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Everything posted by RoosterTeethFan

  1. its going to be sandtrap its going to be a big outdoor map and think about it there going to want to show off there new elephant.
  2. be nice if the color could be seen but its nice to know the names.
  3. id rather it was under powered then over powered like in reach.
  4. no you do but when you get to level 50 you will have more to pick from if you got the limited edition while everyone else will only have 2 to pick from.
  5. level 5 or 6 somewhere in the middle right before we see the infinity crash and fight the prometheans level 5 will be gotto give them something to do level.
  6. i think zanzibar or lockout or sandtrap if there isnt any huge BTB maps.
  7. get your facts right before making a topic on this next time please.
  8. well look on the bright side at least this time unlike reach will be unlocking stuff along the way to level 50 so will have things to look forward to like new guns weapons armor skins armor pieces visor colors and emblems i do agree it did get really old in reach though no doubt about it.
  9. no getting these specializations should take along time to unlock the game would get old if they didnt and its like prestiging if you dont want to start over dont you dont have to.
  10. thanks. and i will most likely use wetwork my first time through i like being a ninja
  11. i agree but will be better because it will reward players more every time they prestige then it does in cod.
  12. people can have fun with friends and if the game is fair they dont care if there losing or shouldn't its about fun not winning at least to casual gamers. i dont see how casual gamers ruin the game if a game is unbalanced they will exploit it but thats the developers fault for not making a balanced game and i dont see 343 making an unbalanced game at least at this time.
  13. see do we unlock pioneer once we reach the level 50 or do we have it at the start of the game i dont think we do correct me if im wrong. i think ill use wetwork i love being a ninja.
  14. how bad have they been for cod?
  15. i like this idea as long as it is balanced and do i have to wear the amor to have these activated or is it just a look at me i got the pathfinder armor bragin rights kind of thing?
  16. took the words right out of my mouth the game is not new its just new skins on old stuff just lisen to the sound in the trailers lots of re used sounds which just show how lazy this game is being done.
  17. thats just a rumor but it could happen.
  18. it is changed a little bit its more asy to control and you wont have to pace as much and its only on the DMR and magnum.
  19. he gave you an answer you just didnt like it.
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