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Everything posted by Ghora

  1. I'm making an argument? Hm.. Don't know.
  2. I have to say, I'm really diappointed in 343, not because they didn't add in the old custom games, or create any new options. Not because they removed a lot of the customization either. I'm disappointed because people have been complaining about this since it came out and they never patched it. What is that about? Anyways, I'm not trying to get attention here, I'm just saying the obvious. They're not doing **** for their fans, and as a result, they won't have any fans, at least of custom games. Wonder what bungie's up to...
  3. Hey man I can help you out. Also, I made two cops n robbers maps that are a bit different. add: Ghora
  4. 343 will have to update forge and custom games eventually, with all the complaints. I would ask that they include these two options when they do so: -disable reticle/crosshair -anonymize teams (so you cant see whos red and who is blue for example) anyone with me on these two points? I really hope they add this, i really do.
  5. fix lighting glitches + option to disable reticle in custom games
  6. Oh really? Maybe thats why I asked everybody to list what they would like to be fixed.
  7. Yes! I've said this before, but I was expecting halo4 to follow the trend of halos in the sense of getting better and more customizable each time. I am very disappointed.
  8. So here I want you guys to list the things that you would like to see added/fixed. This was my first day with halo 4, and I really like what they did. BUT I was disappointed in lots of the things they removed. Please mention your concerns below, and vote on the poll before leaving. My personal list: - There are some lighting glitches that happen in forge, causing some objects to glow when in darkness - Magnets are very useful but have slight innacuracy - Custom games doesn't appear to allow weapons placed in forge when on flood mode (BIG PROBLEM IMO for custom games) - You can't customize the appearance of the infected, they have to be the flood as far as I know. - Not too important, but I would really like to see an improvement on the customizability options of the HUD and other player options, rather than a simplified version of the reach custom game options. I was hoping for things like 'disable reticle / hud' like the blind skull or whatever, and things like that. I know it's probably too ridiculous to try and ask them to add, since they put a lot of time into the game, and they've already made their buck, so the work is pretty much done, but still, if you guys do actually decide to add anything, please consider some of the things in this thread. Thanks.
  9. Ok guys, it's out now, but I know very little about the custom games menu. Things like this will have to be clesred up before I buy it, I think. So, does anyone know if this 'disable reticle' thing has happened yet? Doesn't matter now, I'm not going to buy it. Thanks anyways.
  10. Yea, meaning the company half-asses one of the best parts about the series, and we aren't supposed to care? Hahah, I hope your mom knows that you are using the internet.
  11. Are you serious? Damn, that's it, I'm not going to buy it. The only thing that gave the halo series lasting appeal was the custom games. But even those needed more. LESS options?! Yea, no thanks.
  12. maybe never? I doubt a poll with 6 answers would be worth their time looking into. They might release a big map like Forge world, make you pay for it in the next map pack, and if you don't but those maps you won't be able to do all matchmaking LIKE ALL THE GAMES BEFORE.... I rly hope these guysv are different, because that's why i grew to hate bungie.
  13. I don't know if they've specified anything about the new options of custom games, but there absolutely needs to be an ability to disable the HUD, UI or specific features of those things such as reticle, health, etc. I wonder if it could be implemented in a patch after the game is released? Anybody agree?
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