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    On that part of youtube again...
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    Gaming, Reading, Writing. There is not much more you need to really know about me, unless you ask for a date. Good luck.

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. What was this filmed with? a potato? Though, it would help if I had working sound card on my comp.
  2. Other than your comment not being all that understandable. Yeah, Cortana. I was hoping she'd get a body or something, or her Rampancy fixed. I'd like to have at least 1 freaking happy ending. Good lord.. is that so much to ask?
  3. A lot of maps need to be transported over from those games. A Forger's map would be nice too. Just saying. Avalanche, Rat's Nest, Sand Trap, and Blood Gulch(in some shape or fashion.) Team Sniper's would be good. Original Slayer without Ordinance drops would be nice. The game has a lot of promise, but right now, it's kind of irritating. Because it's good for forge. Well it was fun to use as an area to Forge in Reach.
  4. I'm going to agree here and say that the Boltshot has been more ire since first throwing down in the War Games. I don't mind being assassinated by a camper. It's to be expected, but when I am hit with that pistol. It makes me rage beyond what I thought capable. I've even given it my own little epithet that would be best not shared on the forum. I don't wish to offend, but let's just say. It's not a pretty phrase, but it does help alleviate some of the annoyance felt by my opponents who use that rage weapon. Though all the weapons except for the AR could use a bit of serious tweakage in some regards towards damage, bloom, or range. My opinion is that the charge should blow through a solid clip instead of a small chunk. I mean, if the Plasma pistol would require a cool down, why not the Bolt Pistol?
  5. I actually had no issues what so ever. Maybe it was just you?
  6. The logic behind this is sound, it only sounds good on paper. The XP ceiling only serves to annoy and hinder the enjoyment of getting to that sweet SR-50, and threatening to drive people to either single player games or Call of Duty respectively. Perhaps a more well thought out leveling system should have been built instead of what is currently in place. Considering that less than week into the game I am level 44, and that's not dedicated daily play. Though, I have to admit as soon as I hit 40, the leveling has slowed to a crawl.
  7. Trying to get my Forge Mojo going.

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