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  1. Been waiting for a Shotgun to place it's face on the Destiny Forefront Bungie has been releasing a new weapon every week on their drawing board, this week that weapon is called the Silver Dollar Shotgun. Heres what More Console has to say about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP2XTytypZs&feature=c4-overview&list=UUTTx-gTU-ePcxHLpF15l8hA "A Shotgun is more than a Weapon.It's an icon. In a place made strange by the passage of time, the Silver Dollar is as relatable as a lucky coin." You will be able to customize this gun just like all of the guns in Destiny. I really like close quarters combat so I think this weapon will fit in great with the rest of my awesome Destiny weapons. Learn More over at Bungie
  2. Microsoft has announced plans for a worldwide Xbox One promotional tour. The Xbox One team is giving you a rare chance to get your hands on the goodies before everyone else can. This will begin on Oct 1, 2013 and go on until the end of the year. The tour will give consumers the chance to go hands-on with games including Forza 5, Ryse, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3, Kinect Sports Rivals, Crimson Dragon, Max: Curse of the Brotherhood, Zoo Tycoon and Minecraft. While attendance is free of charge, it's limited to those over 18 years of age and space will be limited. Xbox One will also be playable at Milan Games Week (Oct 25 - 27), Paris Games Week (Oct 30 - Nov 3), and Madrid Games Week (Nov 7 - 10). Additionally, custom Xbox One 'Test Drive' vehicles will offer hands-on time at festivals, university campuses, retail centres and other locations across the UK, Germany, France, US and Canada in the coming months. Area One Tour Dates: Philadelphia: 10.3–10.6 Paris: 10.10–10.13 Toronto: 10.10–10.13 Chicago: 10.17–10.20 Vienna: 10.17–10.20 Atlanta: 10.24–10.27 Dallas: 10.31–11.3 Berlin: 10.31–11.3 Phoenix: 11.7–11.10 San Francisco: 11.14–11.17 Dublin: 11.14–11.17 Los Angeles: 11.21 London: 11.21–11.24 What do you guys feel about these recent details on the "Area One" Tour? Are you in one of these lucky towns? Find More News at: CVG View full article
  3. As you all may know by now, Valve had a very special week last week. It was their transition to living room gaming, potentially as a rivalry with the upcoming Xbox One, and Playstation 4. They had a 3-Part announcement all week. One. As you may know, the first announcement was about Steam OS... a Linux based operating system designed for gaming in the living room. Two. Second, was on Wednesday. Steam Machines was announced, which most know as the "Steam Box". Specifications will be customizable, as Valve is promoting hacking, and modding. Select companies, will have certification to make their own Steam Machines... an Alienware Steambox, anyone? Three... This is the best innovation I've seen in, well, 2-3 years actually. The next controller for PC's (any version of Steam) , and the Steam Machines will be: THE STEAM CONTROLLER!! It's beautiful. Let me explain people... The two discs on each side, are track pads. Now they are track pads, and they are clickable as well, and in some situations, DO FUNCTION AS speakers!! Then, in the center is a High-Resolution touch screen, that is a second screen in most cases, and can be used to scroll, etc. It's stunning. Then you have 4 buttons around it, 3 under the screen, and then on the back of the handle, you have two big ones - basically a clickable handle. Then, the triggers, of course. In fact, here is a controller layout for Portal 2 that Valve provided: P.S. It's also fully hackable. It Has Innovation Written All Over It. It differs greatly from our commonly know Xbox and PlayStation "Dual Shock" controllers. It is designed to combine the standard PC gaming mouse and keyboard, with the pro gamer controllers. It is a perfect combination, providing adaptability on both sides of the spectrum Read More at: Wired
  4. As you all may know by now, Valve had a very special week last week. It was their transition to living room gaming, potentially as a rivalry with the upcoming Xbox One, and Playstation 4. They had a 3-Part announcement all week. One. As you may know, the first announcement was about Steam OS... a Linux based operating system designed for gaming in the living room. Two. Second, was on Wednesday. Steam Machines was announced, which most know as the "Steam Box". Specifications will be customizable, as Valve is promoting hacking, and modding. Select companies, will have certification to make their own Steam Machines... an Alienware Steambox, anyone? Three... This is the best innovation I've seen in, well, 2-3 years actually. The next controller for PC's (any version of Steam) , and the Steam Machines will be: THE STEAM CONTROLLER!! It's beautiful. Let me explain people... The two discs on each side, are track pads. Now they are track pads, and they are clickable as well, and in some situations, DO FUNCTION AS speakers!! Then, in the center is a High-Resolution touch screen, that is a second screen in most cases, and can be used to scroll, etc. It's stunning. Then you have 4 buttons around it, 3 under the screen, and then on the back of the handle, you have two big ones - basically a clickable handle. Then, the triggers, of course. In fact, here is a controller layout for Portal 2 that Valve provided: P.S. It's also fully hackable. It Has Innovation Written All Over It. It differs greatly from our commonly know Xbox and PlayStation "Dual Shock" controllers. It is designed to combine the standard PC gaming mouse and keyboard, with the pro gamer controllers. It is a perfect combination, providing adaptability on both sides of the spectrum Read More at: Wired View full article
  5. Win a PlayStation From Taco Bell Before it's Released Taco Bell is partnering with Playstation to give away a PS4 EVERY 15 MINUTES! This deal will be going on from September 26, 2013 - November 10, 2013. How to Enter Stop by any participating Taco Bell and get a code by purchasing a specially marked big box or $5 buck box. Text the code you find to "22854" Find out instantly if you've won! Codes are also available by mail without any purchase. To enter without purchase, see Official Rules for details. Get the full scoop with PlayStation Thanks to Ryu for the lead to this subject.
  6. Linux Based OS For The TV and Living Room "As we’ve been working on bringing Steam to the living room, we’ve come to the conclusion that the environment best suited to delivering value to customers is an operating system built around Steam itself. SteamOS combines the rock-solid architecture of Linux with a gaming experience built for the big screen. It will be available soon as a free stand-alone operating system for living room machines." - Says Valve This will allow steam to have: Better Graphics Processing - "Game Developers" are already availing themselves to these performance perks "as they target SteamOS for their new releases" You can Stream games from you Windows or Mac system to a SteamOS machine. You will also be able to stream "Music, TV, and Movies" - Valve Says it's "working with many of the media services you know and love." No names yet but we can assume they want to compete with Roku/AppleTV. Plus "Family Sharing" - Announced a few weeks ago, Valve plans to let you have up to 10 friends (you choose) whom can each access your paid games and get their own achievements and their own save slots. On top of this, announcements are still to come, in the next few weeks, from Valve on even more plans for the future. Things such as: News regarding AAA titles coming natively to SteamOS in 2014. And, Gabe Newell promises STEAM BOX news next week!!! - At Linuxcon 2013, Newell stated that Valves next step will be to "release some work we've done on the hardware side." Newell said in March, that SteamBox Prototypes will be release in 2013. Check out more on this subject: Steam TimeTech CVG
  7. Linux Based OS For The TV and Living Room "As we’ve been working on bringing Steam to the living room, we’ve come to the conclusion that the environment best suited to delivering value to customers is an operating system built around Steam itself. SteamOS combines the rock-solid architecture of Linux with a gaming experience built for the big screen. It will be available soon as a free stand-alone operating system for living room machines." - Says Valve This will allow steam to have: Better Graphics Processing - "Game Developers" are already availing themselves to these performance perks "as they target SteamOS for their new releases" You can Stream games from you Windows or Mac system to a SteamOS machine. You will also be able to stream "Music, TV, and Movies" - Valve Says it's "working with many of the media services you know and love." No names yet but we can assume they want to compete with Roku/AppleTV. Plus "Family Sharing" - Announced a few weeks ago, Valve plans to let you have up to 10 friends (you choose) whom can each access your paid games and get their own achievements and their own save slots. On top of this, announcements are still to come, in the next few weeks, from Valve on even more plans for the future. Things such as: News regarding AAA titles coming natively to SteamOS in 2014. And, Gabe Newell promises STEAM BOX news next week!!! - At Linuxcon 2013, Newell stated that Valves next step will be to "release some work we've done on the hardware side." Newell said in March, that SteamBox Prototypes will be release in 2013. Check out more on this subject: Steam TimeTech CVG View full article
  8. Xbox One can read the HDMI signal from a PS4 and thus allow Microsoft's console to host Sony's, an executive has confirmed. Because of the Xbox One's HDMI-in port, users will be able to feed the PS4's HDMI cable into the rival system. The on-screen result would be a PS4 running within an Xbox One overlay. Microsoft executive Albert Panello confirmed that Xbox One users could theoretically multi-task between both consoles. "Any application can be snapped to a game... so if you wanted to be playing Ryse and Killzone at the same time, you could snap that," he said, as quoted by Gamespot. Killzone is a PlayStation-owned IP, with a new instalment in the series due for the PS4's launch. Panello's comments also imply that any games console outputting through an HDMI cable can be displayed on the Xbox One, from Xbox 360 to PS3. The Xbox executive, who was speaking to gathered journalists at the Tokyo Game Show, also warned users against vertically standing their Xbox Ones. How nice will it be to sit back, relax, and play both consoles without even thinking? Full articles at CVG View full article
  9. Microsoft has aired the first North American Xbox One television ad, to coincide with the start of the NFL football season. As you'd expect the ad is heavy on NFL and, as Microsoft has done throughout its promotional campaign, highlights the various entertainment features of the new console, including Skype and TV functionality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmD0vPOd5Rk The Xbox One release date was confirmed this week as November 22, 2013. The console will launch in 13 markets including North America, UK and Australia simultaneously. Speaking at a technology conference this week, Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi said Microsoft believes it will break even or even profit marginally from sales of Xbox One at launch. This differs from console launches in recent years, with firms usually taking a loss on early-life hardware sales with an eye to turning profits on software sales and services, and later on hardware following manufacturing cost reductions. They've made so many steps in the right direction and then they make the first commercial about football.... something people can watch without Xbox. Tell me what you think about the very first Xbox One Commercial. Get the full scoop at CVG View full article
  10. SGC

    Lost Within

    From the album: Green Screen Fury

    A bunch of image's taken by myself alone with the help of some in game Halo 4 mods by me. Please leave your thought's, improvement's and suggestion's. GT Callumsvnetwork Recent images Thank You SGC
  11. Microsoft has aired the first North American Xbox One television ad, to coincide with the start of the NFL football season. As you'd expect the ad is heavy on NFL and, as Microsoft has done throughout its promotional campaign, highlights the various entertainment features of the new console, including Skype and TV functionality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmD0vPOd5Rk The Xbox One release date was confirmed this week as November 22, 2013. The console will launch in 13 markets including North America, UK and Australia simultaneously. Speaking at a technology conference this week, Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi said Microsoft believes it will break even or even profit marginally from sales of Xbox One at launch. This differs from console launches in recent years, with firms usually taking a loss on early-life hardware sales with an eye to turning profits on software sales and services, and later on hardware following manufacturing cost reductions. They've made so many steps in the right direction and then they make the first commercial about football.... something people can watch without Xbox. Tell me what you think about the very first Xbox One Commercial. Get the full scoop at http://www.computerandvideogames.com'>CVG This post has been promoted to an article
  12. Not Sure If You Noticed But You Just Paid In Real Currency Today when you hopped on your Xbox 360 (figuratively) you probably got prompted to update. That is if you have Xbox Live Gold. This update had only one purpose in mind and that was to change from the old "Microsoft Points" to actual real life currency. So for me here in the US I know see Dollar Signs ($) When I want to purchase a new game or get DLC. In my opinion this is great I was tired of buying Microsoft point just to pay for something else. To me this makes things a lot less confusing and a little more streamline. But enough about me, What do you think about this update? Recent Update: Current Microsoft point can be converted but will only be available until June 1, 2015. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxCp9NmdcOM
  13. Gamertag: OT7OM4N Map: Trash Comp4actor / Trash Comp4actor - (Two Binnies) Gametype: Bin Man / Bin Men - (Two Binnies) Description: Introducing a flawless re-make of the original Halo 3 map, completely revamped set-up with new mechanics only available in Halo 4. Objective: The Zombie/s (Binny/Garbage man) must push and smash a variety of items or trash down the chute to the innocent humans confined to the compactor. 3 minutes to splatter the humans below with nothing but garbage and a heavy duty gravity gun. Being a bin man has never been so much fun!!! • One or two zombie modes both available with respective game types for larger or smaller games with more or less rounds. • Two tiers of trash to feed the compactor and crush the humans. • Both gametypes suitable for up to 16 players. • Functioning human on human infection gametype. Screenshots: Top level of trash. Outside view of the compactor. From inside the chute. Sold yet? If so head over to 'OT7OM4N' file share where both maps and gametypes are available for download free of charge! YES THAT'S RIGHT! 100% FREE!!! Share it with your friends and infect the world with the Trash Comp4actor Disease! Download From Halo Waypoint: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/players/ot7om4n/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Please leave feedback whether you liked it or not and any bugs so I can fix them asap or any parts you particularly enjoyed! Thanks for taking time to have a read and have fun, check out my other map here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/26184-crazy-c4nnons-evolved/ -OT7OM4N P.s: I am British so for those who don't know, bin translates to trash can and Binny or Binnies is slang for a bin man or garbage man.
  14. Capcom has fired off a new Dead Rising 3 gameplay video featuring more zombie death from the Xbox One exclusive. It shows more of the game's vehicles, locations and wacky weapons which you'll be using to slice through the dense zombie hordes. Some GORE included in the following clip, so be warned. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uVdv67r0to Microsoft recently detailed the exclusive content that will be included in the Day One editions of its first-party Xbox One games, which includes Dead Rising 2, Forza 5 and Ryse. Dead Rising 3 will come with a Dead Rising Tribute Pack, with two exclusive outfits. The first is a Frank West outfit with Frank's Zombie Slugger weapon, extra gory attacks and a custom skill move (it also includes attribute perks for increased melee damage and tougher survivors). The second is a Chuck Greene outfit with a Paddle Saw combo weapon (also includes attribute perks for vehicle and weapon durability). Dead Rising 3 will be an Xbox One launch title, with an as-yet unspecified launch in November. Get the full scoop at CVG What do you think about this new adventure in the Zombie killing franchise? I personally enjoyed the lightsaber. This post has been promoted to an article
  15. Capcom has fired off a new Dead Rising 3 gameplay video featuring more zombie death from the Xbox One exclusive. It shows more of the game's vehicles, locations and wacky weapons which you'll be using to slice through the dense zombie hordes. Some GORE included in the following clip, so be warned. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uVdv67r0to Microsoft recently detailed the exclusive content that will be included in the Day One editions of its first-party Xbox One games, which includes Dead Rising 2, Forza 5 and Ryse. Dead Rising 3 will come with a Dead Rising Tribute Pack, with two exclusive outfits. The first is a Frank West outfit with Frank's Zombie Slugger weapon, extra gory attacks and a custom skill move (it also includes attribute perks for increased melee damage and tougher survivors). The second is a Chuck Greene outfit with a Paddle Saw combo weapon (also includes attribute perks for vehicle and weapon durability). Dead Rising 3 will be an Xbox One launch title, with an as-yet unspecified launch in November. Get the full scoop at CVG What do you think about this new adventure in the Zombie killing franchise? I personally enjoyed the lightsaber. View full article
  16. Testing Testing..... Is This Thing On Xbox One is going to come with a brand new headset that is supposed to be much higher quality, as we would hope. But is this new headset all it is cracked up to be? It looks much more sleek and comfortable than the old 360 model, and it has a wider base of support and all the controls right up near the controller rather than dangling on the cord. But looks aren't everything, we also want the sound quality to be increased. To show off the new and improved sound quality Major Nelson did a sound check. https://soundcloud.com/xbox/xbox360-current-headsetoutput https://soundcloud.com/xbox/xboxone-headsetoutput Microsoft also stated in a recent interview that the sound quality will be integrated with Skype. "Thanks to integration with Skype's audio codec, which has a proven track record of high-quality voice through billions of hours of use within Skype, as well as dedicated audio processing, Xbox One offers higher quality voice chat with the Xbox One Chat Headset compared to Xbox 360," said Microsoft. "The Xbox One Wireless Controller's new expansion port dramatically expands the data transfer rate between the controller and console," it adds. "Combined with Skype's audio codec, this enables crystal-clear digital audio with the Xbox One Chat Headset, both capturing and rendering speech at 24 KHz PCM, which is triple the rendering sample rate and a 50 percent capture rate improvement over Xbox 360 headsets." Get the full scoop over at http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ View full article
  17. Microsoft Spokesperson Has Confirmed Halo 4 Game of the Year A Microsoft Spokesperson has confirmed to IGN that a Halo 4 GOTY Edition to be released in October. Now they will not be giving anymore information until the Global Championship LiveStream this Sunday. This pack will be loaded with all sorts of DLC to come with the Game. What do you think about this offer? This post has been promoted to an article
  18. An Ode To Azaxx By: Samantha Noway & CooliestRap Oh Azaxx the stars are so bright As their light shines on you tonight We hope you accept this little song Even though you feel that it's wrong We want you to know That for you we will shoooooooow (Unison) Our one true love combined for you. Hope you enjoyed.
  19. Not Sure If You Noticed But You Just Paid In Real Currency Today when you hopped on your Xbox 360 (figuratively) you probably got prompted to update. That is if you have Xbox Live Gold. This update had only one purpose in mind and that was to change from the old "Microsoft Points" to actual real life currency. So for me here in the US I know see Dollar Signs ($) When I want to purchase a new game or get DLC. In my opinion this is great I was tired of buying Microsoft point just to pay for something else. To me this makes things a lot less confusing and a little more streamline. But enough about me, What do you think about this update? Recent Update: Current Microsoft point can be converted but will only be available until June 1, 2015. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxCp9NmdcOM This post has been promoted to an article
  20. Not Sure If You Noticed But You Just Paid In Real Currency Today when you hopped on your Xbox 360 (figuratively) you probably got prompted to update. That is if you have Xbox Live Gold. This update had only one purpose in mind and that was to change from the old "Microsoft Points" to actual real life currency. So for me here in the US I know see Dollar Signs ($) When I want to purchase a new game or get DLC. In my opinion this is great I was tired of buying Microsoft point just to pay for something else. To me this makes things a lot less confusing and a little more streamline. But enough about me, What do you think about this update? Recent Update: Current Microsoft point can be converted but will only be available until June 1, 2015. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxCp9NmdcOM View full article
  21. Borderlands 2 is Finally Going To Get A Game Of The Year Edition If you haven't been interested in buying this awesome Action Role-Playing First Person Shooter before then maybe you will be if it releases 100 dollars worth of DLC free with a Game Of The Year Edition The GOTY Edition allegedly includes all of the game's released DLC to date, including: Creature Slaughter Dome Psycho Pack Captain Scarlet’s And Her Pirate’s Booty Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt Mister Torgue’s Campaign Of Carnage Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Mechromancer Pack Creature Slaughter Dome​ ​ Now this has not yet been confirmed, only rumored. It has been about a year since the release of the game so it could only make sense. Also IGN is the one spreading the word, and they are a credible source. Read their article here. CLICK ME
  22. Microsoft Spokesperson Has Confirmed Halo 4 Game of the Year A Microsoft Spokesperson has confirmed to IGN that a Halo 4 GOTY Edition to be released in October. Now they will not be giving anymore information until the Global Championship LiveStream this Sunday. This pack will be loaded with all sorts of DLC to come with the Game. What do you think about this offer? View full article
  23. Borderlands 2 is Finally Going To Get A Game Of The Year Edition If you haven't been interested in buying this awesome Action Role-Playing First Person Shooter before then maybe you will be if it releases 100 dollars worth of DLC free with a Game Of The Year Edition The GOTY Edition allegedly includes all of the game's released DLC to date, including: Creature Slaughter Dome Psycho Pack Captain Scarlet’s And Her Pirate’s Booty Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt Mister Torgue’s Campaign Of Carnage Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Mechromancer Pack Creature Slaughter Dome​ ​ Now this has not yet been confirmed, only rumored. It has been about a year since the release of the game so it could only make sense. Also IGN is the one spreading the word, and they are a credible source. Read their article here. CLICK ME This post has been promoted to an article
  24. TitanFall's Newest Gameplay Trailer Was Revealed And It Looks Awesome So if you didn't already know TitanFall is a new XBOX One Exclusive Video Game and you may be wondering what all the hubbub is about. Well you're in luck because if you continue reading and watching through this thread you are bound to find out. This first video is a Gameplay Reveal Trailer with one of the best Titanfall MLG Pros. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTgtxnv61FM Video Courtesy of: Machinima So the gameplay looks incredibly slick and fast paced while at the same time spread out and cautious. In this next video we see the reactions of some IGN Editors after their first trail of the game at Gamescom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOsw9Yh187U Video Courtesy of: IGN As you can see it left them SPEECHLESS as it did to me also. Finally, we come upon an interview with Vince Zampella, General Manager of Respawn Entertainment, while we get to see some new Gamescom Gameplay Footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIyAk_ATxec Video Courtesy of: IGN All of this gameplay looks amazing, and I can't wait to get into it. This may be the game that sells people to buy the XBOX One for this EXCLUSIVE TITLE. I think may favorite thing is those jumpy thrustery wall running parts looks like tons of fun. So What do you think of this upcoming Exclusive title? Are you totally into or not? Also head over to IGN's website to check out their full article on the Gamplay HERE
  25. How could they do such a thing? Bethesda has announced their next title called "Elder Scrolls Online" at this point. But as more news emerges do we start to bite our nails. They have just recently announced that it is going to be roughly $60 to buy and get this... $15 dollars a month every month to play online.... That seems far too expensive to me, especially added onto the game price tag and yearly Gold membership renewal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2C-nZPNhiI Review by : IGN What do you think of this horrifying news?
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