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Well, I know I'm not following the rules of how to submit a map, but, there are reasons behind that (like not having access to X-box live and not haveong a way to take a picture of the map). Anyway, the maps I want shown/tested/what ever you do, is called "Vertigo v1.1" and "Vertigo v1.2". These maps can be found in my fileshare and are made for use with Team Slayer, KoTH, Stockpile, Headhunter, and Crazy King. I recommend that there be at least eight people in the game (4v4-8v8). There are three towers on the map. Red tower, Blue tower, and Neutral tower. Neutral tower has a platform at the bottom and a sniper nest (with sniper spawn) at the top. There are two bridges extending off of the cliff faceing hemmorage, one has a platform upon which the Plasma launcher spawns. I think that I covered the basic of the map, but, if any more info is needed I can be contacted here or on XBL. I should be contacted here first though because I will have easier access to this site. My Gamertag is "Reaper2148".


-Angel of Death, High Councilor


Edit: Here is a link to my fileshare: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/haloreach/Reaper2148/fileshare#!/?section=MapVariants&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0

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Guest Psychoduck

As we already discussed, this submission breaks several of our submission guidelines. This sort of thing will not be tolerated in the future. However, I still checked out your map. I am sorry to say that the map suffers from several substantial flaws. What follows is based on a quick analysis, although more detail could be provided if requested.


Firstly, the map does a poor job of incorporating Alaska's natural terrain. Rather than building into the terrain, incorporating natural geometry into the map's structure (an example of a map that does this extremely well is

), this map simply has structures built on top of the terrain, which could just as easily be picked up and plopped down elsewhere. This leads to a lack of integration between the map's natural and forged geometry. Also, the structures are not integrated among themselves very well, and feel more like several standalone structures that do not fit together well.


The second main issue is the structures themselves. The towers are far too tall, and there are not nearly enough ways to the top. This goes back to them feeling poorly integrated together. If you are going to have tall positions like these, they need to be interconnected and sport principles of risk vs reward. There is a general lack of diversity in the routes that can be used to attack each structure.


That sums up the main issues with the map. Again, this is based on a fairly quick analysis and more details can be provided upon request. Sorry to be a bearer of bad news so to speak, but don't let this discourage you. use this information to improve your forging as a whole, be sure to watch some of our competitive tutorials for guidance, and good luck with your future forge endeavors. Thank you for submitting a map, although breaking the submission rules will not be tolerated in the future.

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