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Everything posted by Guts

  1. The story is good and is going a good direction but it could have been executed better. The acting was good but I felt Buck and Tanaka needed to stop. Level design was great. Good variety of areas and a good overall look to them
  2. Time to get assassinating I guess. Multiplayer needs to get ready!
  3. Banned because I don't think it's even a thing anymore
  4. You guys really are going to be busy! I hope everyone from the forums takes part. I'll try to be there for as much as I can.
  5. I know the point of the skill system but the one you proposed is tried and tested. A much better system is needed. Maybe something along the lines of doing some placement matches then getting a number between 1 and 10. You then have a certain CSR rating to reach before reaching the next number. If you lose you can still rank up if you perform well.
  6. You're the first I've seen to mention this so not sure about the community I'm not stopping myself from speaking my mind, and nobody else is. Everyone's opinion matters
  7. For one, the Halo 2 and 3 ranking was terrible. It ruined the fun of playing online as you could never rank up without full time MLG pro gaming. Halo 5 is much easier to rank up in and you can do it alone. This season I ranked Platinum 6 and I've ranked up to Diamond 4 on my own. It's much much more enjoyable. The Reach system was terrible. Earn credits to unlock armour that is overly priced and locked behind a ridiculously high credit threshold to rank up. There was also way too much to purchase anyway, a lot of it ugly.
  8. Halo 6 needs REQs and keep the same style of mutiplayer as Halo 5. It also needs an improved Campaign. And I disagree it's on repeat: Halo CE: Good campaign with awful multiplayer Halo 2: Bad campaign with awful multiplayer Halo 3: Good campaign with good multiplayer Halo 4: Good campaign with good mutiplayer Halo 5: Ok campaign with great multi player Halo 6: ???
  9. No. It's always been a thing and it's never been a problem. If you keep getting boarded and destroyed or your vehicle is stolen, that's not the games problem. You need to get better at watching every route of attack.
  10. Destroying people's Forge games?! I like
  11. I do like Halo still. In my opinion it's the best that its ever been. The multiplayer is great. The fast pace combined with the spartan abilities is really enjoyable. Although it's hard to get people to play with. I love when I get into a competitive game and I love the eSports too. Was zone is cool too although I don't play it as much. (Very rarely) I'm not too keen on the expanded universe unless its directly related to a main game in the series. Forge. What else is there to say? Perfect.
  12. Ill give it away if I get one. I know a few who like Gears.
  13. Mine would be a cougar but since I'm not a native American, I am the mighty Smilodon (Sabre Tooth Cat in non science terms)
  14. Terror is Reality from Dead Rising 2. The replay value is great in my opinion and was a much needed break for me from the same dull and boring Horde, Firefight or whatever it's called for each game.
  15. Well first off, 5 seconds is definitely not right. You were immobile for much longer. There's no real way to tell I'd someone quits by inactivity, rage or for valid reasons so you fall under the same category for a ban. Do I need to explain why swears are censored?
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