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Ask The Director.

The Director

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Paper or Plastic?

I prefer plastic because I can reuse the bags as garbage bags for tiny garbage cans! :D



What really happened to the lost colony of Roanoke? (What do you think?)

I support the theory that the colony moved to Croatoan Island and then had a major split. I think the smaller of the two factions was absorbed by the Croatoan tribe, and the larger one was massacred by Powhatan (Pocahontas' father). The reason I support this theory is because it's the only one with even a scrap of evidence to back it up. Apparently, Powhatan confessed to John Smith (after they became friends because Pocahontas saved John's life, allegedly) that the reason he killed them is because he was afraid that they would eventually merge forces with the Jamestown colonists and then be too powerful for him to defend against.
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Where were the first humans thought to have come from (evolution theory), to its nearest exact location?

The first "human" was actually Homo Habilis, which lived in various locations in Africa. This is, of course, only if you count the first in the genus "homo" as the first actual humans, which a lot of paleontologists do lol
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Why does my One Shot commendation, which is maximum third keep switching with my Close Quarters, maximum second? They switched from one matchmaking game to the next.

The commendations are listed by how many points you have for it. The close quarters commendation is for melee kills, the One Shot is for headshots. When you get more melee kills than headshots, it will be listed above One Shot, and if you get more headshots than melee kills, then it will be listed below it. This doesn't stop once they are Onyx Max. :D
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The commendations are listed by how many points you have for it. The close quarters commendation is for melee kills, the One Shot is for headshots. When you get more melee kills than headshots, it will be listed above One Shot, and if you get more headshots than melee kills, then it will be listed below it. This doesn't stop once they are Onyx Max. :D

Partially wrong, close quarters is close quarters, but also weapons. If you get a shotgun kill, energy sword or hammer kill, it counts to close quarters, thats why playing infection as human greatly increases this commendation.

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Partially wrong, close quarters is close quarters, but also weapons. If you get a shotgun kill, energy sword or hammer kill, it counts to close quarters, thats why playing infection as human greatly increases this commendation.

Energy Swords and Hammer's are both Melee weapons, and the shotgun only counts if they are within a certain range when you kill them. :3
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then somepony should edit their post a wee bit :3

Why? The question was not how to increase the commendations, it was why they were switching. I answered the question. I didn't HAVE to explain how each commendation worked, because that wasn't part of the question. Also, I'm not a pony, I'm a person.
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Do you ever get annoyed with the idiots that throw around the word Theory like it's something that has been thought up in a few days?

As a matter of fact I do. The word theory is supposed to imply that a great deal of thought has gone into it's development, and that it is supported by a mixture of facts and reasonable hypothesis. A theory is not something that a halfwit comes up with to try and explain something he doesn't understand. It's something that an educated and well informed person comes up with so that they can one day attempt to prove it's correct with a number of experiments.


I have a friend who likes to abuse the word theory. He doesn't like me much. Mainly because of the last conversation we had.


Me: "I wonder why people feel the need to be mean on the internet. I mean, I understand it, but I wonder why it's such a universal urge."

Friend: "I have a theory about that-"

Me (interrupting): "Oh really? You spent enough time and energy researching people's behavior and action on the internet to formulate a theory? What a sad and pathetic life you must lead. Tell me, what series of experiments have you got planned to prove this theory of yours?"


That's about the time he shut up.

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How many torpedoes shells and bombs did it take to sink the 2 Yamato class Battleships(Yamato and Musashi) in World War II.

There were technically three, the Yamato, Musashi, and the Shinano. The Shinano was a modified Yamato class warship.


It took 10 torpedoes and 7 bomb hits to capsize the Yamato, 17 bombs and 19 torpedoes for the Musashi, and only 4 torpedoes and poor flood management to take down the Shinano. The Shinano is also the largest Naval vessel to this day to be taken down by a submarine.

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How many shells and torpedoes did the German Battleship Bismarck take before finally being sunk(including misses)

About 2,876 in the last engagement. In the engagement that led to that, it is unknown how many shells were fired at it, but it was hit at least twice. Also, evidence supports that it was scuttled.


How many bullets can a minigun mounted Humvee carry for the minigun?

Heh, Humvees can be mounted with several different kinds of weaponry, including a MK19 Automatic grenade launcher. The amount of rounds it can carry depends on how many people are in the Humvee, as all of the weaponry that can be readily mounted can be reloaded manually. We once fit 3500 rounds of ammo for a .50 cal in a humvee, with room for an entire fireteam to sit in it.
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