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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. I hope not, instead if your driving a vehicle and getting locked on by something (let it be plasma pistol, rocket etc) it'll make a dinging noise like the missile pod on the hornet in halo 3
  2. I would say it, but I can't because I don't wanna get in trouble by a mod.
  3. promethean color- orange- probably stronger AI's because the Didact was awakened promethean color- blue- the promethean AI's that were probably patrolling the world, were weaker but smarter. That's my guess.
  4. Halo CEA, Halo Wars, CoD WaW, Battlefield 3, ands I'd say dead island
  5. The alliance xXxB3TAxXx is reaching out for more clans looking to join the alliance. Private Message: Xoker, GENARAL KODMAN™, or Alpha Rhino Brigadier. or just simply post on the forum. Thank you for your cooperation.
  6. the codes to activate in halo waypoint might be in the campaign instead hopefully.
  7. xXxB3TAxXx is a clan alliance.
  8. Am I the only one that voted carter? lolsz. I liked Carter because he trolled the covenant.
  9. I don't got mine yet and I want to see it. I was the first to get the last update, now I'm going to be last
  10. I hope so, 4 player split screens are always fun to face. Especially when they are all noob. noob=victory
  11. Welcome to the forms, xXxB3TAxXx welcomes you
  12. Any UNSC vehicle with machine guns are deadly, that post was like saying "If I shot you with a canister shell in the head would you die?" smh
  13. Alright then, if the hornet is better why is 343i putting in the falcon in halo 4? Hornet hasn't been confirmed
  14. Since everyone is being an ass and saying stuff about rockets. we'll nerf the hornet in MM and have it like the falcon. Falcon has no nose gun, and hornet is missing chaff pods and rocket pods. What'd win?
  15. Hornet has a slow lift rate and has to face the target in order to engage, a falcon has a faster lift rate and can shoot down or up while lifting or declining. Also, MM doesn't matter, it contains the stupid version, campaign has the real version. Hornets wingmen aren't that good either, they usually carry rockets or lasers that are used against any personell or vehicle the honet doesn't see, while a falcons wingmen are anti air, (light and light/heavy) vehicle and anti personel
  16. sounds like fun, hopefully themes get more involved now
  17. Falcon has nose gun, and side turrets both AGL and MG which turn 190 degrees, a hornet has dual machine gun cannons and locked on rocket pods which are 1/4 as strong as a rocket and it has 2 passengers that can only see 150 degrees angle, which won't help much head on head combat. Therefore falcon would win, also falcons can outfly rocket pods.
  18. fall damage was shown on a halo 4 forge video, it's optional
  19. Fishy


    I like pelicans, preferably because they are reliable for transportation.
  20. Fishy

    Bring Back Johnson

    Johnson was always a helping hand, he'll be remembered. Maybe even 343i will bring up easter eggs of him. We just gotta wait and find out.
  21. Ignore them, I'm trying to avoid all spoilers now because of the theft of halo 4
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