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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. So Bethesda has set what seems to be the highest bar I've seen set for a first day at E3 yet. I can't wait to see how others follow and try to match the hype that they've set up.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      I feel that Halo 5 will get pretty close, but apart from that I think Bethesda has claimed this year's E3. That's a good thing though, right?

  2. So Bethesda has set what seems to be the highest bar I've seen set for a first day at E3 yet. I can't wait to see how others follow and try to match the hype that they've set up.

  3. And now I wait for three days as TESO installs and downloads the 30 GB launch update...

  4. 50 minutes *leaves house and goes to get in the vehicle to leave for Gamestop*

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      Whatcha going up there for?

  5. 8 hours 5 minutes

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      The hype train has no brakes!

  6. 8 hours 5 minutes

  7. I do not fear The Reaper.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maestro


      Come on, P34nut, don't fear the reaper

    3. GermanShepherdD


      i think i hear a cow bell in the distance ;3

    4. Twinreaper


      You would all be wise to fear me...

  8. Well, the election's finally over, and with that, the installment of a new, well this time old, president. That's right folks, who better to take up the mantle of responsibility after Yoshi, than the man who served beside him on his first term, Maestro. After all the hard work Yoshi has put into making the forum such a fun place, I'm quite certain Maestro is the right man to fill the role of successor, and any who disagree...well the voting's over. Anywho, congrats to your new forum Over Dict President, may he lead with a kind heart and a fist of Orichalcum! CONGRATS MAESTRO!
  9. Alright everyone, basic rules apply as always, only I'll be a little more strict now. Anyone who advertises for a candidate (in this thread) will be barred from the next USFPE (Assuming it happens) as a candidate and their nomination will not count. Anyway, vote for whoever you wish to win! VOTING ENDS ON THE 6TH OF JUNE AT 12AM CST
  10. Another good member gone...we should really make a memorial for each member we lose to this...plague...
  11. Of all the candidates, Maestro is the sole one with my support. Not only is he a great member of the community, but he has already served in office once before with great results, may his rei- presidency begin anew!
  12. 3 days until the final poll for this election begins, I recommend that you begin campaigning now if you wanna take this "seriously". :P

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Keko will not make "Planet Popcorn" of Earth. How about that?

  13. Vote my best buddy for president! H5F For forum president!!! :D

  14. Alright boys, girls, pokemon, animals, and any sentient life forms I missed, It's time for the second ever pre-poll. If you don't remember are can't tell by the name of it, the concept is quite simple; to thin the herd a bit. In other words, the two candidates with the highest votes in this will go on to be in the final poll for the presidency. THERE IS TO BE NO ADVERTISEMENT, SUGGESTION, OR ANYTHING ELSE STATING THAT SOMEONE SHOULD VOTE FOR ANY SPECIFIC CANDIDATE IN THIS THREAD. THE RULES FROM THE NOMINATION THREAD APPLY HERE AS WELL. THANK YOU.
  15. My personal nomination goes to Halo5Follower. *Yes, I'm still allowed a nomination cause I is a forum member :3*
  16. NOTE: THIS IS PURELY FOR FUN AND IS IN NO WAY OFFICIAL, YOU GAIN NO "REAL" POWER BY WINNING. NOT OFFICIAL, ONLY FUN. Okay everyone, it's about that time again. What time? Well I'm glad that at least one person asked. It's time for me to start up the United States of the Forum Presidential Elections (USFPE) again! *cue cheering* So a quick rundown for the newbies out there: Every four months I pit members who you select against each other to see who is worthy to be your "leader" and the representative of the non-staff mass on the forum. There are rules and other such things that must be followed and such as all other things on the forum, and I like to operate this as independent of the Moderators and staff as possible as it is unofficial, though some do help out from time to time. The main idea of this is to get nominated and then voted into office, or nominate someone else and try to get them into the position instead, if being a president just isn't your style. Either way, it's meant for fun, not to be taken seriously. :3 Now, before the rules, I'd like EVERYONE to remember to take a good long look at this thread for me. THIS ONE: http://343i.org/2xz Now that you've remembered, or learned, let's try to avoid that this time, shall we? Okay, the rules. RULES: 0. You cannot nominate yourself. 1. You may only nominate ONE member. 2. Once you nominate a member, you can't change your nomination unless that person decides to drop out of the running, so think before you nominate. *So don't just go and edit your post after I see that you nominated* 3. No nominating anyone who already has enough nominations to qualify to run. *2 is all it takes to qualify* 4. You are NOT allowed to advertise in this thread in any way. If you advertise it will be reported as breaking the basic rules of this thread. 5. You cannot nominate a Moderator for president, unless they were previously a president. 6. All presidents who have served a term are entitled to a second term if they are voted into it. 6. A president can only serve two terms. 7. READ ALL OF THE POSTS BEFORE YOU MAKE A NOMINATION. 8. Each nominee is allowed a campaign manager if someone so volunteers for the position. 9. Don't spam this thread with unnecessary arguing over nominees. 10. Do NOT attack other nominees or supporters of other nominees. 11. Try to have some fun. :3 The rules are to be interpreted, and can be changed at any time, by me. Any "punishment" for breaking these said rules, are solely up to me unless a moderator must step in. If you break rule 10, it is an instant ban from any participation in any future elections should I choose to continue them. For any questions, PM me. Nominees: Maestro Halo5Follower & Keko Fishy Ash Yang Xiao Long Self Destruct Nominations end and pre-poll begins at 12 AM CST on May 25.
  17. Oi, ye or nay on an election this time 'round? I'm asking because of the crap that got pulled last time.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr Kittens and Gibberish
    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Yayo. All I know is yayo.

    4. Spyro


      Mods got involved because of a few members taking it too seriously and being immature about it.


    1. RedStarRocket91
    2. Spyro


      Dang it RSR! We've been through this! You do that to the forum link at the top of the site, not the shoutbox! You get more people that way!

    3. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Hahah, that has to be done at one point. Maybe April fools. xDD

  19. The meaning behind the list is what matters, not the number of members on it. I fully support this idea Yoshi.
  20. Happy Birthday to the member who deserves MoM more than any other member so far! You know who you are, and everyone else should too! :D

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