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343i's lack of communication about the ranking system


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Whether or not you think there should be a true-skill ranking system or progression system, the fact remains there is a divide in the Halo community. From what I have seen, the most hotly debated topic is that of the ranking system, and questions have gone unanswered. The question is simple: Will there be a true-skill ranking option, and if not, why? Utilize your forums and communicate with your fans, 343i!


I have been a Halo fan for a long time, and was a frequent contributor of Bungie's forums. What was so great about Bungie's forums was there was a constant interaction with the community. Even Frankie used to communicate daily in the forums! So my challenge to 343i is to talk to your community! Let us know you are listening and quit standing idly by.




As a side note, I personally do not accept the reasoning of preventing boosters and cheaters because of two reasons:


1) Boosters and hackers/cheaters just were not that big of an issue in Halo 3. I logged thousands of games and maybe one time ran into a hacker. Boosters did not bother me because, generally, the person they were attempting to boost was terrible. Boosting also was a minority occurrence.


2) The progression ranking system in Reach still had boosters.

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I completely agree with you OP. Hell I don't see why people would DISAGREE with impacing a true skill ranking system because there are so many other playlists for you more casual players. Us competitive players are just asking for that one true-skill ranking playlist that would make everyone happy.

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I'll only say that I prefer a ranking system because it promoted almost endless motivation and more exciting gameplay and leave it at that.


As far as boosting goes, I'm with you, I never saw that many boosters in Halo 2 or Halo 3. I know plenty of people who have made a temporary account or two in order to have another challenge in ranking up from scratch and if that is the type of so-called boosting data that 343 is speaking of, that is very misleading. Do I consider that boosting if they play with other players? No, of course not and that was the right thing to do for those players if they wanted that challenge because they could have just as easily deranked, which is not the way to go and is without a doubt, immorally and illogically unsound.

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Back in my day FPS games had no ranking system, you proved how good you were by winning.


Doesn't mean we don't want a ranking system now lol XD


Winning a single game against random players is "nice" but its not like being recognized for you talents with a ranking playlist. The games are more competitive by nature because everyone is trying to increase their rank. In a progressive only ranking system it matters significantly less both in reality and psychologically whether you win or lose because you earn points either way and move up. In a ranking playlist you are more likely to be matched up against individuals with similar talent making games more fair and you are more likely to have teammates come in and communicate and want to try to win (unlike Reach in casual playlists where half way through the game half of either team is AFK or left the game already - especially if leaving ranked games impacts your rank negatively more then usual). There are plenty of casual playlists for everyone that wants them now why not have a separate ranking playlist for everyone else I don't see how one would want to argue against it (it is just more options for players to get advantage of).

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I have posted this argument in other threads, and I will post it here as well.


It has pretty much already been set that Halo 4 will have a progression based system BUT it has been said that there will be some sort of competitive ranking system on the side, because it has been said that your matches will be based on skill level.


That being said just having "gametypes" for lax players doesn't solve the problem, their needs to be a balance of both or people will complain. Truthfully while I see the argument in favor of a competitive system, I don't see why it matters in the end. People will play Halo 4 and either love it or hate it, if you focus on the small technicalities that didn't go your way you will only ruin the game for yourself.


In the end the game is truthfully for fun.

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I have posted this argument in other threads, and I will post it here as well.


It has pretty much already been set that Halo 4 will have a progression based system BUT it has been said that there will be some sort of competitive ranking system on the side, because it has been said that your matches will be based on skill level.


That being said just having "gametypes" for lax players doesn't solve the problem, their needs to be a balance of both or people will complain. Truthfully while I see the argument in favor of a competitive system, I don't see why it matters in the end. People will play Halo 4 and either love it or hate it, if you focus on the small technicalities that didn't go your way you will only ruin the game for yourself.


In the end the game is truthfully for fun.

almost every person i know who plays halo, only played just to get a 50. or at-least tried too. say there is a room full of people i know say about 50 and 42 of them only played halo just because of the ranking system that shows skill somewhat and is a challenge with your friend who can get to 50 first. now take that skill based system and just add progressive system . now all of my 42 friends stopped playing halo just because there is no want or anything to play. now a cut off of 42 people just quit playing halo because of true skill ranking system wasn't added. its just to much of a loss for them not too add. :( i guess what im trying to say is , to most people the true skill the LVL 50 is the fun of halo.
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almost every person i know who plays halo, only played just to get a 50. or at-least tried too. say there is a room full of people i know say about 50 and 42 of them only played halo just because of the ranking system that shows skill somewhat and is a challenge with your friend who can get to 50 first. now take that skill based system and just add progressive system . now all of my 42 friends stopped playing halo just because there is no want or anything to play. now a cut off of 42 people just quit playing halo because of true skill ranking system wasn't added. its just to much of a loss for them not too add. sad.png i guess what im trying to say is , to most people the true skill the LVL 50 is the fun of halo.

With both, they should be happy. LikeaReese's.
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I've been waiting for an answer for months, at this point I can wait 6 days


Agreed bud. I think if 343i played their cards right, Halo 4 will be an absolute hit.


They've unveiled so much to us over the past few months with Specializations, armor, vehicles, weapons, Spartan Ops, gametypes, progression system, etc...but they haven't said anything pertaining the ranking system other than "we'll cover that later".


Imagine if they're saving the best (and most exciting) for last? If they actually have a ranking system in H4 and held off telling us for this long, I commend 343i.

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Agreed bud. I think if 343i played their cards right, Halo 4 will be an absolute hit.


They've unveiled so much to us over the past few months with Specializations, armor, vehicles, weapons, Spartan Ops, gametypes, progression system, etc...but they haven't said anything pertaining the ranking system other than "we'll cover that later".


Imagine if they're saving the best (and most exciting) for last? If they actually have a ranking system in H4 and held off telling us for this long, I commend 343i.


I have a feeling that is the case, especially seing as Frankie said they would they talk more about it closer to launch. Tomorrow is the final pre-halo 4 Waypoint Bulletin, so hopefully it will be in there

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I can only hope there will be some sort of ranking system. The Reach progression system is awful.. truly terrible. It gave no incentive to play at all. I grew bored of Reach twice as fast as I did with every other Halo game. Honestly, I couldn't give a damn less about what my armor looks like.. that is for children.


Guess we'll find out in under a week though.

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I can only hope there will be some sort of ranking system. The Reach progression system is awful.. truly terrible. It gave no incentive to play at all. I grew bored of Reach twice as fast as I did with every other Halo game. Honestly, I couldn't give a damn less about what my armor looks like.. that is for children.


Guess we'll find out in under a week though.


I don't think there's anything to be waiting for unfortunately. I think the reason they have been so quiet about it is because they know they are going to outrage the competitive community and don't want to trash sales before the release.

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Point is, the competitive community needs to quit acting like they are the only ones who are going to play the game.


The competitive community needs to get over itself, the point of being competitive used to be working with a game you wanted to be competitive in, not have a game structured around being competitive. You have all become too high-maintenance.


If people leave because it's not structured around them, then fine. One part of the community can't come in and expect to have say-so over another part. The system supposedly have both, so what, it won't be "pure-skill" but it will have skill involved. If that ain't enough then cancel your pre-order because the progression system is already in the game, don't come in here acting like you can demand a pure-skill system, cuz the developers aren't gonna jump and run just for the competitive community.


I'm tired of seeing it needs to have it, because most of the people who post that only have like 5 posts on this forum, the people who comment on it, largely don't care, like me. I am a true Halo fan, because I love the series itself, and won't hate it over little technicalities. I will play and enjoy Halo, while the competitive community will cry over something as simple as not getting their way.


And as for the statement saying that losing the competitive community is too much, there are way more true Halo fans that will play the game than people who claim to be true Halo fans, but are truly only on the bandwagon. The competitive ones who left weren't fans, they were only in it as long as it suited them.

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Point is, the competitive community needs to quit acting like they are the only ones who are going to play the game.


The competitive community needs to get over itself, the point of being competitive used to be working with a game you wanted to be competitive in, not have a game structured around being competitive. You have all become too high-maintenance.


If people leave because it's not structured around them, then fine. One part of the community can't come in and expect to have say-so over another part. The system supposedly have both, so what, it won't be "pure-skill" but it will have skill involved. If that ain't enough then cancel your pre-order because the progression system is already in the game, don't come in here acting like you can demand a pure-skill system, cuz the developers aren't gonna jump and run just for the competitive community.


I'm tired of seeing it needs to have it, because most of the people who post that only have like 5 posts on this forum, the people who comment on it, largely don't care, like me. I am a true Halo fan, because I love the series itself, and won't hate it over little technicalities. I will play and enjoy Halo, while the competitive community will cry over something as simple as not getting their way.


And as for the statement saying that losing the competitive community is too much, there are way more true Halo fans that will play the game than people who claim to be true Halo fans, but are truly only on the bandwagon. The competitive ones who left weren't fans, they were only in it as long as it suited them.


I personally haven't read of anyone saying that there is only a competitive community or that only what the competitive community wants is important, just that there was a large competitive community in Halo 2/3 because people generally enjoyed the ranking system.


There is no good reason why 343i cannot have a social and competitive aspect of match-making so its not like the game has to be tailored towards one group of players only.


Obviously Halo 4 will be successful and sell well even if it doesn't have a competitive ranking system, plenty of people still buy call of duty games for example. but the competitive community is a large community and so it would seem foolish of 343i to negate the desires of a large portion of their market.


As for your last point, are you saying that anyone that considers themselves a true halo fan cannot also consider themselves a competitive player (or vice versa)?

If so that is simply not true, people are fans of a game because of how it plays and the enjoyment they gain from playing it... if the game changes drastically and they don't enjoy it as much they may not be a fan anymore. My point is that just because it says Halo 4 on the box doesn't mean fans of the the previous halo games should just automatically like it.

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The halo 3 ranking system was no where by any means "perfect" but it was tremendously better than Reach. I thought the separation of ranked and social playlists had a very even balance and met the needs of all aspects of the community. Bring back the True skill system we are better than a progression system AKA COD

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Point is, the competitive community needs to quit acting like they are the only ones who are going to play the game.


The competitive community needs to get over itself, the point of being competitive used to be working with a game you wanted to be competitive in, not have a game structured around being competitive. You have all become too high-maintenance.


If people leave because it's not structured around them, then fine. One part of the community can't come in and expect to have say-so over another part. The system supposedly have both, so what, it won't be "pure-skill" but it will have skill involved. If that ain't enough then cancel your pre-order because the progression system is already in the game, don't come in here acting like you can demand a pure-skill system, cuz the developers aren't gonna jump and run just for the competitive community.


I'm tired of seeing it needs to have it, because most of the people who post that only have like 5 posts on this forum, the people who comment on it, largely don't care, like me. I am a true Halo fan, because I love the series itself, and won't hate it over little technicalities. I will play and enjoy Halo, while the competitive community will cry over something as simple as not getting their way.


And as for the statement saying that losing the competitive community is too much, there are way more true Halo fans that will play the game than people who claim to be true Halo fans, but are truly only on the bandwagon. The competitive ones who left weren't fans, they were only in it as long as it suited them.


Noone in the competitive community, from my understanding, has said to take out the progression system and implement a pure-skill system, as you are implying, they just want to see a ranking system implemented. I actually think the progression system is pretty cool for unlocking armor and what not. Everybody has a right to their own opinion and the people who have played matchmaking from Halo 3 or it's beginning in Halo 2 know what the ranking system means.


I hate to tell you but matchmaking is the house that competitive players built, starting all the way back from it's start in Halo 2 (which in my opinion changed Halo multiplayer and changed Xbox Live) and both Halo 3 and Halo 2 were indeed structurally competitive, both in ranking system and in the games themselves. Very seldom people are crying or whining that they don't get there way but many people are simply asking that they implement a ranking system to give that great motivation to players and to achieve long term success by avoiding having low numbers of post-release player numbers like in Halo Reach (which was a massive failure). I've never said I wouldn't buy the game if a ranking system isn't put in place and I hate that we have bad representatives of the competitive community as well as the casual community, but just because people want to see a ranking system doesn't mean they aren't a true fan of the game.

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I like the idea of having a mixture of both. I had much more consistantly well matched games in Halo 3 than in Reach, but I also liked being able to unlock items in Reach. I think that if 343i finds a way to implement them both in a way that will satisfy both sides, then Halo 4 could be one of the best games to date.

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I like the idea of having a mixture of both. I had much more consistantly well matched games in Halo 3 than in Reach, but I also liked being able to unlock items in Reach. I think that if 343i finds a way to implement them both in a way that will satisfy both sides, then Halo 4 could be one of the best games to date.


I agree...I like the mix of both, some for the hardcore gamers, and some for the more casual gamers...the companis have to try and please everyone, not just one or the other. I think Halo 3 did the best with that with its two different playlists, and Reach did the worst...Arena was a joke for competitive players

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