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Status Replies posted by Pbrabbit

  1. I'm approaching 4 years on this site? WHAT THE HELL?

  2. So, today has turned out bad. Woke up much earlier than usual, got my side deck together, did the normal morning stuff like showering and all, then my friend calls me and cancels our trip to Pearl for regionals today. .-.

    1. Pbrabbit


      RIPPP That sucks so much. Super sorry to hear that man!


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Should I stay or should I go? (to nats)

    1. Pbrabbit


      Pokemon Nats?


  4. Goes into Iron Banner. Thorns, Thorns everywhere.

  5. As president of the United States of the Forum it is my duty to do whats right for the forums. And that's to vote Fishy.

  6. waiting and praying for Twams pizza

  7. Soooo May Top 15/10 or whatever still a thing?

  8. Just a heads up to those of you who play Xbox with me: I will be on for very little time (if any) this weekend as it is the weekend before finals. Summer starts after that so im all yours after next week.

  9. I wonder what is going on June 13th. Anyone else wondering?

  10. New Halo 5 Limited and Limited Collector Edition boxart!

  11. Today I have become the fourth top poster..... you better start watching out Director, I'm catching up!

  12. Daily prayer for Pizza.

  13. Okay guys, got popcorn kernels, but no microwave... who thinks I should put them down my bike exhaust to make popcorn??? Will post the results on my youtube channel if I do!

  14. Everything Abridged Cell says is an innuendo. :P

  15. Your "About Me" made me lol xD

    1. Pbrabbit


      I'm so glad XD

  16. Suspension on probable cause smh. Bad decision by Goodell.

  17. And he waddled away. Waddle waddle waddle. Then he waddled away. Waddle waddle waddle.

    1. Pbrabbit


      Well the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man, runnin' stand, hey! Do you have any grapes?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. West Philadelphia, Born and Raised!

    1. Pbrabbit


      Do doo, do do do dooooooo do, do do, do do do dooooo do, doo do do doo.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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