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Everything posted by CRY0RAPT0R

  1. This may be off topic but I want to know. I recently posted a mention of when I will hold custom games on my clan thread. Is that considered bumping? I want to know because I already posted to my thread.
  2. Custom game nights are held every weekend. Join us for more fun. Halo 4 will be held at 9pm EST on Saturday 4/27 after the clan battle of course. If you want to have more custom games please send a message to my gamertag: CRY0RAPT0R on Sunday because we may hold them then too if enough people want them.
  3. My clan is looking for players for the following games and times! MY gamertag is CRY0RAPT0R send me a message if you are interested. I will do stuff like this every weekend. Having a working MICROPHONE is a MUST! Please no little kids or squeakers. Don't be a jerk and listen to the party leaders. Be nice. Friday 4/19: Minecraft at 9pm EST Only room for 8 players in a lobby if more people want to play I'll start another lobby. Obviously trolls aren't welcome. Saturday 4/20: Halo 4 at 9pm EST Custom games are mainly what we do but we will go into matchmaking if we are short players. We prefer players looking to have a good time playing various gametypes like CTF, flood and perhaps some modded maps/games. You will need the Forge island map downloaded ITS FREE! Don't pester my clan members for party leader. Sunday 4/21 : Halo Wars 9pm EST There isn't much room in Halo Wars and we'll have to have more then one lobby if several people want to join. if we are already playing we'll let you know when we will finish or otherwise come to some sort of agreement. I enjoy making and playing mini games I've come up with so please feel free to participate in them.
  4. The raptor empire would love to have you around so I'll send you a FR. We also play other games, like minecraft and halo wars.
  5. Join us! We at the Raptor Empire (Raptors Are People That Organize Rebellion) look to have a good time above all else. Many love to forge and/or play custom games. You will see creative maps that will be quite fun. We also have other games like Minecraft, Battlefield 3 and some PC games. I may run contests where you can get Microsoft points. I will message you on xbox live if you wish. In the meantime go to our website. http://forums.raptorempire.tk/index.php?sid=1d8875442077cb64c181ef98743a49d0 Make sure being a member of our great empire is right for you before you sign up at "fluff applications"
  6. Yeah I haven't forgotten. I would like to here from you too. What is your gamertag? I am the leader of the raptor empire. We play to have fun, sometimes to win and sometimes to annoy those who think they are better than you. When you say skyrim you mean scrimmages right? Because I think skyrim is a one player game only. Thank you Tbone for helping when I am not around.
  7. Thank you tbone. It's good to remind them.
  8. Join the raptor empire. We seek enjoyment from our games. You'll run into alot of fun seeking individuals. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/
  9. You should give him the link to the fluff applications Tbone so he doesn't have to look or anyone else for that matter. Too many individuals can't seem to find something so obvious even though no matter what forum they click on its right there in front of them. LOL
  10. I'm looking for clan battles if you want to battle the Raptor Empire please post on our thread and/or send me a message on xbox live. I am looking for a battle on Saturday 9:00pm EST and I will be posting this in multiple threads so first come first serve. We are a fun loving clan who really just wants to have a good time and is ready for any gametype/map. Some of us are not the most skilled and some are depending on who plays but as long as we have fun we don't care. We just don't want to battle a clan that is far beyond our skill level so much it wouldn't be fair. If you feel you fit into this category then go to our thread or send me a message on xbox live CRY0RAPT0R http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/
  11. I'm looking for clan battles if you want to battle the Raptor Empire please post on our thread and/or send me a message on xbox live. I am looking for a battle on Saturday 9:00pm EST and I will be posting this in multiple threads so first come first serve. We are a fun loving clan who really just wants to have a good time and is ready for any gametype/map. Some of us are not the most skilled and some are depending on who plays but as long as we have fun we don't care. We just don't want to battle a clan that is far beyond our skill level so much it wouldn't be fair. If you feel you fit into this category then go to our thread or send me a message on xbox live CRY0RAPT0R http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/
  12. I'm looking for clan battles if you want to battle the Raptor Empire please post on our thread and/or send me a message on xbox live. I am looking for a battle on Saturday 9:00pm EST and I will be posting this in multiple threads so first come first serve. We are a fun loving clan who really just wants to have a good time and is ready for any gametype/map. Some of us are not the most skilled and some are depending on who plays but as long as we have fun we don't care. We just don't want to battle a clan that is far beyond our skill level so much it wouldn't be fair. If you feel you fit into this category then go to our thread or send me a message on xbox live CRY0RAPT0R http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/
  13. Join the raptor empire. We like to have fun but are serious sometimes. send me a message on xbox live CRY0RAPT0R http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/ Our website is also in there among other things we have a no squeaker policy.
  14. I'm looking for clan battles if you want to battle the Raptor Empire please post on our thread and/or send me a message on xbox live. I am looking for a battle on Saturday 9:00pm EST and I will be posting this in multiple threads so first come first serve. We are a fun loving clan who really just wants to have a good time and is ready for any gametype/map. Some of us are not the most skilled and some are depending on who plays but as long as we have fun we don't care. We just don't want to battle a clan that is far beyond our skill level so much it wouldn't be fair. If you feel you fit into this category then go to our thread or send me a message on xbox live CRY0RAPT0R http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/
  15. I'm looking for clan battles if you want to battle the Raptor Empire please post on our thread and/or send me a message on xbox live. I am looking for a battle on Saturday 9:00pm EST and I will be posting this in multiple threads so first come first serve. We are a fun loving clan who really just wants to have a good time and is ready for any gametype/map. Some of us are not the most skilled and some are depending on who plays but as long as we have fun we don't care. We just don't want to battle a clan that is far beyond our skill level so much it wouldn't be fair. If you feel you fit into this category then go to our thread or send me a message on xbox live CRY0RAPT0R http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/
  16. I'm looking for clan battles if you want to battle the Raptor Empire please post on our thread and/or send me a message on xbox live. I am looking for a battle on Saturday 9:00pm EST and I will be posting this in multiple threads so first come first serve. We are a fun loving clan who really just wants to have a good time and is ready for any gametype/map. Some of us are not the most skilled and some are depending on who plays but as long as we have fun we don't care. We just don't want to battle a clan that is far beyond our skill level so much it wouldn't be fair. If you feel you fit into this category then go to our thread or send me a message on xbox live CRY0RAPT0R http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/
  17. I'm not sure if you are on my friends list but I think you are on the raptor empire tag. If you are not on my friends list send me a friend request CRY0RAPT0R. And if you are not on the raptor empire tag send a request the Raptor Empire. Thank you and don't forget the throw down with us.
  18. I haven't been here lately. But I will. I understand why you didn't want to stay because you are in a different time zone. But give us all a chance. Perhaps you will find time in the morning to see us or refer us to someone else who will like us. I need players in different time zones, because it helps get attention of our clan around the world.
  19. I would like some members to play some more campaign with me. I want 3 others. If I can't find anyone you should come because its not as fun with silence. I'm not sure if I sent you a friend request yet but you should send a friend request to me and the raptor empire tag as soon as you can because I use the tag as a messaging system for more important topics. I am still looking for clan battles if you can find some that would be great. This weekend I think I will just give to my members and let them have their freedom so they can get used to Halo 4. I will probably hold a rally next week for games but I will still hold a meeting this friday.
  20. Oh your welcome. Don't forget to hang around with you fellow raptors. Most of us are going to want to play Halo 4 when it comes out.
  21. Please post it on our forums. You know where to find it right? Its under the area that says fluff applications. Thank you for applying.
  22. Wow someone actually wants to point the thread into the right direction. I'm taken aback I thought the point of this thread was to complain about things to the wrong people. In America nothing gets done unless you complain to the right person. Try talking to a moderator or admin people and maybe there will be something going on then. At least we can offer helpful suggestions here or perhaps create a new thread for them. But arguing isn't cutting it. To everyone else: All the people here that say joining a clan is pointless and lame probably have never joined a really decent clan. And I'm not talking about skill. I'm talking about having the right players at the right time. Its more than just points and scores what really keeps a clan going is INNOVATION, AMBITION, UNIFICATION and ORGANIZATION. You have to create experiences that will be remembered for the rest of their lives. I've created unique experiences for my members and members have done the same so much that throughout the years when people left and started their own clans they didn't have what the original offered. Thus they had to come back and make amends because they knew that they were better off with the people they knew and they missed our unique approach.
  23. Ok excellent I'll do that. We are going to do a clan battle today if we can and you should join us. To become a member submit an application and have it approved by me. You should be just fine because you take pride in your work.
  24. I would love to have you hang around us for a little while before you join to see if we are right for you. We play reach now but will play Halo 4 soon. We are mostly fun seeking but are beginning to approach other options. I will talk to you more on live if you wish CRY0RAPT0R. Here is our thread. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/14513-raptor-empire/
  25. Great to hear. I hope the other raptors will love to see you. It's important that we cover a broad spectrum. I am interested in fun enjoyable clan battles as well. But many have seen us as a community. It's ok to be a little bit of both I guess. We are the raptor EMPIRE not a clan.
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