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Status Replies posted by Bossguy

  1. i wont be back on for all of summer but just keep one thing in mInd, IM A BOSS BRU

  2. The Reef just looks like a reskinned Tower, really dissapointed Bungie.

  3. I hate it so much when old people treat me like a child.

  4. Halo: Bloodline and Halo: Initiation are available on PDF via a Google search IF YOU CAN READ FRENCH. UGH.

  5. Halo: Bloodline and Halo: Initiation are available on PDF via a Google search IF YOU CAN READ FRENCH. UGH.

  6. Titanfall 2? No thanks, I'll stick with Halo and Destiny.

  7. Titanfall 2? No thanks, I'll stick with Halo and Destiny.

  8. Titanfall 2? No thanks, I'll stick with Halo and Destiny.

  9. I am trying to find people to help me with the volt of glass in destiny, if you have it for 360 comment bellow

  10. Rex is coming back for Star wars Rebels season 2... Pinch me.

  11. Today did not turn out like I wanted it to at all. :(

  12. Does anyone have destiny for x-box 360

  13. have you guys sen the trailer for black ops 3

  14. Günter Grass passes away today, age 87.

  15. If you see a GTR use a turn signal dont even think you will be able to keep it from getting in the lane go ahead speed up and see how easily it still passes you up

  16. Titans are the superior class.

    1. Bossguy


      yes, yes they are

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