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M DooMknight

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Status Updates posted by M DooMknight

  1. :) hooray for the day! :-)
  2. "Oh say can you see. By the dawn's early light. what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight. and the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. and the rockets red glare. the bomb's bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there! Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave! and the land of the free! and the home of the Brave!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      @Ms. Mystic



    3. M DooMknight

      M DooMknight

      It is memorial day.

    4. CandiBunni


      -nods- And my sympathies do go out to those who have lost family. However I just don't really get choked up or emotional from the Star Spangled Banner. Just nothing that moves me really.

  3. *An idea I would like to share with 343 industries...*

  4. Awesome news and disappointing news...

  5. Can anyone help voice act? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwnSw66Stfw My friend here is looking for voice actors and I was wondering if anyone can help?

  6. Credit banned!

    1. FIREN4


      Aww...been a long time since I had on of those...

    2. SGT Warchild

      SGT Warchild

      I had an offline one, my main profile is offline and I'm never online some how it was stuck but I've learned it was a glitch but basicly a perma ban

  7. Current Status of Progress On Universal Frailty [Reach Comic Machinima] Scenes: 85% Voice Acting: 0% Body Acting: 99% Text: 1%

  8. Everything is looking much better.

    1. M DooMknight

      M DooMknight

      I am glad it was a false alarm :)

    2. Azaxx


      Oh good, glad to hear

    3. DaveAtStateFarm
  9. Halo Firm where it's easy, to get a great lot of pown. XD

    1. M DooMknight

      M DooMknight

      since my bro works at mattress firm I thought this...


  10. Have a Happy and Wonderful Valentines Day Everyone!

  11. Have an excellent day everyone



      Don't tell me what to do.

    2. M DooMknight

      M DooMknight

      I'm just saying to have a good day :)

  12. Hmm hello everyone back for a time

  13. I am building a house in forge! I have most of the 1st floor done but now I need to build the second floor...

  14. I am building something in forge I have a great idea...

  15. I am excited for the new forge that exists in Halo 4 it is so improved :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SuperIntendant


      It says there's 3 comments but I can only see 2! AH!

    3. M DooMknight

      M DooMknight

      I also saw that you can lock objects and when an object is selected it is highlighted :)

    4. ςHϵΑƨϵMΩηεTΞr

    1. Spyro


      what kind of food?


    2. M DooMknight

      M DooMknight

      Corn Beef and rice.

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