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Everything posted by Harbinger

  1. Maybe it was because the Mauler was BA and fun?
  2. Trying to decide if I should eat this Big Mac now....or save it for later....

    1. SykoWolf
    2. Meta Knight

      Meta Knight

      It's too late i already ate it hehehehehehehe


    3. Harbinger


      @SykoWolf Truth is I have two....so I could do that...

  3. Plus most people ran for the Mauler so most of the time you only got 2 kills then scavengers loot your body.
  4. Well I'm guessing there wasn't that big of a fuss because you couldn't start out with it in a loadout. So the mauler was scarce.
  5. Halo 3 brute shot. SMG. And Mauler.
  6. Its not that bad. I only die by it 1 once every like 5 games. But I really dislike it when I'm in a custom lobby because there is a small amount of people so if there is 2 using it you have to keep your distance and check corners.
  7. Woot! 100 likes I would like to thank all the people who liked the things I said and the Advice I've given. :D

  8. Oh....Arma 2 my friends have played the Demo.....might need to give that game a try.
  9. I'm not sure if I want her to take a return but...I feel like Halo 5 needs to have the Master Chief alone hes been paired with her for awhile now and now that shes gone I want to see him get paired with new team mates like Sgt.Major Johnson and add some more characters that you and the Master Chief connect. If anything I would rather she return in Halo 6.
  10. Good bye SJ you were the first to give me a warm welcome to this site and make me feel welcome. You where always like the father of the site in my eyes but all good things must end. And if you are leaving this site I wish you luck through this hard and tough road called life. I just want you to remember you will always be our Courageous Leader.
  11. You should have probably added somethings that you wanted to make the thread pop out. Plus I think there is already a thread for this topic. Anyway I would like to see UNSC Air vehicles that I can use in multiplayer.
  12. I think there is a way to stop the constant joining in progresses...I think Caboose the Ace knows hows. Team snipers was a gametype for a bit they took it out and I think they are bringing it back sometime.
  13. Just about everything you listed.....I very much miss Invasion.
  14. Needs new music to listen to....anyone want to tell me some to listen to....preferably rock?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harbinger


      I like Queen. My dad forces me to listen to old music.

    3. Vaulting♥Frog
    4. Harbinger


      My favorite by them is Another one bites the dust.

  15. I really have no clue.....Makes me want to hit things now that I can't fly either of them.
  16. When I heard about the Mammoth I thought it was just going to be an upgraded elephant (which in Halo 3 I had so much fun with gametypes where one team would hold off inside the elephant and the other team would attack or another where both teams are in elephants and they would collide and fight it out by hopping on the other elephant.) I was so happy.....then I turned the corner SOOOO big so I knew then it wasn't going to be in multplayer.....but I was very disappointed.
  17. Halo Points I'll take two boxes....I don't even own a gun.
  18. New DGS Forums. Just thought I'd post the link. http://www.dgslive.info
  19. I've heard Day Z never played it though. But I love Zombie games and if its that good I can't wait to play if it comes out on Xbox 360.
  20. I just remembered this and looked it up but Halo 2 voice actor for Arbiter is Keith David. Any way keep it up Falco.
  21. The day that the Crimson Map pack came out it was a 14 or 15 day trial.
  22. Master Chief Armor with Fotus Helmet.
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