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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Areas of the map that help give locations. It's on the bottom left of the screen by radar and the armor ability. Forge world contains: Island, coastline, canyon, Montana, Alaska, lagoon, coliseum, quarry, pillar.
  2. alright just making sure I'll give it a download
  3. Glad that you're honest, I saw a forum where people boosted their likes. I think it was closed soon after. People always have to cheat to get what they want. Wish that cheating was never founded in the first place haha. It'd be a lot easier without hackers, boosters, modders, etc.
  4. does this map only consist of the weapons Grenade Launcher and Sniper Rifle? If so, you need to add grenades (Frags recommended and some standard weapons (DMR's, needle rifles, magnum, AR, Plasma Pistol, etc)
  5. I know he has more likes then you, I was stating if it was true or not he was liked for the information he has given or not. He could of had people like his posts.
  6. He's also got more likes (this could be true, or false) which means he probably gives better information out.
  7. Sorry but being online isn't the big thing here. I voted him because I see him on a bunch of topics I go to. I've only seen you once or twice.
  8. I see Vplus on the forums more then I do Zelda, sorry but Vplus has mine.
  9. Abridged I believe, but it's in Montana and Alaska and goes over the canyon a little bit. Map sucks a little though. The heat-map is always at the bases.
  10. Nobody cares about Alaska, people don't notice this is on alaska
  11. It's worth a download. The pelicans pretty cool. but the AA guns are bad-ass, they're just like giant shade turrets with better shielding and fire power.
  12. Alright, I downloaded your map and played it. It's pretty kick ass if you were to ask me. I'm going to recommend the map to my friends.
  13. i'm going to download this right now! looks really good, hope gameplay is to.
  14. How about the death eating misty shadows.
  15. for those of you saying this is stolen from COD probably don't read any of the spoilers or information. Activision and Treyarch are helping make Halo 4, which is where the killcams come in, if they wouldn't have helped 343i halo 4 would've probably not been as good and would've probably took longer to make. Seriously, don't leave a comment saying "Halo 4 suck! It's just like COD" or "They are stealing from COD, those ********!!" Look for information first, don't comment off anything you don't know a damn thing about.
  16. This isn't even a map, the shield door will only bounce vehicles if there is no driver. This isn't halo 3.
  17. Truck, they are in the reach campaign. But why not able to drive them in mm? They have no point but transportation, but would make good custom game maps.
  18. the mammoth and mantis were announced. Maybe they want you to think those are the vehicles. what was never confirmed was the hawk or cobra, but rumors go around saying that they are going to be in the game. You can see a hawk in the distance in the E3 Trailer.
  19. Fishy


    The updated map is finished, check it out!
  20. reminds me of highlands for some reason..
  21. It's most likely not going to be called xbox 720, that's it's street name. But they are waiting on the Wii U to come out first that way they can improve in competition and get better ideas.
  22. Fishy


    yeah I noticed after I build the map, I gotta align the bases. I thought it was good myself but criticizing yourself is dumb. haha. I'll upload the better version in a couple days. yes, there are 2 rockets (no spare clips), magnums, one splaser, 2 snipers (1 spare clip), assault rifles, dmrs, one sword, frags, plasma grenades, 1 plasma pistol and 2 grenade launchers (2 spare clips). (I might be missing a few others but I know there's no plasma launcher or gravity hammers) It's a decent fighting map. but wait for the update in a few days for the improved version. everything will be the same except aligned. by the way, the teleporters teleport you to those side wings by the wraith. and the teleporters themselves take up the entire platform that way you can enter any direction and to escape enemy fire faster (player teleporter only no vehicles can go through.)
  23. Glad to know 343i is a community company, otherwise none of this would happen.
  24. Fishy


    Name of Map: Islon Canvas Map: Forge World Link to MAP: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/haloreach/Xokerfish321/fileshare#!/?section=MapVariants&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=30836231 Link to Gametype: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/haloreach/Xokerfish321/fileshare#!/?section=GameType&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0 Recommended Player Count: 8 Game Variant: Objective Gamertag: Xokerfish321 Gametype- All (except Insane and race) Download the map here: http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30836231 Description: This map is a team map, blue and red team only. Recommended amount of players is 12-16. Although this map holds all game-types some of them aren't that much fun. The bases are symmetrical, with one wraith tank in the center of the map. The game variants link contains all of Islon's game mode, use them! Submitted version: September 19, 2012. Update Version 1.1: September 27th, 2012. The following are 12 screenshots of the bases, some weapons, and other structures.
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