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Status Replies posted by Quantum

  1. Well, what do you know? It's my birthday...

  2. Bounty Update - Bounty now stands at 150,760,663

  3. Saints Row IV, is amazing!

    1. Quantum


      I haven't played any of the Saints Row series :o

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Pacific Rim was actually pretty good.

    1. Quantum


      I've been hearing that... I'll have to visit the cinemas.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I hate it when raging quitters blame you when it's actually their fault -_-

    1. Quantum


      I know what you mean. I got hate mail from 3 people saying they reported me for hacking and cheating on Halo 3. But really, I was just having some REALLY good games. That and they sucked.

  6. Bounty Update - Bounty now stands at 150,760,663

  7. *goes into hospital for 5yearly injections to prevent disease* *gets the flu* :/

    1. Quantum


      Delightful. I've caught something aswell. We canz be sick buddies.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. You know who's going to be a Dedicated Member soon? Zelda. Everyone cheer her on!

  9. Damn! I won Winter Contingency on Legendary without dying, and still no Carter helmet avatar award! What is this madness?

    1. Quantum


      It's pretty easy if you just run down the side of the map and then just be smart. Google a walkthrough. I got it on the first try.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Adventure Time marathon and they're playing the episodes in the best order

  11. only 12 more days at my school til summer

  12. AAAaaaaaaand My semester is finished. no classes until September! :D

  13. Lost the Wrapup because my internet crashed. FML.

  14. the xbox infinty happends in 5 days YIPPEE

    1. Quantum


      I only got my Xbox a year ago. What does that matter? I'm excited to be apart of the people starting the next generation.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. It has just been brought to my attention that BeckoningZebra has been commendated with one of the most prestigious awards on the site. Congratulations BeckoningZebra!

  16. Today was a good day. I got to hang out with a friend I once called my best friend for most of my young life. He and I split after he became friends with people who got him into drugs. It was nice talking to him and knowing he is coming back to his senses, today was the first day we hung out in almost two years and instantly we talked as if no time had passed. Sorry for the long status but I'm just really happy and wanted to share :)

  17. Just removed 5 pages of friend requests, so many :/

  18. I just got myself a summer job said to pay me 20 dollars per week I go

    1. Quantum


      That's really crappy income. Where I live, minimum wage is like $9.50. You're getting ripped off.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Car bomb went off a km from where I live. Not something you see everyday in Australia.

  20. gotta find a job I need a job but who would hire a 14 yr old hmm

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