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Ask The Director.

The Director

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Do you have any good articles for Map Map making theory?


Also, any tips on where I should take a girl I don't know very well when I have little money? (I can give you more details if needed)


Also, what is your opinion on forge clans?

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Ok let me be more spesific. Who was the first black president of the United states?

There may have been a President of the United States in Congress Assembled who was black, and there is a rumor that John Hanson was black (he wasn't), but the President of the United States in Congress Assembled had duties that are more similar to the modern Vice President than the actual President of the United States. Also, this office was held under the Articles of the Confederation. So technically, Obama is. However, he is not fully black (he's mixed), so another technicality is that we haven't had one yet. :D



Do you have any good articles for Map Map making theory?


Also, any tips on where I should take a girl I don't know very well when I have little money? (I can give you more details if needed)


Also, what is your opinion on forge clans?

1. No I do not. The only thing I've done as far as map making articles are tutorials on how to set up game-types in Reach. lol


2. Take her to your house, and watch a movie or two with her. Save up money, and then take her to an actual theater. Don't forget to clean up a bit though. lol


3. I've never really been into clans, and I prefer to forge on my own. That doesn't mean I am against them, just wouldn't join one.

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Had a massive paper I had to write on it my senior year. Mainly because I was a smart-*** to my history teacher the entire semester. xD We each got "randomly" assigned topics. .-.


LOL that served you right.


What is James Cadwell known for (most famous for)?

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2. Take her to your house, and watch a movie or two with her. Save up money, and then take her to an actual theater. Don't forget to clean up a bit though. lol


3. I've never really been into clans, and I prefer to forge on my own. That doesn't mean I am against them, just wouldn't join one.


Will it be arkward though if I haven't talked to her much?

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Well Obama is the president with the highest percentage of African blood (I was going to say African-American, but his father isn't American). The first president of the United States under the Constitution with traceable African decent is Andrew Jackson, who's father was a mulatto (half black, half white).


Who came up with the idea of The Bro Code?

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LOL that served you right.


What is James Cadwell known for (most famous for)?

Erm... You mean Caldwell? He was a clergyman who participated in the battle of Springfield during the American Revolution. He's got three (at least) famous cities named after him, and a high school. There is also a Caldwell (city) that borders the city I live in. lol



Will it be arkward though if I haven't talked to her much?

Oh, if you haven't talked to her much, talk to her more. Ask if she'd like to get to know you better by having lunch with your or somesuch.



Well Obama is the president with the highest percentage of African blood (I was going to say African-American, but his father isn't American). The first president of the United States under the Constitution with traceable African decent is Andrew Jackson, who's father was a mulatto (half black, half white).


Who came up with the idea of The Bro Code?

No one bro came up with the idea of the bro code. The bro code is the modern equivalent of the "man laws" and other such ideologies. I believe the current term used to describe it (i.e. bro code) originally came from a 4chan board, but was then made popular by the show "How I Met Your Mother".



What was the first game to introduce the difficulty curve?

I believe it's called "Rock Toss". It was played by cavemen. The most experienced players would go easier on the newer players and more difficult on the harder players, thereby following the definition of a difficulty curve. Also, technically, every game since then that doesn't have a fixed difficulty setting. :D



Okay here is a riddle that u may not know.

"A man have one son 10 cents. He gave another son 15, what time is it?"


It makes sense if you think about it. Please PM me the answer.

It's either 10:15 or 1:45 (he gave a quarter to two).



What is the ratio of the circumference of the sun to the circumference of a hockey puck?

18234572631.578947368421052631579:1. Roughly.
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Sorry I forgot an L... my bad, but you still havent answered my question. What is he best known for? What is he famous for in otherwords.

For being a clergyman fighting in a war... and having the soldiers in the battle of Springfield fire hymn books at the British. Well, technically they used the books as wadding, but still. xD
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No one bro came up with the idea of the bro code. The bro code is the modern equivalent of the "man laws" and other such ideologies. I believe the current term used to describe it (i.e. bro code) originally came from a 4chan board, but was then made popular by the show "How I Met Your Mother".




Ok, according to the bro code legend, who came up with the idea of a Bro code?

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Just thought of a better one.


Alright Director you better put on your thinking cap for this one. What happens if something has negative weight?



Actually, the first game to have a difficulty curve was Space Invaders. The game had lagging issues, but those went away as you destroyed more spaceships, so the spaceships would move faster as you destroyed more of them.

You didn't specify video game, board game, or real life game, so mine is just as correct as yours. :D That was me teaching you that the word "game" is a generalization. lol



Ok, according to the bro code legend, who came up with the idea of a Bro code?

If you are talking about the book, then Barney Stinson.



Are you looking this up?

Nope. As I said, I live near a town called Caldwell. They make you learn this sort of thing in school in states like Idaho. Because the teachers aren't smart enough to teach anything else. :/


Which "Springfield" is the Simpsons based off of??

Springfield, OR. Or more specifically, the Springfield in "Father Knows Best". C'mon, you know better than to try to stump me with a Simpson's trivia question. :P
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