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Everything posted by Darkassassin

  1. Ok thats a great idia but i want to participate in the idea of the game and his characteristics
  2. You need to tell how would it be your best zombie game
  3. Here you imagine a zombie game the best zombie game how it would what is the story FPS or third person etc. i hope you participate
  4. Thanks the idea from the title is good and what is PM? I will write the book is a good idea well initialy the game is going to be a little free but i think that a book is a good initiation.
  5. Yes evrybody can participate just follow the rules
  6. Hey i think this is not working well the story is good is a good idia i like it the ones that alredy participate like it i hope they are waiting that someone else participate but why other people dont participate?
  7. Well i LOVE snipers so Barret 50 cal sniper the second Desert eagle and third 44. magnum
  8. Hey what are you waiting for? are you waiting to me to put more things or you just dont like this forum? I need to see if my ideas are good or not so if you dont like tell me if you like tell me if you noted that something can be beter tell me please. THANKS
  9. But when we were at 500m. of distance we encounter with a big problem there where hundreds of floods in the street we cant cross suddenly they look to us i whisper to Jack -I think that a good idea is start to drive to the safe house there we can be secure- -Okay- he answered me, and he put on march the warthog to the safe house. The floods where following us. Smithson start to shot them with turret but they where to many. I open the garage and we enter immediately i closed it. Th house is fortified they cant enter. We go to the third floor from there we saw to all of them trying to enter -It looks that we are going to have a big party- said Smithson. -Diana turn on the defenses of the house- Jack said i go to the sniper tower it was in the house like 5m. above the floor there i can have some fun. I am recognized as a skilled sniper. Jack talk me by the radio -Dont sleep to latewe are going to wake up early we need to know what a hell is happening so i hope you kill them all-
  10. deacuerdo va en español el resumen para aquellos que hablan español como yo. El juego se llamara dead world tomara lugar en la isla de Andino al oeste de California, debajo de esa isla habia un laboratorio donde trabajabas en fin un virus que transformaba a la gente en zombies escapo, saliste del laboratorio el laboratorio se sello y el virus no escapo. Despues oiste que iban a reabrir secretamente el laboratorio en dos meses haci que renunciaste, pediste tu ultimo pago y los sobornaste para que no hablaras acerca del insidente. Planeabas dejar la isla pero fuiste inculpado de un crimen y te sentenciaron a no poder dejar la isla en 3 meses. Haci que tienes dos meses para fortificar tu casa comprar alimentos municion armas etc. Pero hay una caja de municiones de la cual sacas municion para rellenar tus armas (Esta caja solo puede estar en tu casa) Cuando abren el laboratorio tu te quedas en casa durante una semana. Al salir ves la isla debastada sin rastro de vida. Tienes un mapa paresido al de GTF. en el cual ubicas tu casa tiendas etc. Tu casa ocupa toda una cuadra despues hay un pequeño guerto, la central electrica y centro decomunicaciones de la ciudad (Desde ahi tu puedes ver la ciudad por camaras) Estas construcciones estan en las tres cuadras mas cercanas a tu casa y tienes que ponerlas asalvo de zombies. Al salir de la casa personalmente solo puedes cargar sierta municion y armas pero puedes subir mas al carro. Como oviamente no compraste todas las armas unos tipos se atrincheraron en la tienda de armas ahi todavia te venden armas, la central de policia esta oculta y infestada de zombies. Es un juego un tanto libre ya que puedes explorar toda la isla y encontrar supervivientes que te ayuden estos te pueden maracar por telefono y pedirte que vengas o te pueden avisar de algo. A medio año despues de que la isla callo ante los zombies alguien rumorea que la infeccion no llego a dakota del norte entonces tu decides si Hacer un largo viaje desde la isla a california, Nevada, Utha, Wyoming, y dakota del sur o quedarte en la isla si haces el viaje podras llevarte la caja de municiones la cual solo se quedara en el camper. Los zombies no se atran por el ruido para que no temas disparar con armas como arcos y ballestas puedes recuperar las flechas, para hacerlo un tanto mas realist puedes tomar lo que sea hasta comida, los zombies casi no slen de noche pero si ven una gran multitud de zombies iran a ver que pasa. Esto ara el juego un tanto mas divertido. Tu ecoges tu nombre y genero GRACIAS
  11. Ok i want a beer The brute start to run to my warthog i put in march the car and wrap the brute but when i look again the brute wasnt there suddenly he kick me out from the vehicle i felt on the soil and shoot him with the shotgun to the head this time he felt dead to the soil but other floods come they were to many i start to kill them but they where too many suddenly a warthog appears and with the turret start to kill them i were starting to lose my mind the only thing that i can hear was. -Taylor wake up its me Jack, Wake Up'-
  12. Hey somebody see the Apolo 18 movie i like the movie but do you think it can get real i mean it can be thru becouse they bodies where never found and why we dont go to the moon again we have the money so what do you think?
  13. The weapons are going to be real weapons as in call of duty they use real weapons, weapons like crossbows you can take the arrow or as in call of duty a throw knife, the maps is going to be as in Halo 3 ODST. you can put cameras around the city or to make a perimeter things like that. An important thing you cant kill all the zombies in the city you can only put safe your 3 nearest buildings you can get empty a house but when you go another zombie can enter. You are in the Andino island in the sea near to california after half year someone coments that peolple think that the infecton dont reach north Dakota so if you want Go in a travel from Andino island, California, Nevada Utha, Wyoming and south Dakota.
  14. I wok through empty halls by almost 5 minutes when i find the armory but i take a sourprise when i open the armory it was empty no weapons of any class only was my armor. I put my armor and take out a Magnum that was in a pocket, i know i were going to need a weapon because something was wrong. October 20, 2542 I get outside from the base i need to go to my own base. The UNSC asign to me and my partner a base like a house only me and Jack. (the name of my partner) know the pasword to enter anybody else can enter, there i think i am going to find some answers and weapons. I hope to find Jack. The street is empty there are only cars without people my house was not far it would take 15 minutes. i were almost there when a person apears but he wasnt a normal person he was mutated sudenly the person start to run to me i get nervous 2 persons more apear behind him the first one atack me, I kill him with one bullet. Other monsters come they were to many for me i run to the house, they almost catch me but the house is fortified. I dont know what hapened but i think i am going to find some answers from the I.A. of the house hers name is Diana. -Diana tell me what a hell happened here- The girl voice of Diana sounds through the house like if the house were speaking. - A covenant ship crashed in the planet the ship contains the flood an alien spicie the infects people and transform them in things like zombies. You were taked to the medic baso when you were hurt thats why you are not infected. Jack come here and take a warthog the half of munitions and weapons he know you where alive but he cant take you with him so he let you the half of munitions and weapons he wants that you take me and keep me safe. maybie you can contact him by your helmet transmitions. -Ok i am going to try it- Spartan 034 to Spartan 056 Jack are you there?...
  15. I was a kid and i go to vacations with my cousin my uncle show us the Halo C.A. game i already had seen the game but i were not interested. The last that i remember is my uncle killing us with a warthog in a desert map. and that i dont stoped to play it.
  16. I continue the story: One week ago a covenant ship crashed in this planet. Me and my partner of work go to ivestigate in a confidential mision. We fight with some covenant but they look strange like with a mutation. 3 hours later things get bad. we dicovered a new alien specie i get hurt and the medics take me out i get sleeped for one week, i dont know anithing about my partner.
  17. Definitly Halo Reach is the conjunction of all halo games the best forge, firefighting, multiplayer. costumize your spartan Reach is a pice of art but of cours halo 3 wins the campaing . HALO REACH is my favorite game.
  18. Actually halo is very far from become a help to the terrorist halo is a fiction game anithing is real maiby games like call of duty to cordinate atacks but is diferent aim a weapon in a videogame that in real life so forget it
  19. What do you think about a new halo game called halo multiplayer that contains all the halo maps but in the remasterisated edition but when i say all i mean all from halo c.e up to halo 4 including even forge, and editing videos. Post your opinion.
  20. Ok tell your favorite game and why
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