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Everything posted by FaTaL

  1. I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure on Any of the Team Slayer game types you can bring a party of 8. You guys will not be on the same team, but you can play in the same game.
  2. FaTaL

    FaTaL's Review

    Yes, the ranking system will be here eventually. But, I did hear it would only be visible on Halo Waypoint. So their is no telling how it will affect us until it comes unfortunately.
  3. Knowing your position is important at all times. Self Awareness is key in Halo 4. Knowing which side of the map you are on is one of the first thoughts triggered subconsciously inside your head. It is then, right after you recognize the side you are on, that you put all of the call outs in place in your head. For example, on Haven I use two call outs for the two beginning spawn points. "Open Side" which is the side you are able to jump off the back with the bilateral bottom ramps and the single middle ramp leading to the top of the map, and "Closed Side" which is the other side you start off at in the beginning of the game with the closed outer skirts so you are unable to jump off the edge. We base everything off Open side, Open side is our center point of the map, we base right side and left side off of where the open side is located. Might sound confusing now but you will understand.
  4. Haven is a good map, but well overplayed. Therefore I think the map IMPACT is the best map overall. It is not implemented into Matchmaking right now for some odd reason, but it is basically like the old WARLOCK from Halo 2! Love it!
  5. If you guys REALLY want to get technical with "where the ideas came from" to form the new style of Halo 4 then it goes back to 'Unreal Tournament' and 'Counter Strike' games. I will never say this enough, games do not copy material from other games. For one it is copyright fraud..343 has taken what they have deemed the "best" of ideas and put them into Halo 4. Yes, you see them in COD, Counter Strike, Medal of Honor, Ghost Recon, etc. But you must ask yourselves why they all chose to use the same style of gaming? Because NO competitive gaming company will settle for anything less than the best. Halo 4 may have the layout most FPS games have, but I assure you that this game is one in its own. Unique, one of a kind journey.
  6. Just like to point out, you did not need much skill to reach level 50 in Halo 3. You only needed a little skill in Halo 2 after they updated ranks and made it super easy to level.
  7. FaTaL

    dmr vs br

    Let me compare the pros and cons.... Accuracy goes to DMR Range goes to DMR Steadiness goes to DMR Power goes to BOTH guns with 4 shot kills..... In conclusion...DMR
  8. FaTaL

    FaTaL's Review

    This is not a rant post, if you want to flame please do not do it here. I know 343 has a lot of updates planned, but as of right now we have no idea what there future intentions are for the game. So, here are my thoughts of what I think needs to be improvised about Halo 4 Matchmaking for the most part. SLAYER Pro/ Infinity Slayer:Matchmaking has ALWAYS been the competitive side of Halo. The system should not allow a game to start without an even number of players on each team. Too many times have I entered into a MM game and we have been outnumbered sometimes 5v3, but for the most part 5v4. This altars many things and causes a lot of issues. Such as: K/D ratio (Many players wish to keep this number in good standing), Win/Loss record (another stat a player would wish to keep in good standing), it takes the fun out of most of the game especially game types like oddball where one team mate has to hold a skull with no weapon to fire, thus making it practically 5v3 or 5v2 if the teams are unmatched like mentioned earlier. Team Doubles / 3v3 playlist: I have never heard of a playlist dedicated to 3v3, but I believe it would be quite a hit if it were made into a real game type. Some of us can not find a 4th player to play with, or maybe some of us are just like my team and would love to stick to a smaller more tactical 3v3 schematic setting. As far as Team Doubles..This game type should have never been removed from the Halo series in the first place. This is a huge game type not only in previous Halo games, but also GameBattles and MLG. Doubles is the one game type where you can use the chemistry with only a yourself and a friend, making it much more diverse, tactical, strategically difficult and would require more communication. Capture the Flag: Why is their no single flag game types? Single flag sets a whole new type of strategy for the two teams playing each other. You have to have a complex defense strategy for defending your flag only, as well as a well planned offensive strike against the opposing team set up to defend the flag. With only multi-flag it is like a slayer match with 2 flags on either side. Given it is fun and all, we all need a break from 2 flag CTF every now and then. Oddball: ....343 let me just start off by saying BRAVO with the ability to throw the ball. I love it, it gives it that extra sense of urgency and maneuverability that both teams need in order to win. The strategic setting of this game type has not doubled if not tripled in my own opinion. Not only that, but it opens up room for fun recreational custom game types like football or basketball. The one hit beat downs also do this game type justice. I like the fact that a defenseless player can 1 hit beat down another player, it makes the ball holder more useful and a skilled ball holder just as deadly as a defending team mate. Assault: Assault was such a fun game type that I can't imagine the reasoning behind taking it out of Halo 4. The fact that you had to get into a base by either sneaking or killing the opposing team, plant the bomb, and run out of the area to win the round..was just down right awesome.Assault is one of those game types that people would grow instantly excited when they realize the game they were playing. This should be implemented back into Halo! A few smaller things that kind of annoy me are: When sprinting, the time it takes for your reticules to show up after you stop the sprint. The fact that when hitting "back" to check the score, your guy can't move. There not being an ability to pair up with another team of 3 to make it 3v3 like back in the older Halo games. How weak the grenades are. The lack of the ranking system. Matchmaking feels more like "Social Slayer" rather than competitive matchmaking, even guests are allowed to play in MM....Not cool. The last thing I can think of at this time is the DMR being way to powerful. It is now a 4 shot kill (just like the BR), it shots WAAYYY further than the BR, it has up close precision and in my opinion it is more accurate due to it only shooting 1 shot per trigger pull rather than 3 shot burst (making it more accurate than the BR)..thus concluding that it is overpowered and if you wanted to bring the BR back in style then you need to downgrade the DMR to equal the playing field. Trust me on this one, You have converted many die hard BR fanatics over to the DMR scene because the BR just doesn't compete with it. I know you guys are trying your best, but hear us out about some of this stuff. Being different and making a drastic change to Halo is a good thing, 343 has done an AMAZING job upgrading the game since Halo 3. But, you can not take everything away and rid too many things just to be different, players had an expectation required for 343 to meet and they haven't quite gotten to that point yet. What do you guys think about this..- FaTaL
  9. FaTaL

    Game Types!

    How about team double or 3v3.
  10. People complain because the standard was set so high in Halo 2 that no one, not even Bungie could out do its own game. 343 may be new to Halo, but they are not new. Microsoft game them a blank check to make this game as good as possible. They did good, but matchmaking is what is making people pissed off. You can join a Slayer MM game with a party size of 8, and you can join and leave in the middle of games. I have played 3 games in a row where we were out numbered from the start 5v3.....This is not social slayer, this is matchmaking where people come to compete and win.
  11. 343 You have GOT to change the way this game works in matchmaking! These uneven teams are really ******** a lot of people off. They make it nearly impossible for you to win against any decent team, it ruins your win/loss record, your kill/death ratio, it makes it unfair and takes the fun out of the game when you are getting romped on because of an extra player. PLEASE CHANGE IT NOW!
  12. That is usually the case, Doctor (hehe). But, a lot of new players are just saying "Quick Scope" for any sniper kill they achieve. But, it is all in the eyes of the beholder! haha!
  13. Aww, dangit. Well, anyone else?
  14. FaTaL

    Oddball Problem

    Glitches are discovered every day by accident. Whos to say that will happen again? I will say though, that oddball is way one sided. It is TOO easy to win and TOO easy to lose due to the big maps and objects/lifts/buildings the oddball carrier can run around. I have played many games where all I did was run away by MYSELF and earn all 300 points to win just because the other team couldn't catch up to me.
  15. Well, you CAN join into games where the team you are joining is winning, I just had it happen. And you CAN quick scope, when you go to zoon in with your right thumbstick (R3) don't click it in, push it down and hold the R3. It will simply stay zoomed in until you let off. Either way quick scoping is the same as it has always been honestly. The only down side to this is the leaving and joining of players. Other than that it seems like 343 played it smart by taking the best of both worlds. Other than the OP DMR >.<
  16. I have been with a team since Halo 2 until we disbanded at the beginning of Halo 3. We have skill, team work and we call out the enemy team's position for support fire. Our fourth man has a lot to do and can not be on the game very much at all. We need a new man to be our fourth in order to compete in Matchmaking, Game battles and Online tournaments. Add me: Fatal TnB. Or post on here. We need asap!
  17. This change is not good for a few simple reasons. You are right about how people do only like the visible ranks to show them off to others and compare superficial statistics. But, with this change it will only make custom games more popular and way less matchmaking played. I still talk to many old school Halo 2 players in which one of our most brought up topics are, "Remember when we got our 'horns' for the first time!?" (Horns = level 16-18) and this was of course back when the levels were much harder to get (10+ wins to go from 15-16 sometimes and just 1 loss to lose it all. Levels are just a number, but players are just players. Levels are a part of competetiveness that players like to see.
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