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Final Sentence

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Everything posted by Final Sentence

  1. The weapons HAVE to disappear fast or the game would be filled with power weapons. Also, if you die with a power weapon, NO REASON you should get it back. I've never had a problem killing someone and picking their weapon up. If you want to have longer weapon drop times, they need to start putting back the FULL 5 second re-spawn system. That way for sure, when you die, the OTHER person gets your weapon NO YOU. Also, the thing that drives me crazy about most people that complain about this is "I HAD SNIPER AND IT DISAPPEARED" boo hoo, go use your DMR. God forbid you cant just sit in the back and snipe the entire game. YOU DIE WITH A WEAPON, NO REASON YOU SHOULD GET TO KEEP IT! EDIT: went back and watched, I don't see a problem with a 10 second vanish rate...
  2. The worst thing I see happen more often than not is when the game starts 4 vs 2 or 4 vs 1. The game will end up with the team of 4 losing because a team of 3 or 4 will join and the team of 4 NEVER gets a player. So they started with a huge adv, but 30 seconds into the game they are then out gunned the rest of the game. Lost to many Ball and CTF games this way.
  3. DMR is hands down stronger but the problem is how to nerf it is the question. You can't make it a 6 shot and slowing the fire rate down would take hours of tweaking to try getting it correct. Keep it the way it is then, if you want to use the BR wait for smaller maps. I've got my MASTER cleared with it and threw it back into the "the hell with using you, pile" KD went up per game by almost an entire point!. Majority of my BR game I found myself barely over 1 for 1 if not even. Going back to the DMR it's back around 2 for 1 as just about everything lands.
  4. Drop the animated ones, just sayin. Clean lines and color combinations makes better images then animation.
  5. sad part, this game is to big on helping retards, as radar destroys even a good strat. OH WAIT, he's over here.. The average person doesn't even know the ramps to the left and right of scatter shot on bottom closed can be used to access top mid very easily. This is another thing, radar screws up and your icon changes from down arrow to solid circle (thanks radar for messing up all the good moves in Halo) Also, you can jump from either red or blue to top closed if you have mobility. top closed railing, to Red or Blue Landing, to red or blue side. I do this all the time but again radar solves the other team's confusion and pre-nades again.
  6. The only system that has proven to work, was Halo 2
  7. It only flinches when you receive a HEAD SHOTS when zoomed in, return the favor to the player first...
  8. It doesn't matter if they release the ranking system, it's already been confirmed is will be a WAYPOINT ONLY, rank. They don't have any plans on having an IN GAME rank besides the SR rank. Also, agree with the guy above me, you should never look at the SR # it means nothing. All it says is: "I have a lot of time", "I had a lot of double XP", "I play Spec Ops" or "Damn, go outside!"
  9. The biggest thing a ranked playlist needs is one with radar removed. All it does is slow down gameplay and give bad player huge handicaps. Ever since CE days we've run customs and games without radar with my buddies and camping rarely happens as you lose track of people. I already know this will be in the MLG settings which is amazing but radar is just complete crap in FPS. Sure it's in COD but shows when firing or a UAV airborn, not live motion trackers. If you want to put motion trackers, make your teammates show up the EXACT SAME on your radar. This is also, another reason why the bolt shot is so OP as players that don't move around the map always know when someone is near them. HIDE IN CORNER, CHARGE, FIRE... repeat. Or at least I'd love to see the radar drop to 1/4 the range.
  10. The thing people don't understand there ALREADY is a ranking system that isn't seen. This is clear when you start playing INF slayer solo. Every game is very well matched just like Halo 2 was, this can only be done if some form of tracking system is already in play. They also already admitted they plan on having a system to provide balanced matches between players. When a buddy of mine of much lower range joins my game, the games clearly get easier, when a buddy of mine of around the same ability joins my game we get amazingly close games. The system is working already... but now they are just going to put a number to it within Waypoint which I think is pointless. At least make one playlist with a value, and please GOD let it be a gametype with no radar. Clearly a ranking/ratting system will only work in a slayer game and all objective games have no way to configure who is better...K/D and Time on objective have ZERO correlation.
  11. I honestly stopped reading when you started to defend the BOLTSHOT, as just play better. No if ands or butts, the weapon is WAY OVERPOWERED for being a secondary weapon. You don't even have to be near the corner to lose with this weapon, he can round the pot a shot from 10 body lengths and STILL ONE SHOT YOU. Not to mention the charge time is only 1 second. You can have a pillar between yourself and the person, he can change weapons (BACK UP) not get closer and drop you with a single shot, in under 2 seconds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGxrl9QWFeE&feature=g-crec-u
  12. The simplest solutions have already been provided many times, and I don't see how any can defend the boltshot and not being OP. Reduce the Kill range by at least 50% or drop the damage by 50%. No reason a secondary period is a single shot gun, unless point blank.
  13. Great video, I'll like it and Sub, also pass it around to get some views. Always up for helping people on YouTube and people help my buddy out all the time.
  14. You should know by now and don't blame 343, this has been the same marketing tactics for all gaming companies, and you dumbass all jump on the bandwagon. All CODs and BOs have done this with just about any new release that has EXTRA gimmicks at launch. This is no different then the pre-order crap at GameStop and other stores.
  15. The sad part is people that don't already know this are being ignorant and still don't believe the boltshot is OP, even after watching this video. I do rage a lot when I round a corner and clearly outside any NORMAL weapon's one shot range, and the boltshot can still drop me. Boltshot will beat a shotgun and scattershot easily more than half the time, which agreed with the video is just wrong. A spawning secondary should not be stronger then an dropped weapon. That's the entire point of this thread, NO GAME has a secondary that is an instant kill besides a knife or tomahawk. The gun would be perfectly fine if it one shot within melee distance and broke shields at double melee <-- IT STILL KILLS AT THIS DISTANCE, even beyond that. The video above shows a kill shot at around triple melee range, and breaking full shields at almost x7 to x8 range.
  16. Agree, no reason Elites should be in match making. They should only be used in specific gametypes that might apply to Elites vs something else, but not default playlist. I've been around since day one, a life long Halo player and NOT ONE of my friends has ever brought this up, knowing they'd get laughed at. MC should be and remain the only slayer in this game franchise.
  17. Only the melee damaged is buffed, the magnum still kills in 6 shots. The trick to the magnum is fire 4 as fast as possible, they all hit solid, the 5th is the tray and to much bloom. Delay a shot and fire the last two shots, easy kill. I've had many CTF games over 1000 points getting dozens of kills with flag.
  18. Doesn't matter what a game looks like, it's how a game plays that keeps the game popular. The more they try at making Halo flashy, the crappier the games keeps turn out. CE>H2>H3>H4>Reach
  19. The Magnum has the same kill speed as the DMR at mid range. It has a "preferred" means of firing, if you know that, it's freaking crazy good. I use it all the time and I find myself holding the flag often just to get the inf ammo. When the boltshot is finally nerfed to where it should be the magnum will return to being the top pick again.
  20. Halo CE player since day one... It was basic and to the point, out slay the other team, control the map and you win. Maps were basic, and open (none of this getting stuck on corners or having to jump shot around everything) Weapons, again basic and to the point 1. AR Short range good for double melees 2. Pistol, all around good weapon, can lock the game down 3. Sniper, had to lead targets at range, not easiest to use 4. Shotgun, worked like it should close to mid range 5. Plasma Pistol (slowed and took down OS) 7. Plasma Rifle (slowed and great close quarter) 8. Rockets, couldn't pull from secondary to snap spin as they'd cause "side ways rockets" shouldn't be able to jump and blindly fire a rocket to save yourself. 9. Needler, but really it's the needler, the fun kill Timing of Power-ups and Spawns 1. Created map control points 2. Caused team work 3. No randomness to the game, it was going to be there PERIOD Objectives 1. No Flag Marker 2. Looking at the ground with flag was the way to run without being seen 3. Wasn't forced to keep the flag, could drop it and fire 4. Wasn't forced to keep the oddball either, instant pickup made for good close quarter combat Vehicles They all played perfectly fine and didn't need anymore than the basic three 1. Warthog 2. Tank 3. Ghost Basic Gameplay 1. Back-Pack Reloading (easy, everyone could do it) 2. Double Melee (again, easy, everyone can do it) 3. Fall Damage (should have never left the game, jump off something isn't a get away strat) 4. Grenade jumping / rocket jumps 5. INF ammo (only done easily in campaign) 6. Moving weapons around the map with grenades, helped regain map control if you lost it 7. Fast paced games that kept you coming back for me, and some LONG objective games that made you not want to quit 8. Driving with the flag, Not a bad thing with such fast kill times. 9. SuperJumping with the gunner from the warthog (helped move around some maps) 10. Radar was turned OFF!!!!! on the majority of the preferred gametype FOR A REASON!!! <--this right here might be the biggest reason I miss playing Halo: CE. I am beyond sick of pre-nades and corner campers because of radar. It's a faced paced FPS, MOVE AROUND THE MAP STOP SITTING STILL!!!
  21. Should be everyone's answer Mine extended Rage is the Mantis, there is no reason this was brought into this game. At least make it when the shield is broken the front hack is blown off, so I can get headshots. Even after the shields break, he'll take another 6-10 shots of DMR. A good driver will NEVER die nor put himself into a position to be PP'd, which is retarded. Three guys can all fire at him and he wont die, it take 4 full DMR clips.
  22. Never thought I was even going to consider BO2, but this is a game changer for me at this point.
  23. Not sure if people use this, but I am not looking for a team but players to play with that are good. GT: FInal Sentence
  24. Magnum all the way, unless vehicles. Nothing better then using the DMR or BR to get 2 kills or getting the 2nd kill close and still having the ability to drop the next person. Also, I've found if you have the pistol out, and use the clip people have a false impression you are out of ammo and they re-challenge and meet a primed DMR or BR. Magnum, Me and a Flag = DEADLY There is a trip to the magnum, learn it and it's crazy good.
  25. Weapons to use in SWAT DMR>Pistol>BR DMR at mid to long range, register head-shots at center mass. Pistol, does the same as the DRM, but his just slightly less range, fires faster then DMR and BR for close range. First 4 shots always hit center reticle. BR, is out range by both DMR and Pistol, also doesn't have near the head-shot sticky bullets like the other two do either. SWAT is where I go to get my pistol kills and average 17+ a game.
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