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Fail Master

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Everything posted by Fail Master

  1. No pee breaks, theres a bottle in the corner Errrrmmmmm......colonoskopy by wolverine, his claws aint always out you know
  2. http://www.343industries.org/404 xD I just typed in my URL bar www.343industries .org/fourms and it came up with this page xD
  3. I did to xD Anway, Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay
  4. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.
  5. Oh similar to me then, exept i have a bonus of being big and scary so if i do get seen, the enemy are scared to death lol
  6. I'll have to find a way to post it up on here lol if someone can PM me on how lol
  7. Having the option would be cool. i dont think i'd use firstperson for driving or assinations though
  8. Awww all of you luck americans with lots of money that can afford $300 for a new console my console would have to be RRODing every 5 minuits for my mum to even consider getting me a new 2nd hand console lol
  9. Cant wait to play with this mechanic
  10. Isnt there a flashlight attachment on the shotgun? That could be activated, as well as your helmet lights, during MM in games such as infection
  11. Would you like to see a return of the Guase hog in MM, dual Scorpians and a 150 point score limit? I would lol.
  12. He does throw it, it travels too far just to be droped. I'd assume that the button pressed would be either the granade button or the swap granade button, possibly the action button
  13. Flag Juggling was a "glitch" that Bungie failed to patch until Reach. Personally i never used it and i still got to the objective, sometimes quiker than a juggler simply because the jugler got killed when he gave his possition up.
  14. hmmmm..... well, only way to find out is to wait untill we play lol
  15. As long as it isnt insulting like COD fanboy type thing of "*halo symbol* is cr*p"
  16. The one time he spoke on the Shoutbox, it was to announce he was having a shower O.o
  17. Share any facts you know about Twam here!!!! I have never seen Twam in the chatbox He is Admin for the site Your turn.
  18. I can help, just depends what you want. i could also play a part in the mechenima if you need an extra actor.
  19. Well, you have a problem lol. What i do is i repetivly press save like 10 times just to make sure. To many times have i made a half-map, saved it, re-loaded it, made the full map, saved it again and it reverts back to a half-built map. Anyway If the change is predictable then just off set your peices slightly so that when it's loaded in a game the shift INTO place. either that or make sure that while your forging that you have the Phase tool selcted not fixed or normal. lol
  20. I have juts finnished work on a Heavies version of Hemmorage. It has: A Scorpian on each team One of each warthog on each team Man cannons on each base (insted of teleports) next to health pack station. a mini-base roughly halfaway across the map with a Falcon Rocket launches where the Plasma pistol and Magnum would be on each base A Gravity Hammer on the floor on the roof next to the cover on each base. rock arches on the "cliff" and blue cave. 2 Revenants on each base 2 Ghosts on each base a few new rocks to use as cover where the man cannon throws you. If you can think of anything to add/ take away (i've run out of rocks btw) just leave a comment. i will also be adding comments bellow when i make new ones. ~Yours THE ALMIGHTY FAIL NEW MAP Paradeso Heavies: Improved rear bridge added revenant added rocket and gause hogs added extra ghost added a few weapons (fuel rod gun, rockets, plasma launcher ect) camping stools added on the op of the mountain Still a work in progress so i will be updating this list every now and again ~Yours THE ALMIGHTY FAIL
  21. Twam has dirrect contact with 343 though so he can easily seek permision. Anyway as you said my idea is best as long as (as others have said) you do not plan to sell it or make any form of profit from it.
  22. Deft? I'd be a big scary sniper/ knife expert person, so i'd pretty much look like my Reach spartan lol : http://halo.xbox.com/en-GB/Career/ServiceRecord?gamertag=IU%20IF%20A%20II%20IL
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