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Everything posted by Grif.

  1. I want in on this party!!

  2. I like how you did it last time to be honest. Im not the old Grif im newer BTW as you can see i have a period at the end of my name.
  3. i would disagree with u on that all the spartans can do it.
  4. If its a vehicle in the halo universe i want it in halo 5.
  5. good observation and i believe that the rocket hog is on the one that has the big building in the middle and has the wraith. And the gauss hog can shoot from VERY far away so it could take out the mantis from a distance but if it got close it would be even.
  6. Have you played all the Assassin's Creed games?
  7. Welcome to the forums! If u have any questions feel free to ask.
  8. I was gonna buy it but i dont want to pay for the MMO cards they are a rip off imo.
  9. i agree these people just arent good enough to use their favorite weapons and so they complain.
  10. agreed its not my favorite halo game but i still love it.
  11. I just want to play the campaign with better graphics. And having halo 2 maps would be epic.
  12. Exactly my point thank you.
  13. Thats what i mean it hard to use the mantis unless your team helps you.
  14. Grif.

    Woot Wott!

    oh yea is your fotus male or female cuz peanut gave me female i haven't used it yet id prefer male though if i get male ill give female away
  15. 1. You forgot about the rocket warthog. 2. The gauss Hog destroys the mantis. 3.A plasma pistol makes using a mantis a challeng and people know what maps the mantis is onso they just use their plasma pistol loadout . I love the mantis but when you use it you have to be careful.
  16. I wish it was gonna be cheaper then i could buy it over a thousand is way to much imo.
  17. I love fallout its not as good as skyrim but its good. It needs better graphics though hopefully they nail the graphics in Fallout 4, ive never played 3 im gonna play it soon but i liked new vegas i still have to beat that also.
  18. If you like RvB ive got i cool clan for you pm me and ill give you the details.
  19. that looks pretty dang sweet!
  20. i think it just might work if u make indestructible vehicles and all you would have to do is save the game type and play it in custom games i love the idea and i just might do it.
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