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armored penguin

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Everything posted by armored penguin

  1. i personaly like the tu kind of bloom but not so much zero bloom.
  2. messeage me on xbl and i can help ya with clan stuff ive been in the buisness since halo 3
  3. i got to colonel rank then got bored to easy to rank up in it, besides the gameplay now with frostbite 2 is alot like cod thats why i quit
  4. no cod does not win. just simply that
  5. if anyone wants to see a lot of reach campaign glitches and easy ways of completion message me on XBL AmOreD PengUin
  6. i have a clan who would love to go to war with you (haha) they are the spec-ops clan. if u want details about them message me via XBL AmOreD PengUin
  7. me and my friends made a clan, and to make a long story short, there has been changes in the chain of command, and we are undergoing name changes as well. so i cant give u a clan name yet but, i can give you this... we are a very organized clan, we are somewhat of a military formal clan so some armor restrictions apply at time. (such as meetings or training ect.) we are really good players, im nearly the best we've had, but that doesnt matter. but anyway we are looking for requites preferably the rank of commander or higher. and just if ur wondering. we are both spartans and elites. so join the alliance and we shall conquer all message AmOreD PengUin for join or leave a reply here with ur GT.
  8. yea make a mark VII it would be a nice upgrade for the spartans. also just a thought but mabye a space helmet made for space ops with special air things on the front and side
  9. dear community the clan "spec-ops" is requiting and need people who have decent skill levels. we are not a formal clan, in order for you to join you need the fallowing, good k/d spread, at least general rank, and respect for higher authorities. message "AmOreD PengUin" "Edm 1 hitman x" or "ghos7rid3r" for join
  10. wow the way u want it makes like call of duty. heres ma thoughts to make it more realistic. first of make armor lock wat it logicly does locks the spartans armor and povents fall damage not complete invisability. for sprint make it last longer but recharge longer. for evade make it only one evade but make it recharge shorter. jet pack, leave the same cause i dont see a problem there.oh and heres a tip, dont like the armor abilities? GO TO HALO 3 THEN!!! and as for the bloom if they dicide to leave zero bloom at least lower the pistol damage or take of the zoom for it.
  11. battle royal this saturday

    1. FIREN4


      Too bad i'll miss it

  12. me and some friends are hosting a all out FFA battle this saturday around 7:00 eastern time, so if you have skills and want to prove yourself message AmOreD PengUin or leave ur GT on a reply brought to you by "Spec-ops The Clan"
  13. well halo CEA dosent have a MP for it thats why its only $40.00. i think 343 is realeseing a playlist with the new gameplay modes and the new maps
  14. if you have an exotic idea for halo 4 reather forge, MM, firefight, campaign or even theater, post it here. so heres mine. idea for halo 4 a weapon trading system where if you have a (lets say a sniper) but you dont want to snipe any more your buddy says "hey can i have it" you say sure and you both press and hold X when close to each other and you trade your current weapons with each other. this idea could be used like this in matchmaking, or in a custom game where there is a setting to enable the weapon trading, same thing in forge, and firefight. tell me what you like or dont like about it P.s. i know there was allready a halo for wishlist thread but that had to many posts to read through them all
  16. nothing new still the same sniping, still the same weak servers, still the sam no-lifes playing it. bottom line not many people are going to buy it. (in other words IT WILL SUCK)
  17. nope still the same mp didnt change much, bit of a downer really
  18. on of the reason the booting is off is because the glitch we a zombie strikes u with a sword and u shot him with ur shotgun u both die but for some reason the moment u get hit ur considered infetced and on the zombies side and ur shots hit him after ur infected counting as a betrayl and if they turn the booting on u may get booted because the zombie wants to be a d***. or if they turn off the initail freindly fire its most likley that u might not kill the zombie in the situation above. hope this helps
  19. for people that are not getting it :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
  20. my mom is letting me pre-order it this weekend so yea ima gettin it
  21. put they're GT and reason for ban request here so mabye it will do somthing GT: KSI killer reason: does credit glitch were u get challenge copleted 5-10 times
  22. GT: AmOreD PengUin time zone:eastern rank: hero
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