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Status Replies posted by BeckoningZebra1

  1. Ug, mm, groan, braaaains, groan, cooffeeeee....

  2. Anxiously awaiting June the multiplayer update


  4. Success is not determined by the amount of ships we have. It's determined by our force, how we act and react on the enemy. And most important, how well we keep order in the ranks.

  5. When I get old and gray-headed, I hope I can still be as awesome as Absolute Dog

  6. My new motto: Necessum est bellum

  7. Its raining, and I am loving it. Too bad its not raining really hard though.

  8. it is real hard to make a inspiration speech

  9. Just got back from four wheeling :D

  10. Yesterday. Wedding. Food. So much. Too much. I'm dying.

  11. Happy International Star Wars Day

  12. Star Wars FTW! :P

  13. Prepare for Revenge of the Sixth. May the Fourth be with you all.

  14. Happy Birthday DocSpartan!

  15. So, it's national Star Wars day here... May the 4th be with you!

  16. You know what Halo 4 could use? A heavily aim-assisted, bullet-magnetized hit-scan weapon that makes feats of Marksmanship seem easier than in any other Halo game. Oh, wait...

  17. Minor change to my picture, you probably won't even notice. :D

  18. Cant wait for this summer to begin ^.^

  19. So if I so much as see the word "Spongbob", I start thinking about my dad. lol. My dad had an obsession with Spongbob. :)

  20. college work. soo boaring. at least i game actually play videogames tonight. no work yey ;)

  21. I must say, Oblivion was awesome.

  22. there we go driving license in my pocket :) succeeded on first try. only took me 2 1/2 month from start to finish :)

  23. thie brings back lots of childhood memories for me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpdfBSb-8i8

  24. gotta find a job I need a job but who would hire a 14 yr old hmm

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