms are a damned Joke Honestly. The Ranged Forms are the Hardest thing they have to offer in this game. I.E The Annoying Cortana Mission. I Still miss them so much though When I went for beating the Original Trilogy in Under 3 hours for each game, Halo 3 gave me the least fuss. So Halo 3 is the easiest to me, yet still my favorite campaign, Gameplay wise. Halo 3: ODST I don't have much experience within the campaign, but I'd say it would probably Tie with Halo 4 if I had to venture a Guess. Not too hard, but not too easy. I'll have better judgment on this when I play it on Legendary for myself. TL;DR Version Hardest Halo: CE Halo 2 Halo 4 Halo 3: ODST Halo 3 Easiest Also, If Reach was on the list, I'd say that one was the one that gave me the most fuss of all the Halo games. The Pillar of Autumn is such an unforgiving level. It may have gotten easier because the last time I played that game Legendary by Myself was in 2010. Oddly enough though, it's the only Halo so far I have completed on LASO.
  7. Halo 2 isn't that tough anymore honestly. To me at least. Halo 4 actually seems harder to me on Legendary Now. The Enemies in Halo 4 seem a lot more tenacious then the ones in Halo 2. They seem to always chase me when in other games they wouldn't. Maybe because I've played Halo for so long the Wrongs are becoming rights and the rights are becoming lefts. The biggest factor of this is I use speedrunning Tactics to get past the hard parts while engaging the enemy little to none. Cheap, But Effective. And The Knights in Halo 4. On LASO I use to spawn kill them in Co-op. I traced where they would spawn on the Level Infinity. The spot where you get the Marine No Death Achievement. That spot is real Hell on LASO and Legendary, Probably the Hardest in the game save for the Last Room on Midnight. I actually Find the Knights strangely fascinating for some reason. They are the only enemy in Halo that Every time I see one, I run Up to and attempt to punch it right in it's mouth. I just really enjoy hearing them frying once I'm done killing them.
  8. Idk About 3v3v3v3, maybe 2v2v2v2. But I'm only saying that because Warlock is such a small map.
  9. I've been dreaming of Multi Team Making a return. It seems to have been all but forgotten since that one week it was seen in Halo 4. M.I.A Since. My favorite playlist it is. Where I spent most of my time in Halo 3 and Halo Reach. Poor Orange and Green Team Left Behind. Other than that, I could really care less.
  10. Became Depressed when Chief Slapped...
  11. his Goodly Greaten. Locke walked...
  12. Burned his Neighbor Yoshi's House...
  13. So 343i... Um. What have you added to Halo 5? Because it seems all this week's been is about what's not in the game.

    1. rrhuntington


      So furewcking Salty. EUUEUEH.

    2. Delpen9


      It's a phase.

  14. Of course, they same day I say something about my optimism of them being in the game, the Flood are confirmed to not be in the game. I am having a hard time coping with this. I still have that Escalation pic of the Baby flood to sooth my mind. We will see them again one day. Just a matter of time. and I swear if it's in a Halo Wars 2 I'm going to cry tears of sadness.
  15. Oh Yang. Three Bakestaybes and four Goodly Grea-... What? Were not doing that anymore? Well. Congrats Yang. Very well deserved and Happy to see you in the Pink finally.
  16. I doubt their appearance as well. It's just one of those things where I don't see it happening because of the games direction, coupled with the Lore reasons provided by BaconShelf. I'd like them back, but I give it less than a 5% chance of them being in Halo 5. Now the Flood... That's where I am betting my money.
  17. And then This Thread Died. The End.
  18. You mean dis hasn't happened yet? Bettah late than Never. Congrats Yang. At last you can be mOmmy.
  19. How Refreshing. This usually the opposite of how most fans treat Halo 4. We're certainly glad you enjoyed it and it's a refreshing take to say the least. Really happy you got into Halo. Wonderful games and a universe to get in to. Welcome to the forums too.
  20. Why are Halo's Control rooms always surrounded in Snow?
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